Sentences with phrase «morals than the god»

Then again, he's not advocating that atheists be tortured with fire for as long as possible, so you got ta give him credit for being more moral than his god.
As an intelligent secular humanist, I am more moral than your god, more moral than your «Jesus» and more moral than YOU.
What I express is a rejection of a belief that I am more moral than God.

Not exact matches

Even if you don't believe in a religion or God more than likely the morals you identify do come from a religion at some point that then became the norm for society.
all your humanistic theories don't amount to anything more than my God based theories, so stop trying to take the higher moral or intellectual ground.
It can seem to a person that he or she is really quite a bit better than other sinners and has a special moral alliance with God.
I notice that some say that we can, without religion live a moral life, grant that is a part of a religious life, but I wish to explain: there is more than living a moral life to be saved, it is putting faith in God: it is: «If you love me, keep my commandments.»
our sharpest minds would be schooled HARD by a supreme creator... not the other way around... an average joe off the street could write a better, more moral book than the Bible and utterly destroy the god of any of the holy books in a general knowledge debate with ease.
at the end of the day i'd rather have an agnostic or atheist as president than someone who believes in some fairy tale, or thinks that god tells people what to do, or that religion is necessary for morals.
It is not clear that the resulting societies are happier than those that affirm a «God» behind a moral order that opposes such values.
«The current BSA proposal constructively addresses a number of important issues that have been part of the ongoing dialogue including consistent standards for all BSA partners, recognition that Scouting exists to serve and benefit youth rather than Scout leaders, a single standard of moral purity for youth in the program, and a renewed emphasis for Scouts to honor their duty to God,» this week's Mormon statement continued.
It is therefore quite significant that a recent article by Bultmann seems to be by implication a defence of Ksemarm's position against an initial criticism by the Barthian Hermann Diem: Diem had maintained that when all is said and done Käsemann has presented Jesus as only proclaiming «general religious and moral truths» about «the freedom of the children of God», rather than a message in continuity with the Church's kerygma.
You by your own admission set it aside and go with what YOU THINK your god wants which you can no more demonstrate is the correct path than any other believer who does the same but does not agree with your moral conclusions.
If we are created in the image of God, as Christianity teaches, then it is not possible for us to be more moral than our creator.
I think a big thing about being spiritual is believing in something higher than yourself without being tied to some arbitrarily specific moral code created by people (not God (s)-RRB- in the context of their times that often has horrifyingly backwards and incredibly immoral rules.
(b) These abilities are guided by interests in God's peculiar ways of being present, interests in them for their own sake rather than for their moral, therapeutic, or redemptive consequences.
Social diseases were also violent and fearful and were thought to be nothing less than punishment from God for violating the moral code.
I am more moral than your vile god.
Unlike the rainbow, the sign of God's earlier covenant with Noah and all life after the Flood — which addressed only the preservation of life rather than its moral character and which accordingly demanded nothing from man in return — circumcision is an unnatural sign, both artificial and conventional.
To the extent that they are careless about their instruction in the faith, or present its teaching falsely, or even fail in their religious, moral, or social life, they must be said to conceal rather than to reveal the true nature of God and of religion.»
He'd rather believe in God while living on earth, being a good and moral person then die and found out there was no God, than to not believe there is a God, do whatever he pleased, to die and find out there is a God.
I have family who would rather right off family members due to a political stand regarding moral social issues than to think for just a moment that the Christian God I believe in is similar to the Jesus depicted in the New Testament.
One of the biggest issues is that the God of the Bible lives by a different moral code than the one he tells his followers to.
I'm against allowing any sort of moral law decided by some, even if it is a majority in a democracy, to be forced on the rest with no other support than «thats what God wants».
So, you're saying that it's somehow more important to continue following outdated moral dictates than worry whether your God may not actually be up there giving justification for following those outdated moral dictates?
Some how it's felt that values, morals, virtues are not there in a secular world only faceless solid lifeless laws of men rather than what has been relayed by Holy books that calls for good deeds and reject bad deeds and to build a faithful societies, communities, nations since communications among nations or even among the nations of mixed cultures and beliefs... Laws or God and universe are to be prepared by some thing that is equivalent to UN but built on nations beliefs to achieve the code of understanding among nations but as can see now it is build on groundless bases if not of words of God to faiths... in addition to those non spiritual secular beliefs to make decisions of faith but at the moment the secular world make and take the decisions while the beliefs and faiths has to pay for it when it becomes a war between all faiths or religions outside your world, it would become back into your inside among the mixed culture and beliefs of the nation or nations under one country flag...!
and the history of your corrupt and evil church shows that those who believe in god are no more moral than anyone else for having» god» on their side.
The Death of God is good news, because it means the end of a coercive moral regime based on authority rather than autonomy.
For this reason, among others, the faith is presented as adherence to a set of formulations of doctrine rather than a following of the moral teaching of Jesus that God is love and calls us to love one another.
Less than half of the world's population believe in your god: you're saying that over half of all mankind can't possibly be moral because they aren't followers of Judeo / Christian / Muslim mythology?
That is, when men had learned to understand God as a person and his will as a body of moral teaching, they continued to recognize his supreme importance for human life, but his actual present effectiveness became a matter of belief rather than of immediate apprehension.
It was no better than the piety of bourgeois idealism with its naive preachments about moral optimism, its identification of the ideal society with the Kingdom of God, and its simple confidence in the possibility of implementing in public life the absolutes of the Christian faith.
To the extent that they neglect their own training in the faith, or teach erroneous doctrine, or deficient in their religious, moral or social life, the must be said to conceal rather than reveal the authentic face of God and religion.»
A sight of the awesome greatness of God may overpower our strength and be more than we can endure; but if the moral beauty of God be hid, the enmity of the heart will remain in its full strength, no love can be enkindled, [our will] will not be effectual... but will remain inflexible; whereas the first glimpse of the moral and spiritual glory of God shining into the heart produces all these affects, as it were with omnipotent power, which nothing can withstand.
The gospel for the saint, in many pulpits, has tragically become moral advice rather than God's good news.
He began to sense that his moral dirtiness and lack of attractiveness to God went deeper than his behaviour.
Acceptance by Jews of our chosen status — when we do accept it — is much more an acceptance of God's electing claim on us than a demand that the world recognize our this - worldly superiority, whether moral, political, or even religious.
While he maintains that every life and life - form contribute in some way to the Divine life, he also claims that our individual capacity for rational thought and moral sensitivity allows humans to contribute more to God than any other creatures.
This leap of faith is much smaller than the leap of faith required to believe that some unobserved god laid known immutable moral rules for humans it designed.
If this be the case, then an understanding of the kingdom in three senses — the eternal, righteous rule of the sovereign God; the call to moral obedience in love; and an apocalyptic final consummation — seems less inconsistent in the thought of Jesus than they have often been assumed to be.
People do not need the God of Abraham to live a moral life, no more than the millions of religious zealots who use their interpretation of religious dogma to dominate, subjugate and kill other human beings.
There is no way to the deeper levels of moral insight more important than the lifting of the mind and conscience to the spirit of God.
I generally put this down to very religious people (who have been raised with the concept that God is personally invested in them and is a central force in their life) experiencing the thought of a person without a religious belief system as being close to someone soul-less: without morals and without any fear of punishment (hell), so obviously less trustworthy than religious people who have a spiritual Big Brother and religious community watching their every move.
Furthermore, unless you put yourself in the way of being encountered by the living God, rather than just thinking about God, or talking about God, or stating God's position with respect to various moral issues, your work will be in vain.
The moral law of Israel, as obedience to the will of the God who required of men justice, mercy, and faith, Jesus never set aside, though by his acts and his words he put deeper and wider content into these terms than any before him had done.
None of this contradicts the fact that you have better morals than your supposed God, either, and I can show that Yahweh does not have the attributes any putative God would need to have in order to BE God, rendering your work, while helpful, moot.
If God leaves it largely up to the individual to be moral or not, there is, nevertheless, some, lingering belief that God may in fact ordain some people to be poorer than others.
Might it be that those who picture God as living are less likely to try to impose moral choices by law and to leave moral judgment to heaven rather than the courts?
Outwardly, an atheist's conduct may be more «moral» than a person who claims to believe but is a hypocrite, but keeping the rules doesn't make one necessarily close to God.
(Isaiah 45:7) Nowhere was Jewish monotheism more uncompromising than here; it refused to explain life's moral and practical evil by limiting the sole sovereignty and responsibility of God.
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