Sentences with phrase «more about your lack»

«We care more about the lack of stresses for the near - 70 % slice of GDP known as «personal consumption» than we do about the 4.5 % slice known as durable goods shipments,» Porcelli said.
Just as that misses the point of Berkeley's metaphysics, so his refusal to take seriously Hume's deathbed ease in unbelief says more about his lack of a philosophical temperament than about the authenticity of Hume's belief.
Although, Chelsea's defensive problem isn't about having the lack of great defenders as they have some of the best defenders in the league but it seems to be more about a lack of morale and confidence at the moment.
I suspect this indicates rather more about the lack of public knowledge of senior Conservative figures than anything else.
It's more about lack of flexibility, how it impacts my social life and stress relief — eating out and socializing (which seemed to always involve food) were signficant sources of pleasure and stress relief before.
Talking with a lot of people there and learning more about the lack of opportunity to earn a fair wage, provide for families, have access to clean drinking water, etc. etc. etc. got me even more fired up.
«It's more about the lack of a prevention focus in the province of Alberta.
If you see a critic or somebody saying this is convoluted or overly complex that says more about their lack of understanding than about
Giving this game a 6 as a reflection of your ability to spot quality says more about your lack of understanding games, then it does about this amazing!
I'll ignore your blatant illiteracy for the time, as others have astutely pointed it out to you (ignored by you, of course, in favour of only commenting to Janet Evanovich, which spells out even more about your lack of character, but at the same time curious, since you later express blatant misogyny in a reply to some other not - so - important person).
Earlier in this edition of the Ether, we encountered Hugh Howey writing about how the bigger fight we should be worried about is less among ourselves and more about the lack of reading going on outside the business.
Most of my «final» manuscripts end up being revised and reshaped based on input from my agent before they get shown to publishers, and as a result they become significantly better than the «best» I originally could do (okay, so this might say more about my lack of talent...).
Giving this game a 6 as a reflection of your ability to spot quality says more about your lack of understanding games, then it does about this amazing!
Earlier videos were more about lack, I guess, and new ones are about constraints, and constraints that can come from access rather than lack.
I'd give it better than 50 - 50 that talking about surface temperature without at least a footnote to UHI — the Urban Heat Island effect — says a lot more about the lack of integrity of modern climate research that anything else.
So the issue seems to be more about a lack of resources than a lack of ambition.

Not exact matches

It's possible that Nintendo has more to reveal about the Switch that would trump its lack of third - party support.
«Ultimately, Moody's downgrading of Greece's debt reveals more about the misaligned incentives and the lack of accountability of credit rating agencies than the genuine state or prospects of the Greek economy,» the response continued.
«So this will give all of us worried about a lack of trading liquidity more ammunition that this cycle is behaving quite differently in this respect,» Reid said.
But the insane processes and the lack of people are just more reasons to think twice about the whole deal.
According to Wolt, this statement reveals more about Ayyadurai's lack of knowledge about food safety than about food safety itself.
When people come to me for advice about a part of their life that is lacking, I encourage them to give more in that area and the results are normally pretty astonishing.
More pejoratively: The term «tech bro» also refers to a tech company employee who acts entitled, lacks self - awareness and is tone deaf about sensitive issues such as the realities of urban poverty.
But think about the consequences of saying yes all the time — you'll take on more work than you can handle, possibly overextending and burning yourself out, or possibly failing due to your lack of experience in the matter.
What's more, she's also using the day to teach her students about the lack of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.
While Joe Volpe, the current federal immigration minister, has talked about encouraging more newcomers to settle in smaller centres, he lacks any real coercive powers.
«This is partly a consequence of Under Armour wanting to «own» many different segments of the sports performance category, but in a softer demand environment where consumers are more selective about what they buy, such a lack of focus is harmful,» Riva wrote Tuesday.
That specifically can bridge the gap between what is perceived as fake and what is perceived as authentic, which could connect with more women, who often complain about the lack of passion in porn.»
More often, it's simply an innocent lack of disclosure of current relationship and operational issues which could raise investor qualms about the health of the business, despite a huge opportunity and a great product.
Alison and I talk about the difference between an adversarial response and an empathetic one; how to develop the self - awareness needed to respond more empathetically in high - stress situations; and how the current political climate underscores the lack of empathy in most discussions today.
As more women speak up about this issue, demanding something be done, there is a lack of clarity of what can be.
Now that QE could be about to slow down or even reverse, the U.S. market could become more vulnerable to this lack of foreign buying, Boockvar said.
As he learned more about the inner ‐ workings of the industry, rampant unethical practices, and lack of assistance available to businesses, he cut ties with his employer and started a blog where he could post accurate information about credit card processing.As the blog gained in popularity, Ben began directly assisting merchants in their search for a processor.
To learn more about the three opportunities to address the risk of a lack of freshwater identified in the Global Opportunity Report 2015, follow this link: Global Opportunity Report 2015
At Facebook founder and CEO's Mark Zuckerberg's hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Wednesday, lawmakers were blunt about what they see as the company's flaws — its inadequate self - policing, lack of transparency, and reluctance to give users more control over their own data.
Read more about the risk and opportunities related to the lack of fresh water here.
Inadequate flood protection infrastructure, which right now might not contain high tides in El Nino years; Lack of action on annual sediment removal from spring freshets, which each year move over 30 million m3 of sediment and leave about 3 million m3 of silt in the navigation and secondary channels of the lower reaches; and, By the end of this century sea levels at the mouth of the river could potentially rise more than one meter due to climate change overtopping the diking system.
Due in part to a growing lack of faith in traditional financial advising brought about by this trend, more and more investors are switching to low - cost passive online advisors (often called robo - advisors) who exclusively or almost exclusively invest clients» capital into index - tracking funds, the thought being that if they can not beat the market they may as well join it.
As the private email exchanges (and, perhaps, «clarifications») were insufficient to fully address Kahan's concerns, in the end Kahan & Peters (2017) elected to publish a formal «reply» paper of their own to make their case against Ballarini & Sloman's 2017 claims about «replication» (or, more specifically, the lack thereof).
We've been talking recently about the lack of persistence in active investment management: Funds that perform well one year are no more likely than others to perform well the next year, suggesting to uncharitable observers that good performance is more a matter of chance than of replicable predictable skill.
I would hope your marketing advice is more intelligent than your obvious lack of knowledge about medical conditions and medical statistics.
She says she saw plenty of money in the ecosystem but a lack of understanding about the customers that Israeli companies were hoping to target, including in the U.S. «I always asked myself why founders weren't spending more time here,» says Galili.
And when asked about the difficulties of running a business, 10.7 percent more women listed lack of capital as a top challenge.
From a lack of visible mentors and role models to underrepresentation in startup communities and pontification about including more women in tech, without much action, the challenges that women face in the tech field are well - known.
Another risk that's harder to excuse is a lack of transparency: The ETN's issuer — Goldman Sachs — doesn't provide a working website for investors to access in order to learn more about the mechanics and methodology.
It would be more interesting to talk about the president losing control of his own spins in ways that reveal (as Carl is more insistent that I am) his deep inauthenticity or lack of character.
It would be more interesting to talk about the president losing control of his own spins in ways that reveal (as Carl is more insistent that I am) his deep inauthenticity or lack....
She talks more about love: giving it, receiving it, lacking it, wanting it — thus the name of the article is «What people talk about before they die.»
He tells the crowd that «this song's about Columbine High school, more importantly it's about something I think we all lack, we all need something solid to hope for, beyond material things.
Seen this way, discussion of Islamic art can finally move from tired questions about the lack of figural representation to more interesting conversations on, for example, the complex relationships presumed between icons and idolatry or on Byzantine and patristic influences.
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