Sentences with phrase «more accepted notions»

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After a pretty lame attempt to explain to him how doubt has actually enriched my faith over the years, how walking with a limp has made me more dependent on the steady shoulder of my heavenly Father, and how I don't really want to be fixed if being fixed means accepting without question or concern the notion that God creates the majority of the human population for hell with no hope for salvation, I decided just to turn the response over to you guys instead.
Since more and more religious groups are accepting of and even ordaining gays and lesbians as ministers or rabbis, it contradicts any notion that «god» hates queer folks and created them as something less than straight people.
«Accepting the notion that breaking down complex concepts from my discipline into very simplified explanations for the understanding of the public does not «dumb down'the work, but in fact gives it greater value, as it can reach more people.»
But I accepted the notion that biological systems, and their bewilderingly complex behaviour, could ultimately be understood from more fundamental physical laws.
They accepted the notion that the entire observable universe — 100 billion galaxies, each stuffed with 100 billion stars, stretching out more than 10 billion light - years in all directions — was once squashed into a space far smaller than a single electron.
Skeptic: Let's talk in 30 years While debate flared around what to do about climate change, the notion that the earth is warming might be more widely accepted.
Writing in the October issue of Current Anthropology, he and three colleagues challenge a widely accepted notion that cultural transmission goes back more than 2 million years.
Yet, if we accept the notion that secular bear markets include cyclical bull markets within them, and if we recognize the epic nature of the risk - off movement of capital, «secular» is a more accurate descriptor (than «cyclical»).
Behind the most sophisticated investigations of great artists — more specifically, the art - historical monograph, which accepts the notion of the Great Artist as primary, and the social and institutional structures within which he lived and worked as mere secondary «influences» or «background» — lurks the golden - nugget theory of genius and the free - enterprise conception of individual achievement.
A survey of Wiley's career since 2001, this exhibition features 60 paintings and sculptures (a more recent pursuit) that riff on images from the art historical canon, challenging accepted notions of race, gender and representation.
Drawing loosely upon the American Realist tradition, Sherald subverts the medium of portraiture to tease out unexpected narratives, welcoming viewers into a more complex debate about accepted notions of race and representation, and situating black heritage centrally in the story of American art.
Through each of the artists» engagement with the formal and conceptual properties of the medium, they challenge the notion that photography presents a faithful representation of reality and incite us to look more closely at how images are manipulated, styled and filtered to create fictions that we, the public are too - often ready to accept.
For More Pricks Than Kicks, Simon Denny will explore the notion of negation that lies in Beckett's work: indeed, he was asked by the curators to handle the display of the artworks in the exhibition, and, after having accepted this challenge, announced that he «would prefer not to», quoting Bartleby's famous motto (mention source Bartleby as not Beckett).
Featuring creatives at the show challenge the ingrained notion that photographs represent reality, and instead push us, with their works, to observe more closely the ways images are manipulated, styled, and filtered to create fictions we often accept as truth.
The notion that peer review is biased is not supported by my experience, although scientists can be more critical if a paper goes against well accepted earlier studies and their expectations.
A researcher that comes to the data compilations process with a preconceived notion that the world is warming may be eager to explain why the raw data shows no such temperature trend, and quick to accept a rationale for adjusting older temperatures down and more recent temperatures up.
This matter furthers the notion that courts may be more broadly accepting of litigation funding or third party agreements in certain circumstances.
If the most popular book printed on the Gutenberg press were a science book, I might more easily accept the notion that Bitcoin could become the keystone banking system.
The more I checked the more I realized that youth have the same need for connection and nurturing as their younger counterparts, but somehow we have accepted this notion that they are geared towards distancing, often alienating themselves from significant adult relationships.
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