Sentences with phrase «more attention than others»

However, they are too small and require more attention than other larger dog breeds.
Yet during the tournament he'll get more attention than all other players in the field — combined — which will be a huge distraction.
Some incidents attract more attention than others, but this map shows where the greatest concentrations of reported hate crimes occur.
For the most part, cats are capable of grooming themselves — but some cat breeds need more attention than others.
That said, it's largely action and character driven, though with so many characters in play there's no way to avoid the necessity of some getting far more attention than others.
While some studies received much more attention than others, coverage was relatively balanced within each pair and across the various outlets.
Of all the spaces in our home, this little spot stays busy all day long so naturally it gets a little more attention than other spaces.
When working with them, be aware that they may need — whether they show it or not — more attention than other people.
It is very happy and active dog that requires more attention than the other small breeds and it is a perfect family member and companion.
Some bike lanes throughout the city have seen more attention than others.
Resumes that match the job description should be given more attention than others.
It takes effort to create a strong resume that attracts more attention than others.
And where frustration sets in is our realization that one or the other, either our work or personal life requires more attention than the other.
Is there a particular part of your garden that gets more attention than others?
The first thing is filling, the main project here which needs to have a little more attention than other two.
Led by Player Unknown Battleground but now surpassed by Fortnite, 100 - player last - person - standing games have caught more attention than any other genre before.
Because some of Lamanai's ruins are some of the oldest in Belize dating back to 700 B.C., the site has received more attention than other archaeological sites in the country.
But editor - in - chief Mike Floyd notes that both the Cadillac and the Lincoln garnered more attention than any other cars at the show, and counts that as a win for the overall spirit of the American luxury sedan.
-LSB-...] Media Inc. (NASDAQ: VVTV) attract more attention than any other posts on this site.
Underlying insecurity and anxiety makes these dogs crave more attention than others.
«One way to do this is to appreciate that in any given time period, one aspect of one's life warrants more attention than others,» Traeger says.
The vine can require more attention than other varieties, but the wine is worth the extra effort.
Apron styles are more obvious as a nursing cover, so they may attract more attention than any other style.
Gish (1985) distorts this quote by claiming that a Neandertal in a business suit could walk down a city street and not attract more attention than any other individual, a statement that is probably false.
Keep in mind that the cool down samples below aren't written in stone and you can easily modify them (and you should) in case a certain muscle group needs more attention than the other ones.
But Locke has received much more attention than any other inner - city high school.
Although the concept of arming teachers has received more attention than other proposals, a plurality of the bills reviewed by Education Week would encourage or require school emergency planning: more drills, more types of drills, and more detailed and dynamic plans.
Not a line on the car's body feels wrongly placed, not a curve feels as if it has too much curlicue, not a single element grabs more attention than any other.
Dogs and cats are by far the most loved animals across the board, receiving much more attention than other domestic animals like cows, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys.
And even though it's not constructed, the Keystone XL pipeline has generated more attention than any other previous pipeline in the U.S. — which Cooper argued makes it more vulnerable.
I understand why the Facebook scandal has captured so much more attention than these other incidents.
Baby has many different sleeping positions, but starfish catches more attention than others.
Range Rover can count the Evoque as one of the most successful new models it has ever launched, arguably garnering more attention than any other that preceded it.
Our posts on ValueVision Media Inc. (NASDAQ: VVTV) attract more attention than any other posts on this site, though we exited the position last year.
As social beings, most dogs are eager to gain attention as much as they can, but some of them crave far more attention than others.
Ballot Proposal No. 1 to hold a New York Constitutional Convention has received more attention than the other two ballot proposals, drawing support and opposition from a wide variety of public officials and special - interest groups.
For the life of me I don't know why this kid is getting any more attention than any other teenager we've bought over the last few years.
When we peruse a scene, not all parts are equally important: some receive more attention than others and are prioritised in processing.
That said, it's largely action and character - driven, though with so many characters in play there's no way to avoid the necessity of some getting far more attention than others.
Unsurprisingly, some methods have caught more attention than others, and the 70:20:10 model is creating quite a buzz right now.
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