Sentences with phrase «moral understanding»

This will review the issue in the light of the progress in moral understanding and sensitivity that has occurred over the years.
The differences in their realms of moral understanding go so deep as to make communication difficult.
Extensive evidence further shows that such individuals have little moral understanding or regard for morality broadly defined.
The Patriarch would argue that, added to an insistence on human rights, is a devaluation of the traditional moral understanding of the person.
As will presently be shown, the history of the Court can be interpreted as a halting, hesitant, but «inevitable» effort to perform for American society the religious task of providing a common moral understanding.
Nevertheless, to shrink from recognizing our intermediate status vis - à - vis nature and something that transcends nature is to preclude any intellectually coherent notion of environmental stewardship, as well as any critical moral understanding regarding what human beings actually do both within and to the natural order.
Wight sets out to recover Smith's complex moral understanding of the modern economy.
We will hear, no doubt, many different accounts of Amendment 2 in Colorado, but I would offer this construction: The Amendment merely sought to preserve for people, in their private settings, the freedom to honor their own moral understandings on the matter of homosexuality.
It is one of the oldest of sociological generalizations that any coherent and viable society rests on a common set of moral understandings about good and bad, right and wrong, in the realm of individual and social action.
In the 18th century, as I will attempt to show, there was a common set of religious and moral understandings rooted in a conception of divine order under a Christian, or at least a deist, God.
As they are portrayed in the synoptic Gospels, the Pharisees were a people whose moral understanding required a rigid code of specific, legalistic commands and prohibitions.
What kicked in for the lawyers for Texas was the irreducible moral understanding: If we seek to close down the freedom of people on any point, or close down their private choice, we should be required to show that we have, as the ground of our policy, a principle of justice that would hold its validity for everyone who comes under the law.
In exploring this question, I shall be forced to examine what is meant by moral understanding and elucidate its non-propositional features.
The affluence of the industrialized world, in which Bono is part of the wealthiest class, is a scandal to theological and moral understandings of global justice.
Someone in search of political and moral understanding would, in my opinion, be far better off giving close attention to the most recent of Norman Podhoretz's series of superb analyses of the post ¯ September 11 situation.
And when we do that, we find ourselves tracing these clauses back to the structure of moral understanding that must lie behind the text of the Constitution.»
The distinction between loving actions and unloving actions is just as important (and sometimes just as ambiguous) as the distinction between the capacity or lack of capacity for rational thought and moral understanding.
It is the natural law for man to have his religious faith and his moral understanding and practice.
But I do not conclude as some others do that the entire tradition of religious - moral understanding of America should therefore be abandoned.
It is almost as widely held that these common moral understandings must also in turn rest upon a common set of religious understandings that provide a picture of the universe in terms of which the moral understandings make sense.
This field examines change across a broad range of topics including motor skills and other psycho - physiological processes, problem solving abilities, conceptual understanding, acquisition of language, moral understanding, and identity formation.
Contributors Nicholas Serota (Director of the Tate), Rudi Fuchs (former Director of The Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam), American critics Richard Schiff and David Raskin, and British artist and critic David Batchelor explore the conflicts between previous critical interpretations of Judd and his own philosophical, political, and moral understanding of his work.
I can gain an understanding of the childs personality, cultural and moral understanding, likes / dislikes, behaviours and their learning abilities.
This field examines change across a broad range of topics including: Perceptual motor skills, problem solving abilities, acquisition of language, moral understanding, and identity formation.
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