Sentences with phrase «more aerosol formation»

A reduction of the solar wind during a prolonged solar minimum event would cause more galactic cosmic rays to enter the earth's atmosphere which would promote more aerosol formation thus more cloud nucleation.

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The aerosols catalyze the formation of ice in the clouds, which could increase precipitation, although more research needs to be done on that linkage, Creamean said.
Despite its smaller ash cloud, El Chichn emitted more than 40 times the volume of sulfur - rich gases produced by Mt. St. Helens, which revealed that the formation of atmospheric sulfur aerosols has a more substantial effect on global temperatures than simply the volume of ash produced during an eruption.
Even though open windows bring in more ozone from outside, the reduction in the indoor limonene concentration and SOA formation strength more than make up for it, as less secondary organic aerosol is formed inside.
New research reveals insights into how black carbon aerosols impact cloud formation RENO — It is widely known that black carbon, or soot, aerosol particles emitted... Read more
The suggested hypothesis, is that in regions devoid of dust (e.g., over the large ocean basins), the formation of cloud condensation nuclei takes place from the growth of small aerosol clusters, and that the formation of the latter is governed by the availability of charge, such that charged aerosol clusters are more stable and can grow while neutral clusters can more easily break apart.
If a cloud doesn't form then because of lack of aerosols to start formation, chill that sucker down some more to form ice crystals and it should make its on substrate to form.
These clouds then glaciate in higher levels, which could result in either more or less vigorous precipitation formation depending on the background aerosol levels and atmospheric stability (Khain et al., 2004).
On the other hand, if some of the anthropogenic aerosols act as ice nuclei, supercooled clouds could be converted into ice clouds by the glaciation indirect effect (Lohmann, 2002), resulting in more efficient precipitation formation.
It is vital for climate change scientists to discover more about how aerosols affect the formation of clouds and weather, says Chungu Lu, program director of the National Science Foundation's Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences that financed the research.
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