Sentences with phrase «more challenging issues»

In collaborative divorce, a professional team (a lawyer for each spouse, a divorce coach for each spouse, a neutral financial consultant, and a neutral child specialist) helps couples focus on their highest shared hopes and intentions, and to find areas of agreement as the basis for dealing with more challenging issues.
It provides useful tips and ideas to support carers with the day to day and the more challenging issues.
Cropland data face similar discrepancies, and even more challenging issues arise when pasture areas are considered.
When needed, C.A.R.E. provides one - on - one training sessions to help new owners address more challenging issues.
With sharpness taken care of (for now), there are many other equally important and even more challenging issues for Tablets displays:
With high resolution and sharpness taken care of (for now), there are many other equally important and even more challenging issues for Mini Tablets displays:
Managing cash flow is often one of the more challenging issues small businesses and startups deal with on a monthly basis.
But since, as it seems, white churchmen can not deal boldly with the issue of integration, they can hardly be expected to take on the more challenging issue of justice.
and how to identify what makes a website visitor a good candidate for remarketing — a more challenging issue in the law firm example where there normally isn't a binary purchased / didn't purchase sort of logic to the site.

Not exact matches

Identifying and recruiting talent is a challenge for large businesses, and even more of an issue for small businesses, where a future employee needs to demonstrate a high level of resilience and entrepreneurial spirit in order to develop with the business and adapt to unexpected.
The respondents said time - wasting on the Internet, intergenerational differences, integrating immigrants, and employee wardrobe choices are more serious challenges than issues affecting women and minorities.
And while these more urgent challenges are largely cyclical in nature, the issue of social licence will not go away.
Those hard times and the city's challenges are what make the startup scene even more important — and not because startups will cure every social and economic issue the region faces.
A federal judge has rejected Massachusetts» challenge to new Trump administration rules that would allow more companies to not provide insurance plans that cover birth control; previous decisions by other judges in California and Pennsylvania went the other way, issuing injunctions against the new birth control rules.
Here's the answer: every one of these very different companies creates products and services that address one or more of the most challenging issues of our time — such as hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change — and makes a great profit.
Other issues raised by the committee included why Facebook does not provide an overall control or opt - out for political advertising; why it does not offer a separate feed for ads but chooses to embed them into the Newsfeed; how and why it gathers data on non-users; the addictiveness engineered into its product; what it does about fake accounts; why it hasn't recruited more humans to help with the «challenges» of managing content on a platform that's scaled so large; and aspects of its approach to GDPR compliance.
Other U.N. and international bodies» critiques were widely lacking, even though it is the U.N. itself which will be challenged to contribute to the issue more than others, perhaps through its still widely unused academic instrument, the United Nations University (UNU).
One man who, prior to the Financial Crisis, issued a challenge to regulators including the Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, to recognise these flaws and develop more realistic risk models was Benoit Mandelbrot.
The CEO of Navistar issued his electric challenge early this year, declaring that by 2025 his company would have more electric trucks on the road than Tesla (Navistar has 11 % of the Class 8 truck market and is partially owned by Volkswagen).
Our throne speech was delivered on March 8 and outlined our plan to both overcome these challenging issues now and create a more resilient economy for the future:
In this fund administration special, we bring together five top tech experts to answer the big technology questions facing private equity firms; look at the administrative strain GPs are under; consider the implications of Brexit for UK fund managers; explain how the outsourcing model is changing; consider the challenges faced by CFOs; explore the issues involved in raising a first credit vehicle; plus much more.
Making this issue even more challenging is changes in buying behavior.
And in truth prudent privatization could address more effectively «social justice» issues than single - payer schemes given our demographic and debt challenges.
When they deign to reply to a woman, which is itself far more rare than their replying to men who issue identical challenges, it almost invariably is for the purposes of condescension and dismissal.
Pope Francis has issued a challenge to world leaders to do more for the protection of refugees and migrants.
Yet if the most important development in that doctrine in Caritas in Veritate is a strong linkage of the life issues to Catholic social - justice concerns, then it is also true that the challenge of this particular encyclical falls more sharply on those who believe that Roe v. Wade was rightly decided, and remedied an injustice in prior American law.»
These challenges could include changing your major, relationship issues, a crisis in faith and more.
(CNN)- A top evangelical leader who is close to Mitt Romney's presidential campaign says the candidate's Mormon faith will be even more of an issue in the general election than it has been in the primary, predicting that the focus on Romney's faith will present a challenge to Romney.
As women open up with each other about issues like dual callings, sexuality, gender, body image, and more, they have more freedom to make a statement and challenge assumptions than if they were tied to an organization.
And this secular culture challenged a church (and most theologians) concerned with private and personal, «existential» problems to become active and involved in the more serious public Issues of a segregated and an imperialistic America.
No, the more basic reason for the challenge is that this very issue of theism or atheism is too complex to admit of the simple either / or kinds of answers apparently called for by the question emblazoned on the cover of Time for Easter 1966.
A thought on all the anti-catholic stuff that always seem to make an appearance in these discussions: I am a lapsed Catholic myself, but that has more to do with my own challenges with God, than with issues with the church itself.
Applying these lessons to other issues (such as marriage) is even more challenging, but it's still a worthwhile topic for reflection.
Then Jack would issue the big challenge: each pair should go out and find 10 more men who really want to grow in faith.
Rowan Williams, the archbishop of Canterbury, recently issued a call to the Church of England that speaks to this challenge; «We have to ask whether we are capable of moving towards a more «mixed economy» — recognizing church where it appears and having the willingness and the skill to work with it.
Looking back to our glorious past can not be the only approach to [current anniversaries...] Contemporary culture, and even more believers themselves, in fact, demand a continuing ecclesial reflection and action in the various areas in which new issues emerge -LSB-...] enabling the whole Church -LSB-...] to respond effectively to questions and challenges -LSB-...] and promote man in his integrity.
Pope Francis has issued a challenge to world leaders to do more for the protection of refugees and m...
If challenging my fellow Christ - followers to think more critically about these issues makes me a stumbling block in the path of bad ideas, then I accept that role.
The challenge is that as the IMC was integrated within the World Council of Churches, the missio dei became more and more focused on social issues.
Enns hopes that by exploring these issues and questions, we can elevate the conversation by allowing them to challenge us on a more fundamental level.
It represents a challenge to evangelicals to examine global mission issues that surface in the text — and, perhaps just as important or more so, issues that lie just beneath the surface — if they want to be a force for Christian mission in the future.
The challenge was the more thought - provoking because it arose in part from currents issuing from Christianity, and especially from its Protestant form.
Cardinal Camillo Ruini, the pope's vicar for Rome, it is said, is one of those who hold this view: what is needed, he is thought to believe, is (in the words of John Allen Jr of the American National Catholic Reporter) «good relations with Islam, but also a more robust capacity to challenge and critique Islamic leaders, especially on issues of «reciprocity» — the idea that if Muslim immigrants benefit from religious freedom in the West, Christians should get the same treatment in Islamic states.»
I know that lots of you also eat and live this way, as you too are living with illness or continuous health related issues, so I wanted to share a bit more about my journey, because it's so important to talk about it and not feel alone in our challenges.
«Linking health and climate change in challenging our eating habits could have more effect than focusing on each of these issues alone,» said Springmann.
«Banning is not an approach that's constructive — we should be more than capable of dealing with those issues and challenges and put in place the necessary guidelines and criteria to ensure we do this professionally and with the highest quality possible.
It possesses outstanding health benefits especially for the diabetics and those challenged by obesity and high cholesterol issues and is about ten times more expensive but worth every penny.
Awareness of the issues is increasing too, however, and thousands more of you every day are rising to the challenge of eating for a better tomorrow, whether you're looking after the environment or your health.
Offering a fresh perspective on relevant trends and issues, the Learning Hub's new expanded focus will see speakers form the wider business sector challenge attendees to learn more about transferable skills applicable across all industries.
The April 2018 issue of Prepared Foods features our cover story on food colorants and the challenges they present to the food industry, along with features on global food flavors and trends, including Latin cuisine, and much more.
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