Sentences with phrase «more about the climate issue»

Looking at any news coverage from the event will tell you more about the climate issue.

Not exact matches

Big investors including State Street and BlackRock, which together hold about 9 percent of Exxon shares, recently have made clear they are now giving more attention to climate issues.
A small but growing number of countries now have legal requirements for institutional investors to report on how their investment policies and performance are affected by environmental factors, including South Africa and, prospectively, the EU.36 Concern about the risks of a «carbon bubble» — that highly valued fossil fuel assets and investments could be devalued or «stranded» under future, more stringent climate policies — prompted G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in April 2015 to ask the Financial Stability Board in Basel to convene an inquiry into how the financial sector can take account of climate - related issues.37
Scientific American executive editor Fred Guterl talks with Pres. Obama's science advisor, John Holdren, about climate science, space travel, the issue of reproducibility in science, the brain initiative and more.
Those issues encompass more than just the latest conflicts about the age of the universe or climate change - related language in textbooks, she said.
The initiative encourages Americans to think of climate change as a risk management issue; the panel aims to clarify and contextualize the science so the public and decision - makers can be more adequately informed about those risks and possible ways to manage them.
Parents appear to be more likely to express concern about critical environmental issues like climate change and more interested in changing their behavior to be smarter consumers when it comes to purchasing energy -LSB-...]
But, given how multi-disciplinary climate science is, there are always going to be technical issues outside your field that you are going to need to know more about.
Visit our blog to read more about Climate, Living, Driving, Social Issues, Procedures and much more.
An Inconvenient Sequel features a clearly angry Al Gore speaking even louder, with more impatience, about the truly worrisome issue of climate change and the man - made pollution causing it.
The worldwide consultation revealed a global citizenship both well - informed and motivated about climate change but which wants to know more about the concrete issues so it can take a direct part in the solutions.
Ever growing concerns about climate issues coupled with recent major European rail investments means that travelling the continent by rail is a cleaner, less expensive and more enjoyable choice.
The agency is hoping that the new logo will spark more conversation about the pressing issue of climate change.
11:31 a.m. Updated below as marked I've written here before about what I call «single - study syndrome,» the habit of the more aggressive camps of advocates surrounding hot issues (e.g., climate, chemical exposure, fracking) to latch onto and push studies supporting an agenda, no matter how tenuous — or dubious — the research might be.
I'm researching the sceptics view of climate change for an international engineering firm that needs to know more about how this issue will affect us... I've got the IPCC report and other things that support anthropogenic climate change, but I need to address the other side of the argument as well, especially for a group of conservative engineers.
As I explained last winter in my Issues in Science and Technology essay, I've unlearned almost as many things as I've learned about human - caused climate change in more than a quarter century of reporting on the issue.
My point in doing this post was to remind folks that the main environmental issues driving the popularity of farmers markets are most likely not concerns about energy issues and climate, but more about sustaining local conditions and practices that people desire — greenery, connectedness, a link with seasons, and the rest.
Updated, Nov. 25, 10:41 a.m. Ruth Teichroeb, the communications officer for Oceans North: Protecting Life in the Arctic, an initiative of the Pew Charitable Trusts, sent a note this evening about new steps related to an issue I've covered here before — the rare and welcome proactive work by Arctic nations to ban fishing in the central Arctic Ocean ahead of the «big melt» as summer sea ice retreats more in summers in a human - heated climate.
This administration's refusal to constructively address the urgent issue of climate change amounts a lot more to a «high crime» than Clinton's lying about a sexual dalliance.
All in all the science of hurricanes does appear to be much more fun and interesting than the average climate change issue, as there is a debate, a «fight» between different hypothesis, predictions compared to near - future observations, and all that does not always get pre-eminence in the exchanges about models.
Since you elected not to address the issue of models capability to represent critically - important glaciation - deglaciation episodes, now I have developed an impression that certain climate scentists have to learn a lot more about possibilities that are hidden in behavior of a large and complex dynamical system.
This year I wrote an article about how North America's amazingly variegated climate, where it's tinder dry in some places and soggy and cool elsewhere, may be one reason the country has not focused on the global warming issue as much as more compact places with more uniform climate conditions (western Europe, for instance).
Concerning the «debate» highlighted by the above exchanges between Pielke and Holdren, the issue isnt about analogues to past droughts (which, by the way, the California resource managers were more interested in), but about the scientific evidence that California droughts have become more severe due to climate change.
perhaps the environmentally warm and fuzzy conceit of climate change — about which we can really do nothing — is really just a subconscious expression of the much more stark and frightening former — and all too real issue: PEAK OIL.
There's more in USA Today on whether climate scientists» concerns about their attackers are overblown, given other issues weighing on peoples» minds and blunting interest in climate change.
The climate issue embodies this challenge of balancing present and future costs more than just about any other, many experts say.
In my view, unfortunately, people in the younger (college - age) generation may well have to get «peaceably vocal» regarding climate change, and do some walking, and paint some signs, to bring about some healthy movement on the issue of climate change IF more of our leaders don't begin to act responsibly and maturely, soon.
There's lots of literature about how climate change has developed into a far more complex «social problem / issue», as it's moved from scientific journals onto the policy agenda.
Grist had played an important role in elevating the issue during the ensuing years, and we're glad more of our media peers are asking questions about what climate change really looks like — and how we're going to deal with it.
The issue is that we actually need China to do more than its fair share if we're to keep warming from becoming too dangerous (I never know how to phrase this... to avoid run - away climate change is really what I'm most scared about but I don't want to minimise the devastating impacts that will happen before that too).
Yet, disclosure rules regarding environmental or sustainability issues may become more rigorous in the future as Peabody Energy, the world's largest private - sector coal company, agreed (PDF) in November to provide more information about its risks associated with climate change in future SEC filings.
Instead of pronouncing doom and gloom about climate change, they emphasize how we need to understand a number of issues more clearly and then proceed to enumerate those issues, what needs to be understood, and why they are so important.
Join us to learn more about the science and the interlinkages between air pollution, SLCPs and climate change This webinar will include presentations on the science behind the three issues, examples of local policy and civil society initiatives and an outlook to UNEA III.
With barely more than a glimpse at a quote within the article about «we feel strongly responsible to participate in tackling the issue of climate change,» I could already guess where this group was headed and who they relied on for their diatribe about the global warming issue.
But in Issues, analysts have identified a more fundamental problem — the social cost of carbon dioxide is the wrong guide to follow — and they proposed an alternative method that better reflects what is known about long - term effects of climate change and how these effects should be valued by today's decision - makers.
The majority of people actively doing something about climate are aware that the climate issue forces one to think more fluidly about a lot of things and question one's own assumptions.
Read more about the cities» lawsuits: Climate Legal Paradox: Judges Issue Dueling Rulings for Cities Suing Fossil Fuel Companies
Beyond partisanship, younger Americans are significantly more concerned about climate change, an issue that is expected to have a much larger impact if temperatures rise consistently over coming decades.
And I started to see signs — new coalitions and fresh arguments — hinting at how, if these various connections were more widely understood, the urgency of the climate crisis could form the basis of a powerful mass movement, one that would weave all these seemingly disparate issues into a coherent narrative about how to protect humanity from the ravages of both a savagely unjust economic system and a destabilized climate system.
If journalists wrote more stories about where uncertainty exists in the science, and if they were more aggressive about challenging scientists on transparency issues, we wouldn't have these pseudo-scandals erupt every time a climate scientist missteps.
People more concerned about the issue of climate change also tend to know more about science, generally.15
Great expose on the conflation of other cause celebre on climate science, and very revealing about some of the more intimate issues people like Myhre are really having - this really reflects poorly on her.
As the public learns more about climate engineering technologies, they will look to ENGOs to understand what the policy issues are, and understand how these ideas fit in, it at all, with a climate change response portfolio.
The ICSC aims to help create an environment in which a more rational, open discussion about climate issues emerges, thereby moving the debate away from implementation of costly and ineffectual «climate control» measures.
It's a common refrain: If people only knew more about the science, there wouldn't be so much polarization on the issue of climate change.
The effects of science knowledge tend to be modest and inconsistent in predicting people's views about climate change and climate scientists, especially in comparison with the clearer and more striking way that people's views are tied to their political party preferences, ideology and level of personal concern with climate issues.
Despite climate policy being something of a sleeper issue in this election, our results suggest that concern about the climate is more widespread now than it was five years ago.
On Skeptical Science you can learn more about a disputed issue in the climate debate.
While Democrats are generally more worried about the issue than Republicans, there is no organised force within Congress to make «climate change» an everyday issue.
This could provide a clue as to why so many MPs, Conservatives especially, are able to be markedly more sceptical on climate change than the electorate — if voters are not telling them it is an issue they care about, they may be more likely to follow their own inclinations or be swayed by lobbyists.
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