Sentences with phrase «moral outrage from»

It was filled with moral outrage from readers.
Video games have often attracted moral outrage from religious groups.
As expected, the resulting moral outrage from viewers only feeds its popularity.
My style was to provoke the needed consciousness and invite the involvement of our people so that you had moral outrage from the general populace.

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I am outraged that Heather Cook, the former Episcopal priest, has the audacity to request to be released from prison after serving only two and a half years, not even four years after killing bicyclist Tom Palermo in a horrendous turn of events in which she showed herself to have no moral compass,...
The novel has a lesson, a moral, to teach, not unlike the lesson of Uncle Tom's Cabin, and one doubts whether it would have been written apart from social outrage; it can be taken as propaganda.
Rejecting the moral nihilism that gave rise to the «barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind,» the Declaration affirms that we have obligations to one another arising from our participation in a common humanity and common moral order.
Classism, sexism, racism, technocentrism, and militarism are not only moral outrages, they are stultifying and irrational alienations from the creative praxis of reason.
We've really not come far from those days, sadly, in our locker room talk or our propensity to compartmentalize our moral outrage along partisan lines.
Fishburn acknowledges that the committee should have anticipated the outrage the report prompted not only in the church but also in the communications industry, which has assumed the role of guarding national mores, even as it profits from publicizing moral infractions.
In society, child molesting is not only a crime but a moral outrage but in the catholic church is is a dirty little secret that is covered up and the priests and pope conspire to conceal it from the masses.
Richard's talk of withdrawing «moral assent» from the American «regime» and, especially, his invocation of the Nazis sparked widespread outrage, not least among some of his board members, several of whom resigned.
Most of the signatories expressed moral outrage that the ideologues of the anti-GMO movement, including behemoths like Greenpeace, demonize golden rice despite its potential to prevent millions of premature deaths from vitamin A deficiency in the developing world.
In July this year, Nick Clegg denounced the Labour government for perpetrating a «moral outrage» by holding over 1,000 children in detention while awaiting removal from the UK in 2009.
Throughout their quest to develop IVF they faced opposition from religious leaders who expressed moral outrage, from politicians keen to reduce the world's population, and from scientists who warned that the technique would be unsafe.
Deadpool 2 is the sort of movie where the heroes kill a guy — after spending the last act of the film saving that guy so one of the characters will learn a moral lesson — all in the hopes of scoring a quick laugh derived from the joys of knocking off religious zealots, while also using time travel during the mid-credits scene to erase a death that took place earlier in the film so as to avoid outraged howls from Internet folks about the wickedness of «fridging» tertiary female characters.
Unlike the slick suits and killer sheen of Oliver Stone's Wall Street, this is a world of chaos and disorder filled with misfits who understand numbers more than people; from Christian Bale's Michael Burry, a socially awkward heavy - metal enthusiast who dreams up the credit default swaps that enable him to «short» the housing market, to Steve Carell's bereaved and fractured Mark Baum (a character inspired by the real - life Steve Eisman) who balances moral outrage and repressed self - loathing as he swims with sharks in the cesspool of the financial market.
In one of the film's earliest scenes, Pryce breaks down at a congressional hearing as he speaks of the damage done to his hometown, and voices the outrage and moral certitude of a lone voice demanding justice from the giant corporation responsible.
While many school districts and libraries have a policy honoring parents» wishes that their own children be given alternate assignments for class readings that conflict with their morals or religious beliefs, in far too many instances schools cave in to parental outrage and simply remove a book from class reading lists; when the angry mob gets loud enough or politicians up for re-election on the «family values» ticket need to make some noise, they've even resorted to pulling the access to the book, removing it from school and public libraries and classroom borrow shelves.
From the state - sanctioned zeal of religious reformers and the symbolic statue - breaking that often accompanies political change to attacks on art by individuals stimulated by moral or aesthetic outrage, this study aims to present the rationale of iconoclasm and how it has become a productive and transformational practice for some contemporary artists.
By examining the ways in which dominant media focuses on eliciting emotional reactions from privileged, Western readers — including the emotion of moral outrage — on behalf of victims of poverty, famine, or violence in far - flung parts of the world, Ahmed points out the ways in which emotions can reproduce dominant power relations.
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