Sentences with phrase «more active»

After she grew frustrated at the lack of volunteers and involvement in her church, Kris began to fantasize about attending a newer and more active church.
He found classical psychoanalytic theory therapeutically inadequate, so he began to experiment with more active and briefer methods.
People that have belief in a God who is primarily loving tend to be empathetic, compassionate and more active in charitable causes.
Behind the best of our languages they find, as Tocqueville did, relatively inert traditions that all five authors presumably wish were more active: biblical thought and imagery, and republican discourse and institutions.
The American church has largely purported just one theology about the modern state of Israel, but now questions are being asked - especially by younger Christians learning of persecution and human rights issues happening in the region - if the church should have a more active role in peacemaking.
As Aurobindo became more active in the Indian independence movement, he also had been practicing pranayama (breath control) for up to six hours a day, three hours each morning and evening, but aside from some psychophysical phenomena such as luminous patterns and figures and a great outpouring of poetry, he had no other results (OH 78f.).
So do you know a man who needs to become a follower of Jesus or take a more active spiritual role?
Maybe the whole has some priority over against the parts (which would imply that Creativity is somehow more basic and more active than the actual entities themselves).
Moreover, the priority of the first and more passive aspect of trust to the second and more active aspect of loyalty is absolute.
I do wish that the moderator took a more active part and clamped down on rude, vulgar people and THE DIMWIT who uses multiple handles including stealing names to lie.
We were both opposed to the Vietnam War, though Richard was much more active in the antiwar movement.
The Simple Lifestyle Movement was motivating Christians to be more active, more compassionate followers of Christ.
As compared with twenty years ago when religious interest was more largely funneled through nondenominational agencies, the churches are more active in making contacts with students and among a virile minority are securing a better response.
At Augsburg the atmosphere grew more tense and the jockeying more active as the Emperor arrived at Munich and then started out on the final leg for Augsburg.
This means that there is a lack of encouragement for students to become more active in their faith after they have graduated.
The more active they are in church, the more likely they are to show these behaviors.
But the ELCA's Sensitivity Patrol also has more active measures.
Probably the main influence of the church, one that can be malign or benign, is on the attitudes of people, especially its more active members.
Much of this difference, though, can be attributed to the fact that conservatives are on the whole more active in their churches than liberals.
Nowhere is he sketched more concretely, nowhere does he play a more active role in relation to the birth of Jesus.
... many structures and institutions may be built into the Church which give the people of the Church a more active role than that which they have previously had in the life of the Church itself.
If not, since even God's prehensions of other actual occasions must be positive (CNT 240), then why does man not have a more active hand in the ultimate resolution of the aim at «universal intensity of satisfaction» (CNT 180) which Cobb assigns exclusively to God?
In love of God, God's Angels, God's Holy Books and God's Prophets as Christians, Jews and Muslims which all of you to become more active in approaching those who are non religious to attract them rather than concentrating on each other as to gaining converts against each other or to fight in war with each other but are to become as one or wallies against it otherwise this country would become a Hell for believers inside and overseas under evil powers?!
In fact, it may be that many of those who do not attend church might be more active in the church than those who do attend.
How much more active and positive the impulse of the Christian writer to accept his place in the universe is!
Willett, the more active writer, applied new scientific and historical methods to the study of the Bible and challenged traditional notions of biblical authority.
Only 10 percent of the nation's congregations have 350 or more active members.
The subject lacks what Benedict XVI calls «breathing room,» which is a point the theologian Matthew Levering proves he understands when, in his new book Biblical Natural Law, he urges theologians to take a more active interest in the doctrine of natural law.
Spelled out in a lengthy lead editorial entitled «Evangelicals in the Social Struggle,» as well as in books such as Aspects of Christian Social Ethics, Henry's understanding of Christian social responsibility stressed (a) society's need for the spiritual regeneration of all men and women, (b) an interim social program of humanitarian care, ethical proclamation, and personal, structural application, and (c) a theory of limited government centering on certain «freedom rights,» e. g., the rights to public property, free speech, and so on.18 Though the shape of this social ethic thus closely parallels that of the present editorial position of Moody Monthly, it must be distinguished from its counterpart by the time period involved (it pushed others like Moody Monthly into a more active involvement in the social arena), by the intensity of its commitment to social responsibility, by the sophistication of its insight into political theory and practice, and by its willingness to offer structural critique on the American political system.
And when feeling, or knowledge, or will have thus become fantastic, the entire self may at last become so, whether in a more active form, as when a man runs headlong into the fantastic, or in a more passive form, when he is carried away, but in either case with moral responsibility.
@Societyvs, Your seem to advocate taking a more active approach to healing.
But I might hazard to suggest that the Spirit of Christ was indeed more active in Ghandi's life than most in the religion of Christianity would care to concede.
But this more active element in interpretation only follows on the initiative taken by the painting itself.
If the Sun or the Moon were a tiny bit different, perhaps we wouldn't be here; but perhaps we would be - and possibly we would be even better, with sturdier bodies, larger, more active brains, better resistance to disease, etc..
As an adult, I'm going to give you a more active role than a child, who should just be protected.
I saw God more active there than in any other church I have ever visited, and experienced the love of Jesus and the Body of Christ in tangible ways.
In painting, the depiction of this crossing ranges from the portrayal of the lovers in the traditional Orissa school, where they appear as one androgynous entity, to some of the paintings from the Himalayan foothills where Radha and Krishna are dressed in each other's clothes, or Radha is seen taking the more active «masculine» role.
When I was more active in the church, asking questions, and reading the bible for answers... i came across passages that described the notion of leaving your material possessions behind and sharing the good news.
Our Sun is more active than ever recorded and every major catastrophe on this planet in the past couple of years can be directly related to events in our solar system.
Instead of pooling our resources to combat radicalism, or taking a more active role in our communities so that other Americans better understand us, we've resorted to defense tactics.
In the Conference on Church and Society (Geneva, 1966), considered «the first genuinely «world» conference on social issues» because of equal representation by all the continents, there were strong demands for the churches to take a more active role in «promoting a world - wide revolutionary opposition to the capitalist political and economic system being imposed on the new nations by the Western industrial countries which was leading to new types of colonialism and oppression» (Albrecht, DEM 1991: 936).
This type of analysis is very much a part of current concerns about how media manipulate, for example encouraging us to become more active consumers, creating unrealistic perceptions of a more violent world, and imposing American culture on media audiences throughout the globe.
If, therefore, we discuss future human structures and institutions of the Church which would make possible a more active participation of the laity in the decisions of ecclesiastical authorities, such efforts should not be discredited in advance by saying that they would remain in any case subject to the good pleasure of the hierarchy.
Other Buddhists have found grounds for a more active involvement in social issues in Buddhist traditions.
Surprisingly, the status of «girlfriend» actually frees women to take on more active roles within the relationship, as opposed to maintaining a more passive role while waiting for men to pursue them.
Or to adopt another image one might say that the «psychic tint» of the earth, studied at a great distance by some celestial observer, would be seen, in the course of eons of geological time, to become gradually heightened in intensity until it reaches the peculiarly moving moment of climax when, in a spread of more active radiation covering Africa and southern Asia, a series of sparks begins to glow, foreshadowing the incandescence which is «hominization».
One of the things that brought me back to a more active churchmanship by the end of the»70s was the fact that what I had been writing and publishing gained for me a growing religious audience.
The much more active approach of the British and American Churches was quite evident.
While liberation may not be adequate as a summary motif for the church's mission and derivative leadership roles, it does hold out for us a more active overarching image than shepherding and counseling.
Often more active in the world than in a Church that is still clinging to many of its medieval traditions which bind it like a grave cloth.
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