Sentences with phrase «more caesarians»

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And so it's comfortable especially for you know when you are breastfeeding for either a long time year wise, or even a long time session wise it's more comfortable if you know, if you've had a caesarian birth then the baby's not laying on your stomach or you know you don't have to hold your breast up and try and make sure you're not letting the baby's head fall in and it's a lot of less juggling when you've got gravity kind of in your favor.
And why do more than 40 % of births now end in caesarian section, the highest percentage in history?
If you are well - informed and well - supported, no matter what the outcome of your birth (natural childbirth with no medical intervention, pain relief, induced labor, or Caesarian birth) you are more likely to have a positive birth experience and to be more present to your newborn child.
But then I will read about another nurse - in at a place where a breastfeeding mother was given a hard time, or hear about another study about the for - profit insanity of our current Caesarian rates, or discover a company that makes really lovely pregnancy - and - nursing products I didn't know about when I could have actually used them... and I feel sort of wistful that I won't be able to be part of things any more, not the way I was a few years ago.
and in a traditional hospital environment would call for an episiotomy (slicing the mother's vagina to anus to make more room) and sucking the baby out with a vacuum or a caesarian section.
Debauchery of a more inclusive and contemporary kind is witnessed in the artist's depiction of Caesarian Sunday, the first of Cambridge's summer drinking parties traditionally held on the Sunday of the May Bank Holiday weekend, and the notorious after - exams party Suicide Sunday, held in June, and its traditional cardboard boat race.
The debauchery of a more inclusive and contemporary kind is witnessed in the artist's depiction of Caesarian Sunday, the first of Cambridge's summer drinking parties traditionally held on the Sunday of the May Bank Holiday weekend, and the notorious after - exams party Suicide Sunday, held in June, and its traditional cardboard boat race.
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