Sentences with phrase «more chest emphasis»

For more chest emphasis you can lean forward by flexing at the hip and holding your legs out in front of you and instead of simply pressing your way out of the bottom, try to squeeze / pull your way up.

Not exact matches

Placing your hands wider than shoulder width will engage more of your chest fibers, while placing them narrower than shoulder width will shift the emphasis to your triceps.
You can lean your chest further forward if you want to place more emphasis on your chest, or you can remain fully upright if you want to target your triceps more.
As the angle increases more emphasis is shifted to the shoulder and deltoid and away from the chest muscles.
Going below parallel works the delts more than chest, whereas staying at parallel (or even slightly above) puts more emphasis on chest.
The further you lean forward the more emphasis is put on your chest and shoulders in the movement.
Leaning more forward will place emphasis on your chest and leaning back will place emphasis on your triceps.
Close grip barbell bench press is similar at first glance to the regular bench press, but bringing your hands close together on the bar places far more emphasis on the triceps and anterior deltoids than on the chest.
This will be harder because it puts more emphasis on your shoulders, which are usually weaker than triceps and chest.
The higher your feet, the more of an emphasis on your shoulders and triceps, and less on your chest (thus the greater difficulty).
You could also put more emphasis on chest and back exercises in one workout of the week, if you want to build more muscle in those areas.
Most gyms have a decline bench, and when you perform a chest press on a decline, you will place more emphasis on the lower portion of the chest / pectoralis major.
This changes the angle that you perform the push - up so that you are slightly putting more emphasis on the shoulders and less on the chest.
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