Sentences with phrase «more available glucose»

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Recent research, however, shows that consuming a variety of sugars (e.g., more than just glucose) makes more fuel available to the muscles per hour.
Witness Avandia, a popular drug available since 1999 that lowers blood glucose by making cells more receptive to insulin — but that also, according to a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine in May, increases the risk of heart attack.
«So there's more glucose and lipids available as fuel — which means you're not battling hunger and your metabolism stays high.»
It also helps to make glucose more available for muscle use so it can improve exercise endurance.
When you start a low carb diet, the more commonly used glucose fuel is suddenly no longer available.
Where glycogen / sugar is made more available by being made faster into glucose in the liver.
Increasing glucose clearance means more energy will be available inside muscle cells to finish a workout.»
When food isn't available, the use of fats and glucose become more prominent, with glucose being the primary source.
The more available receptors there are, the more glucose, amino acids and creatine can be absorbed from the blood.
The more glucose there is in the bloodstream, the more energy they have available to maintain their higher growth rate.
A high - carb diet makes glucose more available to bacteria... exercises glycolytic pathways that help establish the cancer phenotype... and occupies liver resources that might be better used otherwise.
This raises the blood sugar level so more glucose will be available for the brain as energy.
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