Sentences with phrase «more about the environment»

«But now it is more about the environment
Corporations need to care more about the environment than ever before.
Children utilize skills and abilities they were born with (such as looking, sucking, grasping, and listening) to learn more about the environment.
As astronomers work to learn more about the environment it, a new paper in Astrophysical Journal Letters makes predictions about what would happen to young, highly magnetized stars in Sgr A *'s vicinity.
Lapopu is situated in Manupeu Tanah Daru National Park, one of the two main protected wilderness areas on Sumba, and a guided walk is a great way to find out more about the environment and wildlife of the island.
As an Instructor you will teach people in the open water course more about environment and how to read it.
8) Tim Cook obviously cares more about the environment than Steve Jobs ever did (or at least, than he had time to show — maybe over time we'd have discovered a deeper commitment).
But, he added, «at a time when we should be understanding more and observing more about our environment, we're actually observing less.»
Positive behavior support is a community based approach that involves learning more about the environment in which a child or adult lives, and working collaboratively with everyone in that setting to design strategies for promoting positive social and communication skills.

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I'm sure there are more, but these three made what appear to be stylish, functional winter coats you don't have to care about animals or the environment to prefer.
The low - interest - rate environment has allowed it to borrow to fund operations at levels that are about half the 10 percent interest rate the company paid for its financing more than a decade ago, says Clark Balderson, the company's chairman and chief financial officer.
Tom Mulcair's recent article for the Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP) raises perhaps more questions than it answers about the NDP's positions on the economics of energy and the environment.
Over time, as people became more and more aware of the effects commonly used products can have on the environment, plastic - happy clients who once cared mostly for cost and convenience morphed into savvy customers with real concerns about the impact polyethylene and other petroleum - based products have on the ecosystem.
«For us, it's more about environmental sustainability and ultimately, it's a crop that is the basis for this product and it should be grown in an environment where sunshine is plentiful,» says Kennedy.
Last year, Houzz polled its members about what makes an effective work - from - home environment, and got more than 3,000 responses.
It communicates to your team that you care more about clients than about creating a work environment for employees to be proud of.
SPECIAL REPORT: Kylie Radford has built Morrison into a highly regarded fashion brand over more than 15 years, so it's a little surprising to hear the way she talks about the current business environment.
Executives say consumers are more aware than ever about where their food comes from and they are often willing to spend more on food and beverage items they perceive to be healthier and better for the environment.
«You have to think more about it in this environment
«This is partly a consequence of Under Armour wanting to «own» many different segments of the sports performance category, but in a softer demand environment where consumers are more selective about what they buy, such a lack of focus is harmful,» Riva wrote Tuesday.
A Fortune story published in 2015 about Silicon Valley health initiatives described Apple's Crossover center «as more of an Apple Store than a doctor's office,» regarding the center's decor and environment.
Often that meant identifying potential allies among Iraqis, a mission which rested on learning more about the backgrounds of the people in the conflict's environment.
Unhappy people will think more deeply about their social environment (in an effort to solve their problems), whereas happy people can contentedly coast on cruise control, not bothering to think very deeply,» writes Greater Good's Kira M. Newman, quoting a 1994 study on the topic.
The more entrepreneurs take responsibility for protecting the environment by giving consumers better choices about what they buy, the more likely it is future generations will enjoy a healther world than we live in today.
But retailer beware — Millennials care much more about your business practices and how you treat the environment than previous generations did.
Author Alexandra Levit, for instance, recently blogged about receiving an email from «a 45 - year - old who was thrilled that after more than 20 years in corporate America, he was at last working in a so - called «open environment
I'll write about its effects on the environment, but it similarly distorts our views on time, relationships, distance, and more.
About this course: In today's fast - paced business environment, employees at all levels find themselves being asked to handle more tasks, meet more deadlines, take on more responsibilities, and adapt to more change.
Third — as Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall reminded everyone more than once — this was always a discussion about the economy, not «just» the environment.
In a world where employees care more and more about workplace environment with each passing year, Justin and I believed that treating the office as a hospitality product, like a restaurant or a hotel, could help create happier, more engaging, more fulfilling workplaces.
To learn more about the high dividend yield factor in a rising interest rate environment, use the link below to download our paper, «Harvesting Equity Yield».
Volunteering in an LOT Community Outreach Initiative is also a great way to connect with other Members in a more casual environment and learn about the great work local non - profit / charities are doing in the neighbourhood.
Volunteering in a CYP Community Outreach Initiative is also a great way to connect with other Members in a more casual environment and learn about the great work local non - profit / charities are doing in the neighbourhood.
This probably says more about the interest rate environment than anything else.
But I've found that it's important to talk with people across divisions when I want to understand more about markets, client needs, and the regulatory environment.
Amid a changing social media, technology and cultural environment, H.R.'s unease is about more than whether there could be a Harvey Weinstein on their payroll.
If being able to more easily purchase meat and poultry raised without antibiotics is important to you, Halloran has this advice: «Wherever you eat, ask restaurant managers about their meat sourcing policies and practices and make sure they know that you're looking for options that are healthier not only for you but for the animals and the environment, too — including meat produced without the routine use of antibiotics.»
Citing studies that show social media only has a positive effect on user's lives when it's used to «connect with people we care about» Facebook wants to create a more positive environment within the news feed.
Although Powell talked about a strong business environment around crypto in his evaluation of future market trends, the $ 1 trillion mark will likely require more than just a budding startup community.
«Given what looks to continue to be a low - interest - rate environment for some time in many countries, along with uncertainties about government safety nets, individuals may need to think more strategically about investing for retirement — and how to generate income after,» said Ed Perks, executive vice president, chief investment officer, Franklin Templeton Equity.
Job seekers also are more optimistic about the hiring environment.
The speech starts by setting out three key themes of the Bank's recent communication about Australia's transition from the resources sector boom to more normal economic conditions: that the sheer scale of the boom means that this transition is challenging, and that the broader global environment compounds the challenge; that a reasonably successful transition is possible given our economy's positive fundamentals and flexibility; and that monetary policy is doing what it can to help the transition, but that the chances of success would be boosted by a lift in productivity growth and an increase in the expected risk - adjusted rate of return on investment.
While the U.S. economy has rebounded, the financial environment is still cloudy to more than 50 % of Americans who are still worried about having enough money in savings and feeling secure with their current finances.
Given the current cap rate environment, clients are more inquisitive about how a fund manager assesses the value - add proposition of an asset along with its potential for greater NOI.
Though the US yield curve remained some way from inversion — which historically is often cited as signaling an impending recession — investors were relatively sanguine about the significance of its flattening, with many arguing that low long - term yields were more reflective of central - bank policies and the weak inflationary environment than dimmer economic prospects.
Whereas the previous Fed Chairs might have been more inclined to worry about rocketing financial asset prices and increase the pace of tightening in this environment, Powell will maintain status quo even in this scenario.
I have said it before, and I still believe this: 2015 is going to be a challenging year which should be used to learn as much as possible about the metals and value chains we continue to write about with an eye on 2017 as a more fertile environment.
Cues in the environment can remind us of products and ideas and make us talk about them more.
But more so, how about the right of people to observe their faith without interference, and the need to feel safe from criticism and harassment in that environment.
The answer, in my judgment, lies in looking more carefully at Whitehead's relatively sparse remarks about societies as stable, structured environments for the emergence of successive generations of actual occasions.
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