Sentences with phrase «moral ethics»

So the peace and good moral ethics are our only destination.
``... it's Refn at his most unwieldy and funny; like if Dario Argento decided to remake SHOWGIRLS and did so with the questionable moral ethics of Stanley Kubrick's LOLITA.»
So if the int» l community is calling Christian communities into check — it's sad that Christian ethics have to be called into question by what you call the «world» — apparently on some issue they have enlightened moral ethics... as unbelievable as this is.
The game trailers we've seen so far have painted a dark picture of the types of decisions players will be faced with throughout the narrative, as moral ethics seem like they will play a large part in the proceedings.
Perhaps more companies should develop ethics boards (which would include both legal and moral ethics experts).
The five moral ethics of Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga are the absolute foundation of yoga practice for people from all walks of life.
I am tender charismatic loving and genuine, a man of principles and good moral ethics, i have respect for the emotions and feelings of others.i am in my fourth year of law school, i teach martial arts three time per week, i own my business in import and export in electronics, i travel all over the...
We naturally develop friendships with others who affirm our convictions — whether in terms of religion, politics, moral ethics or any other thought arenas where our opinions come passionately forward.
I teach and implement model of work and moral ethics.
Be aware of the moral ethics you are teaching your kids unknowingly; always verbal preaching are not needed as they will pick up habits from you just by following your acts.
If you know me personally you'll know that I'm maybe, kinda one of those crazy health nuts who believes in an super active life (never taking the elevator, always the stairs) and questions the origins and moral ethics of the packet of chips you're munching on.
I am romantic, understanding, and sincere, but i am a man of strong principles and good moral ethics, i have and try to maintain respect for the emotions and feelings of others.
For instance, the story devotes multiple sequences to Jamie and Maggie's complex relationship, but will also weave in the business and moral ethics of the pharmaceutical world, that Jamie is maneuvering through in late 90's.
Processed, prepared, labeled and stored patient specimens and samples according to the moral ethics and determined departmental procedures for subsequent analysis by the clinical laboratory staff and provided technical guidance to phlebotomy students assigned to the work area
To work as a background investigator for a corporate entity and find out whether employees hold good character, conduct, social demeanor, moral ethics, and clean records.
Customer - focused Business Manager with more than 20 years of progressive experience, demonstrating a passion for developing and mentoring tomorrow's leaders, and managing by example: integrity, honesty, moral ethics, and family values.
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