Sentences with phrase «more about the religion»

How can any outsider know more about a religion than an insider?
Newton wrote more about religion than he did about science.
I don't know more about YOUR religion than you do.
Google Inside the outrageous world of child cage fighting and CATASTROPHIC DESTRUCTION predicted — by Dr. Turi» to learn more about religions
It's funny how nuns would tell me far more about religion and the HISTORY of the faith than any hundred priests, even when directly asked.
I find that atheists tend to know more about religion than most believers — or at least that is true of Christians in the US.
Eventually though after learning more and more about my religion and the religions of others did I realize how ridiculous it all was.
I hate religion and reason why is b / c I know more about religion than the avg person.
Also, when you know more about religion, it just doesn't make any sense to attribute to a divine being what is clearly created by humans... just try explaining to someone who believes the Bible is the literal word of god about the council of Nicaea.
Good point about Atheists knowing more about religion because, in general, we've thought about it, worked though the nonsense we had pushed down our throats and lived to forgive, for the most part the adults in our lives that did their level best to scare us, to scar us as children.
of course we know more about religion.
You merely don't want non-believers to know more about your religion than you do, many of them used to be priests and left because they knew more about religion.
Why should the majority of Americans know any more about religion than they seem to know about anything else?
They were right, Atheists know more about religion than believers do.
The damned know more about the religion of the saved..
I guess i shouldn't be surprised, I have never known an Atheist that didn't know more about religion than a theist.
As people learn more about religions, and their origins, they are likely to become agnostic or atheist.
atheists know more about religion for one simple reason: study after study shows that the higher one's IQ, the more likely one is to be atheist.
Smith has a theory about why atheists did so well on the quiz - they have thought more about religion than most people.
But yes, we know more about religion because we don't close our mind to other religions for fear of being prosyletized.
ok i've decided — after soul searching and observing my and other's reactions to these religious blog news on CNN learning more about religion from this alone and about the mideast than from anywhere else in my USA educated life i need to be more tolerant of others having religious based governments THAT is what is confusing me — that religion are governments are not seperated that is hard for much of USA population to understand perhaps it is for me i think you would have to actually live in a society like the mideast to truly understand it i mean — actually be part of the society the religious part is truly offputting — since most in USA seperate church and state like — church is for faith and imagination and celebration and family and community involvement and state is for protection and education and health and infrastructure, etc., for all it is hard to be serious about religion — when the serious side of society is state it is hard to see religion being the serious side of enforcement — and the state enforcing the faith based side of society egad — doesn't god get lost in all that?
As a rule ex-Mormons know a great deal more about this religion because they have studied vast amounts of Mormon history... which led them to the truth... which is why they aren't Mormon now.
First, I don't find that atheists tend to know more about religion, be it Christianity or any other.
Who knows more about religion - the arch-atheist Christopher Hitchens or Islam basher Rev. Franklin Graham?
Atheists, as a general rule, know more about religion than their religious counterparts.
Yes, Bob, I imagine most atheists know more about religion and the Bible than you ever will.
Although Santorum is catholic, he is pushing for all the christian votes, and, his talk revolves far more about religion than social / economic politics.
I'm sure I know more about both religion and science than you will ever know in this lifetime, or in the life to come.
Studies have repeatedly shown that atheists usually know more about religion than religious people.
Another thing is that atheists on average know more about religions than believers do.
The point of my post was not to argue the semantics of his name, just to point out that you're dumb for trying to correct people and act like you are smarter, know more about their religion, and hence you're correct on all your points.
When we atheists tell you fundiots that we know more about your religion (and bible) than you do, we are not making this up.
I work at a card store and we already have the cards up Over the past year, I have been learning more about the religion because it is so fascinating!
This is not as simple dating website, it is also the site, where you can learn more about your religion get stronger in your faith and discuss various important life and religious topics.
This feature helps Christian learning more about their religion day by day.
Discussing about why it is important to you and helping them understand it might help if they are willing to learn more about your religion.
The main reason behind it is that they can meet other bikers who are also Christians and would understand more about their religion or faith.
The above two approaches should not be confused with schools allowing religious instruction classes where students of a particular faith have the opportunity to learn more about their religion.
It was a great gateway, as it is often referred to, for learning a little more about religion, for traveling into the Middle East, and for easing from Western culture into something not - so - shockingly different.
This is the first Castlevania game since Nintendo liberalized its policies, so expect to see and read much more about religion, demons and death.
This is why the claim that the IPCC Consensus Enforcement is more about religion than about science.

Not exact matches

In over a decade of coaching people in nutrition, exercise, and body image, I learned that talking about what we eat is often more intimate than talking about sex, religion, or politics.
After all that other religion is older AND has more literature about it!
That being said, If others knew what SDA's thought about the Catholic religion there would be a lot more screaming.
What they have to say about religion is much more pointed and direct than even what The Path says.
Then why do I, a man that has been inside a few churches in his lifetimes solely for the purpose of absorbing the lovely architecture of lovely buildings across the globe in different societies, know more about world religion than you do and the rest of your flock?
What Hitchens wrote about the evils of religion was not so much a scholarly argument, but more a wave of righteous indignation that levelled everything in its path.
The fact that he's making it about religion is even more insulting.
They rant and rave about separation of church and state, then demand we discuss religion MORE during an election.
I am intrigued by their religion, I want to learn more about that.
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