Sentences with phrase «more compliance»

I guarantee that when you engage this child in a physically - stimulating way, you will get more compliance with parental or teacher requests.
If the company operates in a heavily regulated industry, the induction program can also contain one or more compliance training courses.
Today, there's much more compliance involved, especially with borrower data at the time of transfer.
And, though the course told me at the beginning that «finding more clues will give you access to more compliance information», I kept asking «why?».
As an agent that handles a lot of transaction volume, you are going to be susceptible to more compliance risk.
According to Clive, «this type of story is going to make regulations stricter, and that's going to mean more compliance costs, and risks for businesses.»
No doubt there'll be the need for more compliance training as regulations change, but now as compliance becomes part of the working experience, you can have employees take pre-tests to fast - track them through subsequent issues.
Rogers takes the helm and, too, prefers that there's a little more compliance at the edge of the tires» grip.
Then again, we'd expect a standard Momentum on 18 - inchers to demonstrate a bit more compliance in this regard.
Each setting provides a bit more compliance at - speed on ramps, which in the case of those like Exit 69, have quickly repaired piecrust expansion strips able to send a go - kart - suspended car skating.
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Any startup which follows the CoinList route and sticks with pre-selling to accredited investors would rightly be praised for doing more compliance than most, if not all, of the other ICOs that have taken place to date.
«But you can usually get more compliance when they realize there's a pattern.»
«When a smaller bank has to add a compliance person or two, that has a bigger impact than for any large bank hiring more compliance staff,» KBW's Gardner said.
And Trump's choice for commerce secretary, financier Wilbur Ross, blames the law for putting banks in a position where he says «they now have more compliance people than they have lending officers.»
What's an Instructional Designer to do when it comes to building more compliance training?
How to asses who needs additional training, more compliance testing etc. and re-serve them with the knowledge they need right now.
This resulted in a bit more compliance by Virginia schools.
We underestimated the propensity of districts to morph «innovations» into existing practice and treat the new evaluation laws as just one more compliance requirement.
The Sport is a decent compromise, offering a slightly less crashy, busy ride for a bit more compliance along with a greater degree of control and enthusiasm in corners.
The Accord also has shed that little bit of quiver from the suspension on rough pavement thanks to more compliance from the significantly upgraded dampers.
The firm suspension is unlikely to be a deal - breaker for most buyers but more compliance over bumps wouldn't go astray.
None of the cars at the media launch were fitted with sports suspension or adaptive dampers, but we'd guess the former would only make matters worse and the latter would offer more compliance than the standard suspension set - up.
Non-Profits have more compliance responsibilities than other entities as they must continually preserve their tax - exempt status.
Compliance department heads report they are still under staffed and are committed to recruit more compliance professionals for rest of 2017 in Hong Kong.
If you compared these areas with those with just legislation, you would probably see more compliance with Self Regulation.
Happily, ESSA gets Washington out of the accountability business, although it does leave much more compliance - inducing vague guidance about what states «should» do than is optimal.
Could we please have more compliance in Comfort?
More Compliance Officer resume examples Compliance Officer resume 1 Compliance Officer resume 2 Compliance Officer resume 3
Even the American College of Sports Medicine soft - pedals its own exercise recommendations, in hopes of getting more compliance.
«For any Canadian business that has aspirations to grow nationally, that represents a further barrier to entry or more compliance with respect to growing a global business.
When It Comes to Volatile Kids, Pick Your Battles Dr. Ross W. Greene, a psychologist who works with easily frustrated children and their parents and the author of The Explosive Child, advises parents and teachers that identifying the causes of a child's frustration and working with the youngster to develop coping skills can lead to fewer explosions and more compliance.
He advises parents and teachers to identify the causes of a volatile child's frustration and work with the youngster to help him or her develop coping skills that can prevent explosions and lead to more compliance.
Greene advises parents and teachers that identifying the causes of a child's frustration and working with the youngster to develop coping skills can lead to fewer explosions and more compliance.
The chassis of the Mercedes could do with more compliance.
He likens the tires» performance to the top of a mountain: The old Pirellis were a sharp peak that instantly fell off, but the new ones are more like a plateau of grip that give you more compliance as you approach the limit.
We wished the suspension had more compliance.
The HSV has more compliance and soaks up short, sharp cracks in the road with less aural and physical drama.
One respondent said: «There seems to be more and more compliance / regulatory requirements and procurement groups are insisting on using their own form of a standard contract, which is often not appropriate for the services provided resulting in a much greater expenditure of legal time to address the issues.»
«I think the big hit for business is going to be more red tape, more compliance, more reporting,» he says.
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