Sentences with phrase «more about gender»

You may have seen or heard more about Gender Identity or Transgender Individuals in the news lately.
As you're learning more about your gender identity and sexual orientation, it's normal to feel lost sometimes.
To be more concrete, there are a number of areas you can interview about to learn more about gender issues for the specific couples (from Haddock et al., 2000):
Was the flurry of criticism aimed at the qualifications of the candidates or more about their gender?
Truth be told, this says more about the gender imbalance that has informed Hollywood cinema since, well, forever.
This is also the ideal place for lesbians who prefer to be surrounded by ladies alone, or want to know more about the gender queer community.
Learn more about gender identity and expression and being transgender from the American Psychological Association.
Check out the NCES site to find out more about gender differences in math and science.
That a significant enough majority of all women «care more about gender than a person's individual qualities» and routinely vote accordingly is simply not supported by fact.
However, what is puzzling, is why do women (or any other identity - politics aficionados who care more about gender than a person's individual qualities) who complain about lack of women being elected, don't actually put their money where their mouths are and support and vote for those women who DO run for office?
I even took my university course to learn more about gender in society.

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Said another, «I feel especially self - conscious and more dysphoric about my gender than usual when I'm at the pool, as swimming attire usually covers less skin.
She really didn't think in gendered terms, she says; she was «more concerned about being the daughter of the founder and therefore needing to perform better than others so as not to give the impression of nepotism.»
Currently they release information on the number of women in their total workforce and in their leadership roles and publish more detailed information about gender balance internally, but are still working with lawyers to navigate the stricter data collection and protection measures in Germany, where the company is based, and other countries where their employees work, SAP's chief diversity and inclusion officer Anka Wittenberg told Fortune.
We recently caught up with Saujani to find out more about her take on the challenges and opportunities in closing the gender gap.
The research increasingly shows that if you care about revenue and profitability, you're going want a more gender diverse team.
Single people of both genders had more negative opinions about participating in sexting, whereas people who were dating, living together, or married thought of sexting as a positive.
Gender equality in the workplace is especially topical topic right now after more than two dozen women recently spoke with the New York Times about sexual harrassment in Silicon Valley.
Even if only 16 Fortune 500 companies share detailed demographic information about their employees, it's important to point out that the data that is available represents the race, gender and job category of more than 800,000 people — everyone from the CEO through service staff.
Uber says the gender data has about 99 percent participation while the race / ethnicity data represents more than 75 percent of the company.
It explicitly recognizes that government needs to «stop and ask for directions» from civil society and academics, many of whom have been thinking about and analysing budgets with a gender and intersectional lens for more than 20 years.
From there, you can learn all sorts of invaluable information about your market — including their age, location, gender, lifestyle, relationship status, job title, pages liked, household income, home ownership, household size, spending methods, purchase behavior, and much more.
And in the last year, discussions about the number of women speaking at Christian conferences and events have led to some UK event organisers announcing their commitment to gender parity and others taking steps to achieve more balanced line - ups.
We can talk about wanting to show love towards women who have been hurt by gender injustice — and this is important — but it's even more important to challenge the status quo that allows it to happen.
You began talking about the essential nature of God, how God's relationship to us is mirrored more in (any) man than (any) woman, regardless of the gender of the person in question.
What is less clear to me is why complementarians like Keller insist that that 1 Timothy 2:12 is a part of biblical womanhood, but Acts 2 is not; why the presence of twelve male disciples implies restrictions on female leadership, but the presence of the apostle Junia is inconsequential; why the Greco - Roman household codes represent God's ideal familial structure for husbands and wives, but not for slaves and masters; why the apostle Paul's instructions to Timothy about Ephesian women teaching in the church are universally applicable, but his instructions to Corinthian women regarding head coverings are culturally conditioned (even though Paul uses the same line of argumentation — appealing the creation narrative — to support both); why the poetry of Proverbs 31 is often applied prescriptively and other poetry is not; why Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob represent the supremecy of male leadership while Deborah and Huldah and Miriam are mere exceptions to the rule; why «wives submit to your husbands» carries more weight than «submit one to another»; why the laws of the Old Testament are treated as irrelevant in one moment, but important enough to display in public courthouses and schools the next; why a feminist reading of the text represents a capitulation to culture but a reading that turns an ancient Near Eastern text into an apologetic for the post-Industrial Revolution nuclear family is not; why the curse of Genesis 3 has the final word on gender relationships rather than the new creation that began at the resurrection.
When white conservative Christians obsess over their own perceived oppression, it becomes incredibly difficult to engage in important conversations about religious, racial, and gender privilege that are necessary for creating a more just society.
-- the search told me about the «third gender» in Hindu experience, which is more of an effeminate man than a homosexual.
But if you think about social capital from a broader social perspective, you would conclude that the U.S. needs nothing more than it needs connectivity across lines of class, race and gender — that is, we need more bridging social capital.
Is the gender inclusion more pressing because it doesn't actually affect his own position, whereas to say the same about gender identity and sexual orientation issues would require him to lay aside his own ordination?
Indeed, we can no more talk about God's omnipotence than we can about God's gender or color.
As women open up with each other about issues like dual callings, sexuality, gender, body image, and more, they have more freedom to make a statement and challenge assumptions than if they were tied to an organization.
A solid friendship is the bedrock of any good relationship and being about to communicate more easily about romance, gender roles, and sexuality makes a relationship much easier.
From the beginning of what we may call the «gender revolution» in the 1970s to now, when the goals of a minority of western agents of change are about to take on a more visible, global and powerfully financed institutional form, the normative and operational activities of the gender equality process has been led by «experts», NGOs, UN Secretariat bureaucrats, panels - not by the man - on - the - street or his legitimate representative.
It's about power, control, money, politics, inequality between the races and genders, who's in and who's out (of the Kingdom, of the social group, and more) and many other things that don't pass the «smell test.»
In the letters of Paul, who in fact has very little to say about the life of Jesus on earth and far more to say about the risen Christ, the focus is on the Savior as human, or anthropos — the Greek term inclusive of both genders.
Use them to educate readers about those passages of Scripture that understandably make some Christians hesitate to embrace a more egalitarian view of gender.
«The more you live and work in an environment that has people of all nationalities, races and genders... the less you tend to think about race or gender
Representatives from the same group of privileged people who dominated conversations in the 20th century continue to dominate the conversations about current issues such as modesty culture, immigration reform, relevancy in culturally - diverse America, gender issues, and more.
I've been meaning to highlight Megan DeFranza's work for months now, as it has proved immensely helpful in some of my «real life» conversations about gender and sexuality, particularly with more conservative friends and family who are somewhat new to the conversation.
We talk about Casey's gender identity journey over the last 17 years, the importance of giving kids room around gender identity, how kids are often more comfortable than adults when talking about gender, «pronouns 101,» and how compassionately communicating with other human beings boils down to some really, really simple universals and actions.
I do think we need a more open dialogue about gender in the workplace.
While sexuality is about gender, reproduction, and sexual activity, it includes so much more.
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg told the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland that we need a «much more open dialogue about gender» in the workplace, including «discussing with female employees whether they plan to have children.»
I talk about gender with my kids a lot; probably more than the average mom.
It seemed like every time I showed Brenna just how must girls could do, she seemed to worry about the gender differences more.
More than just raising awareness about the importance of breastfeeding, this month is crucial for encouraging people of all genders, ages, races, orientations, and demographics, that they can and should support breastfeeding, regardless of what they chose to do for their baby.
This is a good thing, often people are totally amazed at how low the c - section rates are with midwives, but most people, unfortunately, care more about when you're going to do a gender reveal.
They talk about Casey's gender identity journey over the last 17 years, the importance of giving kids room around gender identity, how kids are often more comfortable than adults when talking about gender, «pronouns 101,» and how compassionately communicating with other human beings boils down to some really, really simple universals and actions.
But I delve into the intersection between medicine, gender, and parenting from time to time — and when I return to school full - time in a few months, I will be writing more about medicine and how being a parent changes — or doesn't — my approach to becoming a doctor.
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