Sentences with phrase «morals clause»

A "morals clause" is a rule or condition in a contract that requires a person to behave in a morally acceptable way. It sets standards for their behavior and usually gives the other party the right to cancel the contract if they violate these standards. Full definition
I always wonder what happened that made them suddenly want morals clauses.
Legally, of course, guys like Ghomeshi and Rice often have a «morals clause» written into their contracts — clauses that permit their employers to terminate them if they cause substantial embarrassment to the organization.
«It's almost like an athlete, where the athlete has a rider in his contract — a morals clause,» says Leblanc.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results, August is packed with false positives, and there's no morals clause for the postseason.
I also can't help but wonder if they'd ever actually enforce a morals clause against a writer making big money for them.
The trial judge found, among other things, that the private transmission of nude photographs within a relationship did not offend the morals clause.
The moral clause seeks to reduce losses through the encouragement of presence, condition, interest and desirability of a property.
You have to look at what the morals clause in your divorce decree specifically says.
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