Sentences with phrase «moral authority of»

In 1971, President Richard M. Nixon vetoed a bill that would have underwritten child care for everyone, arguing that the bill «would commit the vast moral authority of the national government to the side of communal approaches to child rearing over against the family - centered approach.»
But the moral authority of white men and their supposed truths about Aboriginal people needs to be contested.
Most recently, on May 20, the Supreme Court Bar Association and the Lahore High Court Bar Association issued a joint statement: «Both bar associations are of the view that in light of the Supreme Court's ruling on the Panama Papers case (that questioned the moral authority of the premier to rule), PM Nawaz Sharif should no longer hold his office and should therefore resign.»
It is not enough to merely say that we should use «good science»; the reason why policymakers have sought the moral authority of science needs to be understood, before we can say what is good science and what is not.
«She had the moral authority of an Old Testament prophet and the easy authority of a mother superior.»
Ironically, the expansion of student legal rights, rather than enhancing youth outcomes, has increased the extent to which schools have relied on authoritarian measures, decreased the moral authority of educators, and diminished the capacity of schools to socialize young people effectively.
The leadership of the Autodefensas goes to his bodyguard — Estanislao Beltran, known as Papa Smurf — who lacks the leadership skills and moral authority of Dr. Mireles.
The President must quickly reverse this if he is to recover his integrity and lay any claim to the moral authority of fighting corruption.
For now, at least until the air is cleared of the great cloud brought over Albany by Preet, the governor has all the moral authority of a suspected pickpocket to dictate ethical conduct to legislators, and they know it.
Our leading psychiatric politicians have successfully managed to use the medium of universal bribery as well as their devious Machiavellian charismatic authorities to subvert the moral authority of elective franchise by skewing it in their favor, exclusively for partisan political advantage.
He suggests that I think the moral authority of a democratically enacted law rests on no basis other than its existence, that «conscientious reflection on enhanced interrogation need consult neither the norms of international law nor codes of professional conduct,» and that I maintain a «narrow focus on the mere existence of a law (or its interpretation) and not its substance.»
Neither racism in the fifties nor womanizing in the nineties was a profound enough sin to undermine completely the moral authority of the president.
A person obeys the moral authority of his peers because he shares their standards, values, and goals, and the dedication to truth that is implied in the operation of science.
Isn't this kind of «openness» to the right kinds of revelation» which is to say, the left - leaning kind» really a sort of intimidation by the perceived moral authority of the progressive left?
Or we might recognize the moral authority of an individual, either because of their relationship to us (e.g. parent) or because of something about their life or wisdom.
As this title intimates, the supposed subject is religious liberty, but the real matter at hand is contraception and (for those who have ears to hear) the rapidly eroding moral authority of U.S. priests and bishops.
But the Church, in ministering to their spiritual and physical needs, must not become complicit in their criminality, undermining the moral authority of our country's immigration laws.
Then the victims should be melting the moral authority of their church into ingots and carrying it away.
They started rummaging through the Confucianism and Buddhism they had tossed out, hoping to reclaim the former moral authority of these traditions for the party.
After WWII, Stalin wanted to destroy the moral authority of the Church in Europe, and ordered the KGB secret police to get on it.
«Such policies undermine the moral authority of law and undermine the safety of the jurisdictions that adopt them,» Sessions said.

Not exact matches

The titans of old Madison Avenue may not have been model citizens, but they were smart enough to realize that their businesses — indeed, the whole idea of marketing — depended on cultivating moral authority.
For leaders in work cultures that thrive, this idea of «doing the right thing» means walking the higher road of integrity and «moral authority
People operating within parameters of truth, honesty, and moral authority will listen to their heart and do the right thing, even when nobody is watching.
«The Women's March stands out as a remarkable example of leadership that eschews «command and control» in favor of «connect and collaborate,» two - way over one - way conversation, and wielding moral over formal authority
The Pope is one of the few leaders who has retained an aura of moral authority in this age of outrage.
The film expertly explained the 18th Amendment's failure as a case of government overreaching its moral authority and practical capacity to control private behaviour.
Thanks to the aforementioned socially - aware millennial workforce, today's CEOs realize the importance of having a voice, especially in an age in which many government leaders have squandered their moral authority and public trust in corporate America is low.
«The wariness of authority reflected the most fundamental of all Einstein's moral principles: Freedom and individualism are necessary for creativity and imagination to flourish.»
If the Gold Truth is that USG, Inc. does not possess and own the gold it has promised the world that it owns and possesses, every last shred of monetary, fiscal, financial, economic and moral authority that USG, Inc. still possesses would be destroyed in a matter of seconds.
Kierkegaard shares with Kant the assumption that being moral inevitably involves a struggle to thwart the impulses of human nature, which by definition must tug the agent in the direction of aesthetic indulgence — and where does ethics derive the authority to make me go against my feelings?
How does he feel entitled to make any claim to be a better Catholic than Santorum (for that is what he's implicitly claiming) on questions that the church rightly leaves to the prudential judgment of voters and public officials, within broad boundaries, when in the next breath he confesses his complete failure to be any kind of Catholic at all on a question on which the church speaks with categorical moral authority?
Even more important, the dynamism and authority that Kant assigned to practical reason gives moral meaning to the increasingly rapid and violent pace of modern cultural change.
All I got out of this is that Chad thinks slavery is just fine under the right scenarios and that there was no need for the state or a moral authority (like, say, god) to point out that alternate labor scenarios, as practiced in many cultures, might be preferable.
Since Ms. Libresco's primary concern was for moral authority, her choice makes a lot of sense.
It permits him to see the breakdown of authority in structural rather than moral terms: as the incoherence of a shared method rather than a failure of charity.
@Saraswati «All I got out of this is that Chad thinks slavery is just fine under the right scenarios and that there was no need for the state or a moral authority»
He refused to believe that the false ideas of the human person and human history embodied in communism could divide Europe indefinitely; and by igniting a revolution of conscience behind the iron curtain, the man the last president of the Soviet Union called «the world's greatest moral authority» became an agent of liberation for his Slavic brethren and the precursor of new possibilities in international affairs.
But the more time marches on, the more Humanae Vitae appears prophetic, for Paul VI voiced four concerns regarding artificial contraception that have largely become realities: a general lowering of moral standards; increased marital infidelity; the reduction of women to instruments for the fulfillment of male desire; and public authorities engaging in coercive population planning programs.
Maybe when Christians stop toting themselves as the moral authority on EVERYTHING and keep their noses out of peoples personal lives AND stop trying to keep taxpaying American citizens from having rights (ie gays)... maybe then they will come into less ridicule.
But the task of preserving even our moral floor is complicated by the determination of many that «we» should have free and full access to the remissive power of Christian forgiveness without any of the interdictory authority of biblical faith — even if this means that this power can only be «pried from God's clutches» by corrupting it, on at least some important occasions, into nihlistic nonjudgmentalism.
Colin Exactly how would you know if your idea of moral value is good or bad without a higher authority?
We should all be glad that most of the country has grown beyond the bible as the source of our moral authority.
Once you equate your morality to the morality of a «God», it's just personal opinions framed as «objective» and your opinion of what is God's «morals» carries equal authority with anyone elses.
Case in point, it is not logical to suggest there is «good» vs «bad» if there is no ultimate moral authority, no higher power that created everything, including free will and the ability to choose whether to heed that drive to do what is «good» vs doing what you want to do at the expense of «good» and of other people.
To cite but a few examples, there is no mention of distinctively Catholic moral teaching, or of bishops and communion with Peter, or of the teaching authority of the Magisterium.
It's just your opinion and your opinion of what is moral carries equal authority with that of Hitler and serial killers.
When the Church speaks with clear magisterial authority on questions undoubtedly within the compass of «faith and morals»» sexual ethics and the meaning of marriage and procreation» the Catholic house divides one way.
I believe that human actors who fail to give pride of place to moral boundaries that must never be crossed, such as the direct killing of the innocent, and who instead are ready to see their obligations in terms of moving beyond them in favor of «good results,» will be harder put «to take seriously the role that divine authority plays in morality»; for they will to that extent lose a sense of the moral limits that remind us of our finitude and anticipate consideration of a law of our being that is not one of our making.
I'm curious why you would cite as authority on what is truly moral a man (Jefferson) who thought nothing of owning and most certainly violating his female slaves.
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