Sentences with phrase «more blood flow to the brain»

... Get more blood flowing to your brain (and more clever thoughts flowing from it!)
Unlike watching TV, exercise makes more blood flow to the brain and fights off the blues.
«The kids were very into the thought of having more blood flowing to the brain, as well as having the body and mind engaged.»
Probably ginkgo also improves circulation, and more blood flow to the brain could make a difference.»

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Walking while on a conference call can even result in better communication, as walking increases blood flow to your brain, helping you to express ideas more freely.
Using functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure changes in blood flow, she found that as people received more information, their brain activity increased in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, a region behind the forehead that is responsible for making decisions and controlling emotions.
Helped by the recent development of fiber - optic - bundle - coupled laser - scanning confocal fluorescence imaging (Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy — CLE), which allowed the scientists to image blood flow more deeply in the brain than ever before.
Blood flow would make arrays of brain organoids more likely to survive, grow, and develop.
They found that those with more flexibility — that is, shifting blood flow — in the brain's ventromedial prefrontal cortex seem to have more emotional and behavioral control.
The study also found increased blood flow in limbic areas of the brains of women, which may also partially explain why women are more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, insomnia, and eating disorders.
«Blood flow was inversely correlated to the degree of stuttering — the more severe the stuttering, the less blood flow to this part of the brain,» said Desai, adding that the study results were «quite striking.&rBlood flow was inversely correlated to the degree of stuttering — the more severe the stuttering, the less blood flow to this part of the brain,» said Desai, adding that the study results were «quite striking.&rblood flow to this part of the brain,» said Desai, adding that the study results were «quite striking.»
«When other portions of the brain circuit related to speech were also affected according to our blood flow measurements, we saw more severe stuttering in both children and adults,» said first author Jay Desai, MD, a clinical neurologist at CHLA.
Neuroimaging technologies are revealing changes in blood flow to areas of the brain, indicating more activity.
Vascular dementia involves poor blood flow in the brain, and the team found that people with autoimmune diseases are 29 per cent more likely to develop this form of dementia, compared with only a 6 per cent increase in Alzheimer's risk.
«We believe exertion or increasing blood flow to the brain when it's not quite ready to handle that, even in the absence of more impacts to the brain, could also interfere with recovery in this window,» said Asken, also a clinical and research coordinator for the Sports Concussion Center at the UF Student Health Care Center.
It works by detecting the changes in blood oxygenation and flow that occur in response to neural activity — when a brain area is more active it consumes more oxygen and to meet this increased demand blood flow increases to the active area.
Another seminal study led to the discovery that blood flow and glucose utilisation change more than oxygen consumption in the active brain (Science, 1988) causing tissue oxygen to vary with brain activity.
In other words, if blood flow increased in an organ that's very expensive and very dependent on oxygen, for example the brain, it must be related to delivering more oxygen, in order for that organ to carry out whatever function it is planning to do.
When you work out in the heat, your body shuttles more blood to the skin in order to help heat escape — meaning less blood flows to the muscles and brain, causing fatigue to set in faster.
Regular exercise targets both brains as once, as it can help improve your digestion and bowel movements, sleep, mood, blood flow, and blood sugar regulation — making cells more sensitive to take in glucose for energy.
It increases the blood flow and feeds the brain with more oxygen, it aids the release of hormones and stimulates a process known as neurogenesis, i.e. the brain's ability to grow new brain cells and adapt existing ones.
In the following 10 - minute routine, Barrett combines inversions to promote blood flow to the brain and more invigorating exercises to increase circulation.
In order to get the blood flowing in your brain, you should move around more.
When a muscle is stressed, there's an increase in blood flow to the region being exercised, stimulating more responsive nerve connections between the brain and muscle,» says personal trainer and owner of Fully Loaded Fitness, Ethan Hyde.
These areas of brain damage were also more likely to be found in individuals with impaired blood flow.
Increased blood flow to your brain provides it with more oxygen, which in turn allows it to work much more efficiently.
I refer to these simply as aerobic workouts, meaning they will provide the stimulus to improve fat burning for more energy, continuous physical support, improved blood flow throughout the brain and body, and reductions in body fat.
Increased blood flow provides more energy to the brain and prevents the neurotransmitter, dopamine, from being reabsorbed (4).
Reverse gravity as you allow the organs to rest, shift lymphatic flow, bring fresh blood back to the heart and brain, improve immune function, foster mental clarity and give the legs and feet a much needed... Read More
The blood on its way to the brain was found to contain considerably more lactate than blood flowing from the brain.
«An infrared session is like doing a light jog, so of course when you're doing a light jog your heart rate's going to be going, and it's actually extremely healthy for you, because you're getting that fresh pump of blood through the body — ultimately, the more your blood is flowing, the more increased circulation to the brain,» she said.
With the right mental activity, blood flow to the brain increases, bringing more oxygen and other nutrients to cells — another key step to better brain function.
Gingko Biloba - Can act as a tonic to the circulatory system by increasing blood flow to the brain, which brings more nutrition to the brain.
Brain scans showed the subjects eating the starchy foods also exhibited more blood flow to the right side of the brain in areas associated with reward, pleasure, and cravings in the high - glycemic eaBrain scans showed the subjects eating the starchy foods also exhibited more blood flow to the right side of the brain in areas associated with reward, pleasure, and cravings in the high - glycemic eabrain in areas associated with reward, pleasure, and cravings in the high - glycemic eaters.
Super Brain Green Juice This super brain green juice is an awesome recipe that purifies the blood and improves blood flow dynamics to get more oxygen and nutrients into your... ReadBrain Green Juice This super brain green juice is an awesome recipe that purifies the blood and improves blood flow dynamics to get more oxygen and nutrients into your... Readbrain green juice is an awesome recipe that purifies the blood and improves blood flow dynamics to get more oxygen and nutrients into your... Read more oxygen and nutrients into your... Read MoreMore
More correctly called «vascular disorders», they involve damaged blood flow to the brain.
Cardo needs a more thorough examination to rule out any heart condition which may cause a reduction in blood flow to the brain and subsequent fainting spell; warm humid weather makes this worse especially if dehydrated because the blood is more viscous.
In more severe cases, signs include the enlargement of the liver, temporary loss of consciousness due to poor blood flow to the brain, excessive fluid in the abdominal cavity and abnormal heart sounds.
With exercise, the pet stays healthy because all of their organs are again in the proper place, blood can flow more easily and oxygen is distributed to organs and to the brain especially, keeping everything working at a higher efficiency.
The pumping function of the heart becomes less efficient; the liver and kidneys decrease in weight and their ability to filter toxins decreases; the thyroid and adrenal glands may decrease or increase the amount of hormone that they produce; there is a decrease in joint cartilage and muscle mass; dental disease is more common in older patients; and even the nervous system is affected as there is a decrease in blood flow to the brain and a decrease in brain function.
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