Sentences with phrase «more adherents»

It may not be much, but we plan on doing our part at TreeHugger and Planet Green to move public sentiment in the right direction, and, with the recent launch of the network, are hoping to get a lot more adherents with programs like «Renovation Nation» and «Mean Green Machines.»
Then you're gonna have to go with Hinduism - much, much older than your stuff and many, many more adherents over the millennia.
But there still needs to be more adherents doing it for it to really take shape.»
Another instructional practice that might attract more adherents if tests were made more challenging is interleaving, or mixing up different types of problems during practice sessions.
Höhn's idea that environmentalists have to «convert relinquishment into fun» in order to win more adherents was a theme that kept popping up at «The Great Transformation: Greening the Economy» conference organized by the German environmental foundation Heinrich Böll Stifung.
The myth has more adherents with it than it would if hell were not included in it.
I do find his high position in his church to possibly be a problem because of course it means he is more adherent and less casual about his religion which could mean he would let his religion color his duties as president.
Those who do get started and stick with morning workouts often find they are more adherent to their workout program, so it's well worth some consideration.
This was not translated into higher levels of working alliance; parents were not more satisfied with their therapist and the intervention when the therapist was more adherent to the protocol.
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