Sentences with phrase «more as an instrument»

Many Americans view the United Nations as a threat to our sovereignty even though, in fact, it has functioned more as an instrument of United States» foreign policy than as a challenge to our power.
The shops are seen more as an instrument for customer loyalty: it is easy here for wine estate customers to do repeat orders on their wine.
Llew Claasen: I think that my experience so far with governments talking about cryptocurrencies, is that it is viewed more as an instrument of control than it is of one that creates greater levels of financial inclusion and financial participation.

Not exact matches

«When thought of purely as a payment instrument, it seems more likely to be attractive to those who want to make transactions in the black or illegal economy, rather than everyday transactions,» Governor Philip Lowe said in a speech in Sydney Wednesday.
As we drink beer in a glitzy rooftop bar, he complains that American investors seem more interested in putting their money in exotic financial instruments than in tangible assets like hotels.
The display is more important than ever before as Tesla got rid of the instrument cluster for its newest vehicle.
As the S&P 500 rose, investors positioned themselves to profit from new highs by demanding more call options, which are instruments that give them right to buy stocks at an agreed price.
Perversely, this perceived insincerity has hurt the anti-Brexit camp more than it has Boris Johnson, the Tory ex-Mayor of London, who has shamelessly changed his tune on the E.U. to make Brexit the instrument by which he can oust Cameron as party leader and take over as Prime Minister.
As Modern Healthcare notes, the U.S. imports more medical, surgical, dental, and veterinarian instruments from Mexico than it does from any other country, with more than $ 5.4 billion worth of these supplies coming in from the nation between January and November of 2016 alone.
Regional integration groups — of which there are many — serve as instruments for these governments to gain more clout that they can use in international affairs.
International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde urged policy makers to work more closely together as they plan eventual exits from unconventional monetary policies, endorsing swap arrangements between central banks as an instrument to weather instability.
For specifics on crypto currency as an asset class, the market for financial instruments that impact on kryptowaluty, such as contracts for difference, will be closely monitored, and ESMA will appreciate that we need more stringent measures.
Cryptocurrencies are more prone to volatility when compared to investments in conventional financial instruments, such as equities, commodities, forex (foreign exchange) or even real estate.
As derivative markets have become more liquid and the use of instruments such as options more widespread, it has become increasingly possible to use information from these instruments to analyse underlying asset marketAs derivative markets have become more liquid and the use of instruments such as options more widespread, it has become increasingly possible to use information from these instruments to analyse underlying asset marketas options more widespread, it has become increasingly possible to use information from these instruments to analyse underlying asset markets.
For a number of years, concerns had been expressed about the underpricing of risk in a range of financial instruments and the associated search for yield as investors sought higher returns in non-standard financial products as the yield on more standard products such as government bonds was deemed to be inadequate.
As people lose faith in the ability of central bankers to maintain the value of their product, which is fiat currency, they will demand that more interest is paid when they hold debt instruments that are denominated in a depreciating currency.
More people would be able to keep their jobs even as the PE drops, bitcoin drops, hedges and credit default instruments drop, real estate drops... BASICALLY YOU PROP UP MAIN STREET AND WORKING CLASS WHILE WALL STREET AND REAL ESTATE DEFLATE BACK TO THE MEAN.
«I'd question the logic of running into a trade deal with a president who sees trade less as a means of achieving mutual prosperity and more an instrument of war,» Sam Lowe, a trade expert at the Centre for European Reform think tank, told the Guardian.
As Artemis Capital's Chris Cole told The New York Times in September: «Volatility is an instrument of truth, and the more you deny the truth, the more the truth will find you through volatility.»
Likewise, but in a more systematic way, the Puritans developed a comprehensive theory of personal spiritual record - keeping, with the journal as the key instrument.
To look upon those prayer wheels not (as some of us were taught) as instruments of «vain repetition,» but as outward and visible signs of the intention to pray without ceasing, can perhaps lead iconoclasts to more compassionate reflection on the sacramental impulse and on the place of objects — statues and stained glass and candles and altar cloths, beads, bouquets, and kneeling cushions in needlepoint stitched by some faithful woman as her own act of participation in the prayers of the church.
Instead it has more plausibility as a metaphysical than as a scientific instrument of explanation.
Instead, he added an instrumental coda, including two more instruments in the ensemble, almost as if (as Gardiner says) Bach felt «the singer's words were inadequate to express the full joy at the coming of the Holy Spirit.»
Certainly, as believers in Jesus we need ongoing faith, and what would be more natural and right than for the new birth to serve as an instrument of God whereby our faith in Christ grows and multiplies?
Calvin described women as»... more guilty than the man, because she was seduced by Satan, and so diverted her husband from obedience to God that she was an instrument of death leading all to perdition.
Just as there are scientific instruments to establish a «more» in the sphere of the material world, so too without instruments, but not without the higher development of spirit, there are experiences which grasp... eternity.
Still, it is good to remember that history, even salvation history, as Levering seems to suggest, is never more than an instrument to eschatological purpose.
Systems and principles of justice are the servants and instruments of the spirit of brotherhood in so far as they extend the sense of obligation towards the other, (a) from an immediately felt obligation, prompted by obvious need, to a continued obligation expressed in fixed principles of mutual support; (b) from a simple relation of the self and one «other» to the complex relations of the self and the «others»; and (c) finally from the obligations... which the community defines from its more impartial perspective.5
But hazards become greater as the units of power be come larger and the instruments of power more efficient.
Wilson, who describes More as authoritarian and his treatment of suspected heretics as inquisitorial asks whether Luther himself might be considered «God's instrument for punishing the sins into which the Church had fallen.»
The omission is even more striking, I would add, in the light of the Torah's account, only a few chapters earlier, of Noah, whom God chooses as the instrument of universal salvation because he found him righteous in his generation.
Demarest explains, «The early church defended itself against heretical teaching by appealing to «the rule of faith» or «the rule of truth», which were brief summaries of essential Christian truths... The fluid «rule of faith» gave way to more precise instruments for refuting heresies and defining faith, namely, creedal formulations such as the Apostles» Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Definition of Chalcedon and the Athanasian Creed.»
As social institutions they are more important as bulwarks of achieved social values than as instruments of changAs social institutions they are more important as bulwarks of achieved social values than as instruments of changas bulwarks of achieved social values than as instruments of changas instruments of change.
Work can be no true vocation while it is turned directly or indirectly to the forging of instruments of destruction, — or can play be more than momentary escape from the abiding fear of violence so long as the nations are related to each other in hostility or uneasy alliance.
As the revered Christian theologan Calvin put it, woman is Calvin described women as»... more guilty than the man, because she was seduced by Satan, and so diverted her husband from obedience to God that she was an instrument of death leading all to perditioAs the revered Christian theologan Calvin put it, woman is Calvin described women as»... more guilty than the man, because she was seduced by Satan, and so diverted her husband from obedience to God that she was an instrument of death leading all to perditioas»... more guilty than the man, because she was seduced by Satan, and so diverted her husband from obedience to God that she was an instrument of death leading all to perdition.
The reality is that some still reject the church as God's missionary instrument, seeing the missio dei as something that encompasses much more than the missio ecclesiae.
More than 40 years ago C. S. Lewis noted that «what we call Man's power over Nature turns out to be a power exercised by some men over other men with Nature as its instrument
religion is just a construct of humanity, it is no more an instrument of death as the atomic bomb.
L'INTERFORM's head of risk management, Marc Perathoner, said hedging with derivatives will become more important for the European dairy industry as derivatives have been proven to be effective financial instruments in managing risk, as can be seen from years of experience in the US and New Zealand.
This year «cartons as a marketing instrument» and «the most sustainable form of packaging» dominated the Pro Carton ECMA Awards, which had more participants than ever before.
As your child gets older and a little more coordinated, try rhythm instruments that can be banged, like drums, cymbals, or xylophones.
Solution: While you can't make your child believe that back - to - school has the same perks as summer, you can make the start of school enticing by reminding him of all the things that back - to - school time offers, such as seeing his friends again, doing fun activities in school, getting to go on school trips, and doing other activities he loves to do in school (fun games in gym class or recess, making arts and crafts, singing or dancing or playing musical instruments, and more).
You can create a life - sized board game with slides, musical instruments and other activities to keep their interest along the way or tone it down with a more realistic version using a piece of foam board as your game board and adding your own colored spaces for game play.
At this stage, children do start to be more intrigued with toys such as balls, puzzles, cars, animals, and musical instruments.
Using props such as streamers, parachutes, instruments & much more!
EU citizens may want to see their money being spent more effectively, but they only have instruments to discipline their own national politicians, and not the EU as such.
More generally, gender stereotypes are used to justify women's unlikelihood to speak up: the general perception of women as instruments whose function is primordially to be used, as passive sexual objects than as active subjects, as bodies and faces that should be looked at and evaluated on the basis of demanding aesthetic criteria, as sacrificial mothers or as empathetic persons mainly attuned to other's people needs, is not very compatible with an assertive form of communication.
And as some supporters in the second floor balcony jubilantly began to play percussion on hand - held musical instruments, others focused on far more immediate changes.
The EEG signal can be processed quickly, allowing fast response times, and the instrument is cheaper and more portable than brain - scanning techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging and positron - emission tomography.
And, as with learning an instrument, say the researchers, «the more one practices the better one becomes».
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