Sentences with phrase «moral principles which»

Economic justice, included in social justice, can be defined as the moral principles which design economic institutions.
The distance between the moral principles which the Church proclaims and — leaving aside for the moment the question of the Church's pastoral office — which alone can be propounded doctrinally, and the concrete prescriptions by which the individual and the various human communities freely shape their existence, has now increased to an extent that introduces what is practically a difference of nature as compared with earlier times.
2) While no one can dispute that religions promote many moral principles which might make the world a better place if they were followed, the real question is... do they follow them?
John Paul goes on to say, «Nevertheless, the fundamental moral principle which we find in Ephesians remains the same and produces the same results.

Not exact matches

This general revelation, which makes itself manifest in certain universal moral principles, is one that is most immediately accessible to human reason.
The problem with interpreting «biblical principles» as moral absolutes without taking the mitigating circumstances into consideration is that there is no room for compassion or mercy, which leads to the commission of sins against the law of love, which transcends and surpassingly fulfills all other laws.
According to this understanding, the role of religion in political debate is not so much to supply these norms, as if they could not be known by non-believers — still less to propose concrete political solutions, which would lie altogether outside the competence of religion — but rather to help purify and shed light upon the application of reason to the discovery of objective moral principles.
But there are true moral principles to which we should not dull our sensitivity.
For life within the Catholic Church, the stumbling - block as regards change in the Church's doctrine is not so much the question of defined dogmas as other doctrines of the Church in dogmatic and moral theology which are taught authoritatively but which in principle can not count as defined doctrines of faith or as irreformable dogma.
It is because a particular moral action of an individual is not simply and solely identical with the observation of general principles, but as well as this involves something additional and proper to the particular instance, for which the individual as such must take moral responsibility.
The Church was always only able to proclaim universal moral principles, where the Christian acted as bound by the teaching of the Church, he always had to keep his action within the framework of the principles of natural law and of the Gospel which were taught by the Church.
No one can deny that the difference between the moral principles of the economic order and the concrete model of an economy which ought to exist today, is becoming greater and greater.
What the Girl Scouts decided was that if the girl in question believed in something that allowed for the same traditional Scouting function of religious education — religious and spiritual self - cultivation based on the principle of a moral order of which the Scout can be a part — she could substitute her preferred name for that instead of using the word «God.»
In the case of the individual living bona fide in invincible error, moral theologians have worked out useful principles which make life easier regarding the practice of the confessional, admission to the sacraments and so forth.
Only someone who overlooks the fact that this answer itself has a real history which is a history of the reality reflected on as well as of the reflection itself, can think that the Church with its principles, because they too can be given concrete form, is always able to follow directly on the heels of what is new in the changing course of history and that only by its own fault and failure could the Church lag behind events in its theological reflection on morals.
For that reason the Church teaches moral maxims with specific content to be observed by the faithful in every case where the inner structure of reality to which these principles apply is actually present and where this presence is recognized by the Christian.
Accordingly, the remainder of this essay will proceed as follows: I will first seek to show that the meta - ethical character of every claim to moral validity includes a principle of social action by which a universal community of rights is constituted, so that no moral theory can be valid if it is inconsistent with these rights.
As such, the principle is distinguished from all substantive prescriptions, adherence to any one of which is not explicitly neutral to all moral disagreement.
The parable is not a quarry from which moral principles can be mined and the remainder left for the slag heap.
Because we can not directly observe the behavior of biblical people or interview them about their moral values and principles, it is all the more important to study the biblical forms of moral discourse — the many ways in which these values and judgments are expressed.
On the other hand, being an atheist, she naturally espouses amoral behavior; a lack of moral principles — only those that are self - imposed and self - executed, and which are subject to change at a whim.
Bargaining and barter were and are known in all the cultures that have developed moral and religious traditions, most of which have well - known maxims and principles that deal with the vast spectrum of social and moral issues, from fair weight to marriage contracts, bred in the marketplace.
Rather than accept the burden of complicated moral decisions, to which they must apply critical thinking and rational inquiry, they turn off their mental faculty and accept as true and infallible a set of principles that we developed in the very infancy of our civilization.
This limitation severely constricts the freedom of Christian churches» which have a distinguished record of establishing universities and hospitals for all men and women» in the exercise of their own moral principles.
Among the most elementary principles of Western Civilization is the truth that laws which violate the moral law are null and void and must in conscience be disobeyed.
Alvin Plantinga, prof. of theology @ Notre Dame: he defends the notion of reformed epistemology, which states that if moral arguments for Christianity are true, then principles of the Christian faith are likely to be true as well.
With the value - laden concept of organism as our starting point, there is a hope of having a single set of principles which encompass all forms of experience, physiology and psychology, including morals, politics and aesthetics.
He says that a particular moral theory called «principlism,» which emerged in the mid-1970s — embracing the principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence and justice — came to characterize the field «according to the profession's own self - declaration.»
Hartshorne, like Jonathan Bennett, is willing to hold that just as good moral principles can check bad desires, so also sympathy can check bad principles.8 Sympathy is not brute and non-moral (or immoral), as Kant thought, but an important component of the moral life which should be in reflective equilibrium with our moral principles.
There are no creeds just principles which give the framework for an ethical moral life.
But «a moral discussion is inconclusive and even trivial, if it leaves out the question of its application,» as Gregory Vlastos has said.13 In order to be as specific as possible about this approach to Christian social philosophy I shall outline in arbitrary fashion five general principles which I suggest can be supported by the evidence of human experience as being necessary guides to the conditions under which the Good Society can grow.
A Church in which this approach to ethics is understood will be more fully able to reconcile within its own body those who emphasize one or the other principle, and those who disagree profoundly in their judgment on particular moral issues.
Yet it will be an ethic which holds in creative balance the authority of enduring moral principles with the freedom of the Christian spirit.
The Reformers saw that the basis of moral responsibility and decision of the Christian does not lie in the elaboration of principles but in the concrete response of free men to the call of God, which is a call to action and service.
In principle, physical education provides the best opportunity for the harmonious development of the entire person, through contests of skill in which intelligence, esthetic imagination, social sensitivity, and moral purpose are channeled through significant physical activity.
It's refreshing, indeed, to see a man of Menninger's reputation conclude that mental health and moral health are inseparable — thus embracing principles which will bring recovery.
But as men became more and more aware of moral principles and as their thinking was «rationalized», the way in which the sacred was understood, the way in which men came to interpret the more - than - human, was in terms of love and of «persuasion» (as Whitehead put it), although it never lost the awesome quality which evoked from them worship and adoration.
The church possesses, or better is possessed by, the principle of life «in Christ» — a life of discipleship that is not simply obedience to a set of moral truths supposedly taught by Jesus but a life in which «Christ dwells in our hearts by faith» and enables his people to act, insofar as they are able, in conformity with his pattern of human existence.
Which is why we must find a way to engage in public discourse that will reflect the «religious or spiritual principles that underlie our legal system and moral codes.»
Muslims assert that Islam is a religion with the best standards and ideals, giving to its believers high moral principles and guiding them to a deep spiritual life which brings peace and comfort in this world and the next.
By contrast, a child's right to protection from a parent's brutality is a matter of both moral principle and law which the courts will enforce.
Hence we require a structure of moral and legal principles with the agencies of courts, legislatures, and political processes which establish laws in the light of the judgment of the people about their needs.
(Rabbi) Mayer Schiller Monsey, NY... Our moral order and political system which the judiciary is busily undermining are the fruit of «the laws of nature and of nature's God,» the principles of the Declaration of Independence.
All of which is really to say that evil magic is domination of the natural world through science and technology loosed from any sense of moral principle — the culture of death.
Hence, in his striking phrase, «the Church gave unto God the attributes which belonged exclusively to Caesar», seeing him «in the image of an imperial ruler», «in the image of a personification of moral energy», or «in the image of an ultimate philosophical principle».
«In the great formative period of theistic philosophy, which ended with the rise of Mahometanism, after a continuance coeval with civilization, three strains of thought emerge which, amid many variations in detail, respectively fashion God in the image of an imperial ruler, God in the image of a personification of moral energy, God in the image of an ultimate philosophical principle
Instead, somewhat like Pope John Paul, Lincoln demanded that the principles of equality and liberty, the moral truths of human dignity which form the Constitution's foundations, become the «civil religion» of every citizen.
(2) Freedom of choice should be allowed in those matters on which a plurality of views are held — views based on well - articulated principles rooted in cultural tradition or widely recognized moral, philosophical and religious beliefs.
1 The guru of the World Economic Forum, George Soros, has said the same, arguing that a purely transactional approach to economic activity governed by the principle of self - interest, which he labels «market fundamentalism», is in danger of undermining social values and loosening moral constraints.2
Only certain kinds of human activities, relationships, and patterns of organization are possible, and the moral order is an expression of these various structures together with principles upon which certain preferences may be established among them.
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