Sentences with phrase «more antioxidants»

Products made with quinoa or buckwheat contained more antioxidants compared with both wheat products and the control gluten - free products.
It contains even more antioxidants than blueberries and significantly more vitamin E than brown rice.
Coffee is just one small way to get more antioxidants in your diet for increased health and less risk of stroke.
For example, we get three times more antioxidants in cooked carrots than raw.
Drinking just one cup will provide you with more antioxidants than eating a handful of blueberries.
Whole grains have up to five times more antioxidant activity than do common fruits and vegetables.
I've made it a habit to have red cabbage sauerkraut ever since I heard red cabbage had far more antioxidants per dollar than even wild blueberries, but now I have a question.
This scale is just a useful way to add more antioxidant rich foods into your meals.
Studies have shown that organically grown blueberries contained significantly more antioxidants.
The team concludes that consumers who switch to organic fruit, vegetables, and cereals would get 20 to 40 percent more antioxidants.
Then, knowing variety and quantity matter, we added even more antioxidants from long - lasting onions and grapes as well.
You need more antioxidants when you spend time in the sun.
In other words, consuming more antioxidants seems to protect your cells from damage as well as enabling them to recover from exercise.
It turns out that plant foods contain on average 64 times more antioxidant content than animal foods.
Eating more antioxidant rich foods — an antioxidant is exactly what its name suggests; it's a compound that prevents free radicals from causing oxidative stress in tissues.
To help combat these destructive free radicals and prevent the health problems they can cause, scientific studies for a while now have pointed to the need for more antioxidants.
A standard serving of dark chocolate (40 grams) provides more antioxidant power than the standard servings of many other well - known antioxidant containing foods, including cranberries, walnuts and grapes.
And, the spaghetti squash, being the beautiful - colored vegetable that it is, will pack in a whole lot more antioxidants.
While strawberries contain twice as much vitamin C and just as many unique antioxidants, raspberries contain slightly more antioxidants in total and a three times higher content of fiber.
But even after it has been refrigerated for seven days, breast milk contains more antioxidant capacity than infant formula.
Black beans offer more antioxidant activity than any other common bean you can buy at the supermarket.
According to some research, matcha is packed with «exponentially more antioxidants than any other superfood», now how cool is that?
And blueberries always work at getting more antioxidants into your system, in addition to other health benefits.
The black seeds have a bit more antioxidants than the white ones.
It can deliver more antioxidants to your face where they are needed, but for the rest hygiene merely treats the symptoms.
I don't always eat sweetened sunflower seed butter, but when I do, I like it with honey or pure maple syrup — more antioxidants please!
The organic fruit had superior quality to the conventional, including more intense color (indicating more antioxidants) and higher sugar content.
These are better for you than the pickled variety, and will yield more antioxidants for better overall well - being for the body.
I like to expose veggies to as little heat as possible even when steaming them, so as to keep more antioxidants and other nutrients intact.
People who exercise intensely are going to require more antioxidants than average.
They are so pretty, and they have way more antioxidants in them then regular potatoes - score!
According to some studies, coffee contributes more antioxidants than all fruits and vegetables combined.
Getting more antioxidants prevents all of this and thus your pores do not get blocked and acne doesn't appear.
That's great news for your acne because there will be more antioxidants available to defend against it.
The answer is not more antioxidant creams or new makeup.
You'll get significantly more antioxidant support by purchasing raspberries that are fully ripe.
That means there's even MORE antioxidant power in this smoothie bowl than you might expect.
One serving of matcha is nutritionally equivalent to 10 cups of regular green tea, and it has an astounding 137 times more antioxidants per serving.
In fact, money aside, many of these tips can help you eat a wider variety of food on top of eating more antioxidants, fiber and other healthy nutrients.
With more antioxidants than blueberries, more fiber than beans, more calcium than milk, and more omega - 3s than salmon, it really packs a punch in the nutrition department.
Weight for weight they contain 3 times more iron than spinach and 3 times more antioxidant activity than blueberries.
To make it hot they're using green tea, which also adds more antioxidants to this already healthy smoothie.
In fact, many people in Western culture get more antioxidants from coffee than they do from fruits and vegetables combined.
I'd also like to mention that dark chocolate that is at least 70 % or more tend to have more antioxidant content.

Phrases with «more antioxidants»

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