Sentences with phrase «moral leadership»

In good will we might patiently wait for signs of moral leadership, but the facts of history do not offer us this choice.
But she said it was important to show moral leadership on the issue.
On the whole the traditional teaching appears irrelevant to most of the wider society which then looks elsewhere for moral leadership in this important area.
A democratic society needs moral leadership that speaks to the needs of all citizens.
While such moral leadership is crucial, especially in acute situations marked by violence, deeper theological and ethical reflection on these issues is just as crucial for the long term.
Military power is far less potent, when moral leadership is gone.
The Short Version: With strong moral leadership, the Online Dating Association (ODA) supports transparency, fairness, and honesty in dating websites in the UK and around the world.
However, the U.S. must provide moral leadership on this issue.
A little while ago I recommended a 5 % temporary cut in MPs» pay as a sign of moral leadership from Parliament during a time when the public sector would need to be slimmed down.
People around the world are looking to the United States for moral leadership, but apparently see our country as a woefully inadequate exemplar today.
Will his words reflect moral leadership or will he default to Harperesque attacks on Ms Notley and the NDP?
Well written.The madness of profitization gripping America today requires moral leadership.
Federal civil rights officials have absurdly claimed that they are the true heirs of Martin Luther King's moral legacy, by virtue of their having remained loyal to his «color blind» ideal — as if King's moral leadership consisted of this and nothing else.
There is a great existential challenge facing black America today — the challenge of taking control of our own future by exerting the requisite moral leadership, making the sacrifices of time and resources, and building the needed institutions so that black social and economic development may be advanced.
Americans are also divided over whether churches and clergy have provided enough moral leadership on the country's economic problems.
«One group was concerned about showing love, and one group was concerned about showing the community moral leadership about the evils of homosexuality,» reports Indiana University doctoral candidate Ronald Rife, who co-pastors a church in a nearby town.
We may be grateful to the administration of George W. Bush for having carried this loss of moral leadership still further.
If they can not exercise a commensurate moral leadership in addressing this question, then it is time for the leaders to be led.
Andrea Zaki, president of the Fellowship of Middle East Evangelical Churches, warned of the danger to American moral leadership.
The «primary moral leadership in many societies,» Parsons writes, «has been grounded in religious bodies, especially their professional elements such as priesthoods.»
God will be more visible and present in our lives when religious leaders show more moral leadership and try to deal with the problems of the world.
The magazine cited her leadership role in the Greek debt crisis while praising her «steadfast moral leadership» in Europe's migration crisis.
«Stuck in political cowardice that assumes British voters» unease about immigration means they will not forgive anyone who calls for sanctuary — even though our nation has given shelter to the persecuted for centuries, and sometimes moral leadership is needed.»
Referring to their decision not to play a part in Holocaust Memorial Day, Malik wrote: «Its flawed moral leadership places the MCB alongside the likes of the BNP leader, Nick Griffin, as nonattendees.»
The group also pledged «loyalty and support» for the Buhari - led administration's efforts «to checkmate corruption, fix our economy and also enthrone moral leadership at all levels of government to promote integrity in our polity and public institutions».
He praised Cuomo and New York for showing «exceptional moral leadership» against BDS and bolstering the «strong American front against this hateful campaign.»
, writing that «in the face of urgent threats like climate change, there are times where companies like Google must display moral leadership and carefully evaluate their political bedfellows.»
«We believe that ExxonMobil should assert moral leadership with respect to climate change,» a supporting statement to the resolution states.
Continuing this theme, in April 2010, Dr Hansen called on President Obama to seize moral leadership on the climate issue with a «carbon fee and green check.»
This was a promiseby Kiribati and nine other countries to show moral leadership andstart greening their economies by voluntarily committing to carbonneutrality.
Canada's AI research community is calling on Prime Minister Trudeau to re-assert Canadian moral leadership on the world stage by working with other states to conclude a new international agreement that bans lethal autonomous weapons.
The Short Version: With strong moral leadership, the Online Dating Association (ODA) supports transparency, fairness, and... (read more)
Character Education: State Board of Education Policy 2109 (2005) requires character education to be incorporated into the curriculum for all grades modeled by moral leadership from school administrators, teachers, and students.
He saw the importance of the west in relation to the entire nation and so in relation to America's destiny of moral leadership for the world.
These Christians have looked to Western governments, especially America, for moral leadership and advocacy.
On June 7, 2001, Nelson Mandela became an honourary Canadian citizen in recognition of his «great moral leadership to South Africa and to all humanity.»
In order to repower our economy, restore American economic and moral leadership in the world and regain control of our destiny, we must take bold action now.
In their final declaration, to be presented at the United Nations climate change conference in Copenhagen, COP15, which opens December 7, the vulnerable nations state that they are ready «to show moral leadership on climate change through actions as well as words, by acting now to commence greening our economies as our contribution towards achieving carbon neutrality...»
By doing so, our government can reclaim its position of moral leadership on the world stage as demonstrated previously by the Ottawa Treaty — the international ban on landmines initiated in 1996 by our then Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lloyd Axworthy, who was originally appointed to the federal Cabinet by your father.
And brands as the voices of moral leadership are about as improbable as it gets.
Given the horrific nature of the South African apartheid state, it may be surprising to students of history that his moral leadership was able to prevail.
As I mourn the loss of my friend, laid to rest in his hometown of Sogliano al Rubicone, Italy, I am thankful for his witness and example, and also have to pause and reflect on the moral leadership of the Holy See around the world, which Archbishop Sambi so deeply appreciated and valued.
Billy Graham admired the moral leadership and evangelistic passion he saw in Catholics like John Paul II.
But one may hope that we have not entirely forgotten the possibilities of political and moral leadership that he exemplified.
It was as though, with the end in sight, Nazi leaders had decided to eradicate the moral leadership of postwar Germany.
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