Sentences with phrase «more childish»

Meena Mahabala is her younger sister, though characters frequently mistake her as the younger sibling due to Maya's more childish demeanor.
While having the look of a child in his current appearance (as like most of the members of his species do), it can be arguable that his earlier appearances (especially in his game appearances during the Nintendo 64 era) portray him as looking much more childish in design with his very large head and miniature body (more so than his current appearance).
But if you can look past this game's more childish tendencies, you'll find a fairy tale worth experiencing.
By special, I mean more childish than ever.
Its simple, colorful and way better than the controversial Pilipinas kay Ganda unveiled last year which was more childish and, allegedly plagiarized from another country's tourism design.
This novel has more childish potty humor than any of his others that I have read.
As a reader and a writer, I find too many of the must have cheap books now people are coming across as more childish than my seven year old daughter.
Some of the more childish humour seems forced and without real substance, largely focusing on slapstick sight gags and the consumption of disgusting foods such as pancakes filled with worms.
However, it also relies on some traditional story elements, has a weakly - defined «villain,» and too often relies on silly humor that seems more childish than the humor usually featured in Pixar films.
Early on in the film we see Jay quite literally abandon more childish activities, like floating in her small above ground pool or watching a movie with her sister, in order to go out with this older boy instead.
The potty humor is not necessary, and only makes the film feel more childish than it should.
Aardman's latest work is drier, more childish than usual, even by the studio's standards.
Well they certainly made everything less mysterious and more childish.
It does give you a youthful vibe and being 26 about to be 27 this weekend kinda makes me try to dress in a more childish way #denial.
On a more childish level, if God is everywhere, do I inhale him when I breathe?
(e) To help them learn how to relate with their more mature rather than their more childish sides.

Not exact matches

Michele Berdy, an interpreter and translator working for the Moscow Times, has explained that because Trump's peculiar Twitter style sounds childish Russian translators often transpose it into a more adult register.
More than that, a non-provocative political discourse is vital to carry messages effectively to other cultures; Trump's childish use of capital letters and exclamation marks («SAD!»)
«Fear of confrontation is so overwhelming, but if you communicate boldly, more frequently, and honestly... and you're not afraid to work through conflict, you'll likely reduce your stress and be a better worker,» says Lynn Taylor, national workplace expert and author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant; How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job.
Gorsuch said a distinction must be drawn «between childish pranks and more seriously disruptive behaviors.»
That verse is nothing more than a childish «naner - naner boo boo, you're so wrong!»
I leave it to one of the greatest minds of all time who wrote... Quote: «The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish
Juan, thanks for helping us create more atheists with your hateful proxy threats and childish notions of invisible buddies!
As Albert Einstein wrote: «God is nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish
I think what usually happens to these people when they are confronted with a convincing truth that challenges their present way of thinking is that they revert to a childish coping mechanism of regressing into a more secure but less mature belief system.
Yes, us atheists could be more polite, but believers need to take that big step past childish beliefs and / or practice their silliness in private (as in stop pushing their beliefs into politics and government).
In fact, childish whining is more distracting than the screech of a high - pitched table saw, according to a new study.
He did however, say this: «The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish.
then you are a childish idiot with an I.Q. of no more than 80!
Were Mort less mellow, he might respond to Molly's anger by getting angry himself and calling her childish or judgmental or coming up with something even more irrelevant and hurtful to say, like, «The whole idea of taking a honeymoon in Topeka is the stupidest thing I ever heard of.
you need to put away childish thoughts and start to thing more logically.
Or man's concept of it will stop being so westernly childish and possibly evolve into maybe a more Eastern or non-man centered form.
When we have become intellectually mature enough to give up childish notions of divine intrusions and rescue expeditions, even with respect to Jesus himself (about whom we speak in the next chapter), and to trust in God who is revealing the divine self as actively energizing within the world, we shall be able to have a more soundly based and more credible view of the divine reality.
i am atheist, i served as an atheist and i will die an atheist because until your neglectful sky fairy father figure decides to show up he is nothing more than a quaint little bed time story for all the childish minded people like you.
So the last thing I want is to go to church for more of the same: to be dictated to, pressured with an agenda, and subjected to childish beliefs.
Just for you, Tarver... «The Word of God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish» — Albert Einstein
«The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish.
I am personally more and more intolerant of religion and will point out the stupidity of religion if someone injects into my life in any way, but if someone wants to cling to their childish tribal myths, that is literally their problem, as in, in my opinion, their own mental health issue.
Even the childish belief in Santa Claus is more reasonable than your belief in your god, as St. Nicholas actually lived.
Human beings are terrified of their own deaths and we see the various religious beliefs that try to «wish it away,» such as reincarnation, living happily ever after in Heaven with Jesus, having your own Mormon planet etc. as nothing more than childish stories for the more näive, timid minds among us.
with Jesus, having your own Mormon planet etc. as nothing more than childish stories for the more näive, timid minds among us.
But the more the Romantics encumbered his story with «meaning» by converting his unreflective sybaritism into a Promethean defiance of the gods, the more they deprived him of his few engaging qualities: mirth, frivolity, childish pride, thoughtless wickedness.
Focus more on helping your fellow man, and less on trying to force your beliefs on them, and people will accept you (even if they think you're a bit childish in your belief).
It suggests that all religion is little more than a covering up of childish desires or oppressive ideology.
Fortunately Mary, there are people out there who actually understand evolution, who have studied evolution and who have doc.umented and taught evolution, so that those of us with even a rudimentary education on the topic can dismiss your comment as nothing more than the desperate and childish attempt to cling to religion even as the rest of the world grows up and embraces reality.
So in your opinion, christianity's childish premise of a some magical superbeing creating everything, a theory you share with prehistorical cavemen who already came up with this stunning idea thousands of years ago, has more merit?
For me this Reality was not the pure Unknowable of Spencer's philosophy, for although I had ceased my childish prayers to God, and never prayed to It in a formal manner, yet my more recent experience shows me to have been in a relation to It which practically was the same thing as prayer.
Why do Americans still naively believe such childish quotes of a politician who simply wanted more votes?
Human beings are terrified of their own deaths and we see the various religious beliefs that try to «wish it away» such as reincarnation, living happily ever after in Heaven with Jesus, having your own Mormon planet etc. as nothing more than childish stories for the more naive, timid minds among us.
You my friend must live with your ears and eyes shut tighly to lend more credence to a childish god that to scientific fact.
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