Sentences with phrase «more academic interest»

Instead, the intent of the paper was to be solution - oriented, with the hope of sparking more academic interest in the subject.

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«This one is a bit more academic and psychological, especially the first few chapters, but all in all, a great book with lots of interesting insights and strong research.»
When that same idea comes up in academic circles, it's more likely the self - interest they are trying to preserve is their own interest in avoiding the hard work of figuring out which business behaviours are unethical, and why.
Even more worrisome, this lack of interest in academic effort appears to have started at home.
Dec 14, 2015: In a November poll of academic and business economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal, 92 % said they expected the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates in December, the first such hike in more than nine years.
Our interest in the events of his life, and above all in the cross, is more than an academic concern with the history of the past.
Unfortunately, Gabriella Fiori's book, though valuable, does not make Weil's thought more accessible to academic interests.
Sometimes the most secular of scholars found that what Frei was doing, with his attention to narrative and his interest in the language that shapes a particular community, made more sense to them than the work of many theologians much more systematically concerned to address other academic disciplines.
I am sure a lot more needs to be said about this, and the topic really deserves an academic - level research paper, but right now I have neither the time or the interest.
These events will probably have little more than academic interest to non-believers, and the latter will often cast doubt on the objective historicity of some occurrences such as the Exodus or the resurrection of Christ.
The question was taken up more seriously later when it lost its political significance and became a theological problem of academic interest.
Of the kernel of history which transcends the myth, Bultmann can speak only in negative terms: «Our interest in the events of his life, and above all in the cross, is more than an academic concern with the history of the past.
Save the World on Your Own Time by Stanley Fish Oxford University Press, 208 pages, $ 19.95 Here is Stanley Fish, writing Save the World on Your Own Time: «Not only is the genuinely academic classroom full of passion and commitment; it is more interesting than the alternative.
The task has been accepted in academic theological circles for a long time, but only in the last few years has there been more popular and widespread interest in what is going on.
The discussion as to the real range of Whitehead's notion of creativity, is more than of purely academic interest.
The matter is raised here not merely for reasons of academic interest, but to underline again the more profound and theological understanding of the act of stealing.
Although scholars and professional theologians might be condescending toward it, and look to Germany for intellectual guidance, for the American Christian community as a whole, the «theology» imported by scholars was of little more than academic interest.
Other symptoms of this new spirit are to be found in the increased interest in the common worship of the academic community, though this is by no means universally evident; in the widespread and intensive discussions of faculties about the purpose and organization of the course of study; in the experiments that are being carried on to relate the work of the seminary more intimately to the work of other church agencies, particularly to the local churches.
SportsInsights» goal is to take a more academic approach to the sports marketplace — and this article makes some interesting comparisons to develop sports betting as a legitimate asset class.
«Classroom contexts where students experience autonomy, competence, and relatedness tend not only to foster more intrinsic motivation,» Deci and Ryan conclude, «but also more willing engagement in less interesting academic activities.»
Whether they were interested in sports or academics or had a hobby, that a good night's sleep was going to do more than warm up exercises.
In their white paper on academic integrity, Ms. Levine and Challenge Success have a series of suggestions for parents (and educators) interested in fully supporting the message that honesty is more important than grades.
Some academic work has suggested that states with capitals that are distant from major media and population centers are more likely to have problems, due to lack of oversight and public interest.
A potentially more hazardous way for academics to get corporate money is to work together with companies on projects of mutual interest, like Serra's violin synthesizer.
The more I studied, the more interested I became in the field and knowing that I did not want to become an academic, I started contacting companies with the hope of getting a start as a researcher in the brewing industry.
You might think that this fact is of little more than academic interest, but actually these 4 - D shapes are incredibly important.
More than 60 people — academic researchers, industry partners and interested members of the community — joined the staff at the International Open Facility Advancing Biotechnology (BIOFAB), at a meeting on July 19 and 20 to discuss the facility's progress so far and its aims over the next few years.
The closer the work is to your area of study, the more significant it will be in the evaluation of your application, but even work that is not related to your academic interests may indicate that you have contributed to your own financial support while keeping up with your studies.
Because Britain and Ireland had an important role in the historical development of geology as a subject of academic and popular interest, we have more than a hundred public museums, with excellent geological collections.
Their interest is more than purely academic, because triggered tremors - if that is what they are - may warn that a really large quake is on the way in the same place.
In a survey of nearly 6,000 doctoral students in a broad range of fields, more than a third of the students with plans to pursue postdocs said they had more interest in careers outside of academic research.
Academic deans say it is in their interest to help couples because they are likely to stay longer and be more productive than if they have a commuter relationship.
Madhu Lal - Nag, a researcher at the National Institutes of Health who coordinates RNAi research, said she's starting to see a surge of interest in the field among academics who want to unravel more of the basic science, especially as it becomes clear that other hot fields of research, such as CRISPR gene - editing, face their own series of hurdles.
«Evidence shows that if you can hook students earlier in their academic careers, they are more likely to retain an interest in that area later on,» Dr. Chudler said.
Third, our data suggest that students» interest in academic research declines over the course of the PhD training, while other careers become relatively more attractive.
Dave Asprey: It's kind of crazy, and the reason I wanted to talk with you today and to share your knowledge with our guests is that last time you were on the show, you talked about your new book, Always Hungry, which is... If you guys haven't checked out this book, if you liked the bulletproof diet, if you're interested in what fat can do for you, here's the guy with about ten thousand times more academic credentials than I have, who has some good stuff to say about fat.
I mostly agree that we need to study real foods; using supplements and other forms of reductionism, however, can be useful for understanding the mechanisms of how things work, which is of academic interest to some people and is of general utility in better understanding how to restore people to health who have lost it, which might require more than mere return to a traditional diet sometimes.
While comparing the effect of vitamins A and D together to the effects of vitamins A and D alone helps us distinguish the effects of each — something that's interesting in an academic sense — those of us eating a diet rich in all vitamins across the board are interested in the more practical knowledge of whether the vitamin A component of a nutrient - dense diet is harmful.
Hi, I'm McCall McPherson, you can find more about my academic accomplishments below, but I thought I'd start with the more interesting stuff.
«Bear in mind that likeability is more attractive than academic achievement and that a profile that appears genuine is more likely to generate interest
Along with a more than academic interest in shape objects and Swiss army knives, Nicki is also drawn to Videodrome, but wants to be a participant rather than part of the audience.
Crudo's academic approach to the mechanics of the film's smoke - and - mirror wizardry are far more interesting than anything actually happening in film.
The 1980s saw renewed interest in widescreen filmmaking in academic circles, perhaps as more films became available in letterboxed LaserDisc editions.
«It's evident that parents value a school's academic performance, but many are also interested in life at the school, the space in which their children will be studying, and more importantly what is being done to motivate them internally.
Learners who bring positive affective attitudes (interest in the topic and academic self - perception) tend to be more successful at learning (Çalişkan, 2014).
Students with increased NAPLAN scores are more skewed towards subjects such as interest in science, law, engineering, architecture, social work and arts, and students who consider their academic performance to be above average are more likely to choose medicine, a study of 6492 students from years 3 to 12 across 64 NSW public schools has found.
At the same time, the traditional system often prevents students from engaging more deeply in their interests, excelling when they are ready, or pursuing additional academic challenges.
However, since its initial interest growth, 3D printers have become not only far more affordable - many companies who sell 3D printers to schools offer all - in - one packages for squeezed academic budgets - but have also become more in demand.
Classroom contexts where students experience autonomy, competence, and relatedness tend not only to foster more intrinsic motivation, but also more willing engagement in less interesting academic activities.
The report, released Nov. 16 by the New York City - based Public Agenda research group, found that low - income parents and those who are members of racial and ethnic minorities are more interested in an academic focus than are wealthier and white parents.
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