Sentences with phrase «mood of the nation»

The nostalgic mood of the nation has helped them to identify values «lost» by the church during its social - action involvement — personal religion, conversion of non-believers, and Christlike charisma.
Coming on the heels of Vietnam and Watergate, the film tapped the overall dark mood of the nation and did well at the box - office.
Later that year, he caught the mood of the nation in a letter to the Daily Telegraph, saying «We are engaged in a spiritual conflict - a holy war - the Fight for Right» (24).
Our mood of the nation study at the turn of this year showed 6 out of 10 feel pessimistic about the economy generally with 87 % expecting the cost of living to rise this year.
The mood of the nation is bleak.
Well, sometimes negative campaigning does capture the mood of the nation with devastating results.
However, this does not take into account the mood of the nation as indicated by the growing agitations for self - determination, restructuring and many other similar demands.»
A number of newspapers, including the Sun, which had led the attack on the Brown, misjudged the mood of the nation and misjudged the effect the attack would have on the prime minister's popularity.
Of course, we hold focus groups to try to find out what the mood of the nation is and understand it.
He said, «It is unfortunate that even if we should ask ourselves what the mood of the nation should be now, we do not know.
If the constituents of Hyndburn in Lancashire are a litmus test for the mood of the nation, then Gordon Brown is in trouble.
The campaign team should be able to determine the mood of the nation and how receptive voters would be to their candidate.
The Weinstein effect: «Slumdog Millionaire,» winner in 2009, was a rags - to - riches tale that reflected the mood of a nation in the thick of a recession.
«The «in» side were little better: the Britain Stronger In Europe misread the mood of the nation, as did the British prime minister David Cameron who disgracefully put his party before the country.
Here, the mood of the nation depends on light.
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