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Interested in learning more about Dweck's research and the incredible power of a growth mindset?
We asked about their teams, budgets, personnel, strategies, mindsets, technologies used, and more... all for the sake of determining the profile of a high growth company.
In the first of three studies for their recent paper, Ehrlinger and her colleagues found that students who hold a fixed mindset about intelligence were more overconfident about their performance on a multiple - choice test than those with a growth mindset.
«We still understand the test as this hurdle that our learners are going to have to get over,» says Palmer, emphasizing Kaplan's belief in growth mindset, «but we are more about providing the right tools to give them the confidence and the belief in themselves that they really need to perform optimally.»
Teaming the activity with conversations about perseverance, confidence, and growth mindset makes the lessons that much more impactful.
For more about Dweck's research in this area, check out Maria Popova's blog post from Brain Pickings entitled «Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our Lives.»
When students write about their personal values, it can help them feel more positive about themselves and their futures, promoting a growth mindset and creating a protective buffer against many harmful experiences.
Research shows that when students develop a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset, they are more likely to engage in reflective thinking about how they learn and grow.
David Yeager is a professor and who may be more aware of this question than just about any other researcher out there, and I have an enormous amount of respect for his work (see his contribution to my Ed Week column, Applying a Growth Mindset in the Classroom).
Basically, their study suggests that contrary to previous research that has found self - control to be a resource that can be depleted and then needs to be replenished through food, beverage, or other means, in fact, having a growth mindset about your capacity for self - control is really the best way to keep your willpower at a high - level (I believe that's an accurate summary, but am more than willing to be told otherwise).
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