Sentences with phrase «moral high»

PS Let me step down from my moral high ground for a moment to tell you about another conversation I had in the playground yesterday.
I climb up on my freshly acquired moral high ground and call it «ethical gossip».
I know this topic is really about some agents» dissatisfaction with a business model chosen by others, so I digress, but let's stay on the moral high ground.
You have the moral high ground.
This singular recognition profoundly restrains me from taking the moral high ground with my spouse, with you, or with anyone else by pointing fingers.
And the previous government was particularly adept at using this argument to capture the moral high ground.
Well, Motorola could stay atop its moral high horse if Motorola was actually the first one responsible for implementing the feature; actually, Nokia was the first to implement the feature in 2009 with the Nokia N86 smartphone, then brought it back as a Glance Screen feature in 2013.
Yet with strong regulation like dismantling Facebook seeming beyond the resolve of congress, and weak regulation potentially protecting Facebook, perhaps it's losing the moral high ground that will be Facebook's real punishment.
For a company that seems to think it has the moral high ground criticising Google for data mining, when all along they've been deliberately crippling customer's devices without their consent.
If you think you are taking the moral high ground by being evasive about your salary instead of lying, be warned that the only thing this accomplishes is creating a perception that you have something to hide and that you are likely worth a meager salary.
But «justice» is a better word — evocative of the moral high ground and leaden with emotion.
If you can capture the moral high ground in a case, you are far ahead.»
But while that moral high horse is saddled perfectly for the attorney as lawyer, it doesn't always suit the attorney as businessperson.
But each had the same characteristics as the intellectual - property revolt going on right now: an economically powerful social class with the law solidly on its side; increased enforcement accompanied by increased resistance from an identifiable group claiming the moral high ground; and, ultimately, a complete and often dramatic reversal.
Do you really think that people who deliberately site military assets in and near homes, schools and hospitals for the express purpose of maximizing civilian casualties among its own people to attract world sympathy for its cause occupy any sort of «moral high ground»?
And so the Khadr critics fall back to the moral high ground: «Khadr is a terrorist, this is why he was detained and questioned in Guantanamo.
Morally, we say «no censorship», but logically we have to wonder if standing the moral high - ground and not allowing a censored version of the book in the collection is a victory for free speech, but a defeat for the student that is banned from reading the book altogether?
Protesters have the moral high ground in their goal of preserving the mountain and blocking the pipeline; government in this case has the power to coerce, bribe, and punish.
So, after all Steig's apparent moral high ground talk about rising above the snark and engaging with sceptics he considered to be polite, we get this.
The Emergency Room As Sean Griffiths pointed out it's almost too easy in this architectural context for Cameron Sinclair to take the moral high road as his work deals with grass roots building and benefits individuals in a very direct way.
Rather than the moral high ground they are trying to occupy, their motives are suspect, and border on unethical.
But by all means, let's now clutch our pearls, mount our moral high horses and gallop around like chooks with out heads cut off, over some mild rebukes such as «silliness», and «questionable».
And then climb on your moral high horse.
Lacking any serious, scientific reason to think they're wrong, it's downright silly to assume they are and then claim the moral high ground, declaring you're acting in the interest of future generations.
The vague phrase, «lack of full scientific certainty» easily pushes science aside; then you steal the moral high ground by claiming to protect the environment.
The combination gave proponents of the hypothesis that human CO2 was causing global warming and climate change the moral high ground.
Like Lynas, they too seem to feel that the moral high - ground belongs to them.
9:30 James Taylor (again, not the James Taylor), claims he holds the moral high ground because he believes in freedom of thought, unlike mainstream climate change advocates.
People who take the moral high ground because they care about the planet and the grandchildren and you don't.
Could it perhaps be that having become embroiled in «the largest science scandal in US history» and now being under investigation for «double - dipping» and the potential misuse of $ 63 million worth of taxpayer funded grants, Shukla feels somewhat less confident of holding the moral high ground?
Claiming the «global warming» moral high ground, wind power proponents continue to blindly chant the mantra that wind power reduces CO2 emissions — although they rarely, if ever, talk about the actual cost of the claimed reductions.
They are still afraid of accusations that they don't care about the planet, the children, the future or any of the other emotional threats used to steal the moral high ground.
If the large energy companies want to regain the moral high ground, they should adopt these two statements as their policies on climate and energy.
That's the moral high ground?
Basing Agenda 21 on climate and the environment gave them the moral high ground, which they used to control and centralize power.
What people like me didn't like was people like you taking the moral high ground, on slender evidence at best, and insisting that everyone should change their lifestyles — because you are right.
While always pitching from the «holier than thou» journalistic moral high ground, Media Watch ain't afraid to pull its punches, when it's out to ensure that the wind industry's narrative is never threatened.
And then he reacts as if any of those insults are not personal attack, his rational amounting to he can make such statements because who knows all and believes, or pretends, that he has the moral high - ground.
so we have the moral high ground here (20 scientist).
This is part of the claim to the moral high ground by environmental groups and extremists.
Sometimes the moral high ground should trump the wrath of shareholders.
Expropriating the moral high ground of environmentalism.
Thanks for giving us an opportunity to be proactive and Thank You for taking the moral high ground on behalf of Science and Reason in the debate, which has been reduced to a sophomoric diatribe.
This in my mind will knock Big Wind off it's undeserved moral high ground, changing the publics opinion of IWT's, and convincing politicians, who would still cling to IWT's as a solution, to think otherwise.
Having taken part, and being able to reveal the dishonest promises made in the BBC's e-mails, enables him to assume the moral high ground.
This ignorance of the realities of government and management enabled us to occupy the moral high ground.
«We felt that if you concede the science is settled and that there's a consensus... the moral high ground has been ceded to the alarmists.»
Monbiot's claim on the moral high ground is precarious enough, and to remain there he has to turn logistical somersaults to claim to represent the public interest whilst denying the fact that the public know their own interest.
MikeB, The repeated personal moral failings of those who claim the moral high ground on environmentalist grounds... they make the hypocritical greens look silly.
Perhaps Senator Inhofe is playing the same role Senator McCarthy played with Communism: give the opposition the moral high ground relative to yourself.
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