Sentences with phrase «more complicated person»

He was a much more complicated person than that.

Not exact matches

But for Meghan Markle, that was a little more complicated than for the average person.
Building a culture of engaged people gets even more complicated when 70 % of your employees work remotely all over North America.
Amazon's option also comes with a slightly more complicated remote and user interface, making it a no - go for less technically inclined people.
Gerber relies on Basecamp, a popular web - based project management app, for more complicated tasks involving multiple people.
Setting aside First Amendment issues for the moment, the more I tried to talk to people about the story, and about geo - fencing in particular, the clearer it became that this common practice is just complicated enough and new - ish to consumers that it warranted a closer look.
However, retirement is more complicated than most people think, and Gen Xers» confidence in their ability to manage their own finances may be impeding their chances of reaching a fully secure retirement.
Now that the company has 115 people on its payroll and satellite offices in Calgary and Regina, you'd think it'd be more complicated.
Designing a questionnaire is a more complicated science than most people think, Pingitore says.
Dylan writes: You make the claim that mutual fund markdown processes are more complicated then people sitting around the table, spit - balling numbers.
But here's the science: A 2012 study, by researchers at the University of Melbourne, the University of Leuven, and New York University, found that people with more complicated last names are judged more negatively.
However, for small businesses that employ only a few people, this is a much more complicated question.
As people age, they tend to prefer physical stores more, and as they buy more complicated, expensive, or special products, they tend to gravitate to physical stores as well.
And it changes even more when people research complicated or important purchases, like travel and vacations.
Why this should be so — why the success of the Jewish minority should be so particularly resented by other peoples — is a complicated question which is rendered more complicated by the fact that anthropologists are now generally agreed that the Jews are not a race in any scientific sense of the term — no more of a race, for example, than the Germans.
There were doubtlessly many people who had significantly more important situations — perhaps even life - threatening — complicated because of the outage, but I suspect that for the vast majority it was a minor inconvenience at best.
«People think this sharp drop is just the lousy economy and people giving up, but it's a lot more complicated,» said Steven F. Hipple, an economist at thPeople think this sharp drop is just the lousy economy and people giving up, but it's a lot more complicated,» said Steven F. Hipple, an economist at thpeople giving up, but it's a lot more complicated,» said Steven F. Hipple, an economist at the BLS.
As you know I'm far more complicated than that but the above strategy in both a NISA (up to # 15,000) and SIPP (up to # 40,000) would IMHO get people much further than any Financial Advisor and / or Active Fund Managers ever will.
Don't make it more complicated for the person responsible for conducting or delivering the training.
People who claim athiesm is a religion are probably not able to understand any concept more complicated than a Bible verse.
Human beings are alot more complicated than simple black & white on this subject.There is a large amount of gray area that most people in the world float in on the subject of spirituality.
«And the way the world is now means that people get information and have debates in far more complicated than ever before.
People are making their lives complicated more than they need to by making world problems their problems; go to some small town and ask farmer's wife what is her biggest worry when she wakes up!!
I think that homosexuality is a much more complicated thing than most people want to admit.
But any larger and more formal process could actually get way more complicated in part because, as best I understand it, most of that core list of people she's mentioned had at the time of the main events all kinds of «interlocking connections» via business companies, tax - exempt non-profit church (es), and a tax - exempt non-profit corporation.
And what makes things more complicated is that for some people,.
Again, I am only trying to point out that this a much more complicated than most people want to make it, and since none of us are God, we don't really know.
People are much more complicated than that.
But the most amazing thing to me is that there are people who think that the universe is too complicated to exist without having been created, and yet accept that there is a God who exists without having been created, and yet who is more complicated than the universe!
Intellectuals are people who understand, or ought to understand, that the more seriously one engages a subject the more complicated he finds it to be.
As the Black Panther, T'Challa grapples not just with what sort of country he wants to run but what sort of person he wants to be, a decision that gets significantly more complicated when he is challenged by Killmonger — perhaps the first Marvel bad guy who gives a villainous monologue that sure makes a lot of sense.
(Today's example is Tiger Woods, and admittedly the cases of Elvis and Michael Jackson, bizarre people with singular talent, are more complicated.)
Since most social problems are vastly more complicated than the uninformed person even suspects, disciplined study in small groups, focusing on a particularly urgent social issue, can prepare people to act wisely.
You do not sound like an uneducated person, use your intellect to look at the evidence for evolution... you will find it is far more satisfying than just assigning things that appear complicated to a god.
Jeremy good message and quite relevant for today God is still looking at our hearts and motives for serving him or are we serving our own agenda as Jonah was.He did nt feel compassionate towards his enemies and who could blame him they had cruelly killed many Jews it was a question of life or death to his own people.The Jewish nation was no more deserving of Gods grace than the other nations that is revealed by sending Jonah to preach a message of hope and life.Ultimately God calls all by faith in him and is willing to be merciful to all nations and peoples that do not not deserve it just like us it is by grace that we all are forgiven.I am pleased that God is sovereign and knows whats best he is merciful to us.Our human nature is that it is better to kill our enemies before they can kill us and that is essentially Jonahs message that is why he struggled to be obedient to Gods will.Gods message is to forgive those that trespass against us and show mercy.Its complicated and it is natural to protect ourselves and our families from those who would seek to destroy them but ultimately its about trusting God with everything easier said than done.If it comes to a choice we will have to trust God and ask for his strength because we cant do it in ours.As Christ laid down his life for us are we ready to lay our lives and the lives of our families as a sacrifice for him.To me that is where the story of Jonah is leading to we have the choice to fight our enemies or to love them as God loves them.brentnz
The question of how much it helps is always a more complicated question that would elude many people that put too much seriousness into this question.
There are two people to consider, which makes the abortion issue a bit more complicated than determining whether or not a fetus is alive.
If a simpler explanation exists the burden is on the persons supporting the more complicated explanation to show that the simple explanation does not work.
It's making healthy living easy for busy people — no equipment, no complicated ingredients and lots of deliciousness using accessible ingredients, which means it's all much more inexpensive.
Most people take moving into their 20s and 30s for granted, but this isn't the case for those who are told they have cancer — everything becomes a lot more complicated.
Many people think that the more complicated the recipe is, the tastier it will be.
«How we grow and process our food is complicated — and many people are shocked to find out that farmers... more
«A lot of people are ready to see it that way, but it's much more complicated than that,» says sociology professor Anderson, who is black.
Trauma treatment is a more complicated subject than I can get into in this internet - attention - span - friendly post, but I can tell you that none of the treatments, none, involve arming people with a bigger stick.
For anything complicated, you'll get 2 - 3 (or more) people from the Peds / NICU team.
Some people might be able to grasp numbers with a bit of work but I think for others it's a bit more complicated.
People often make them seem more complicated than they are.
I am about to give birth any day and this blog has given me a better understanding of all the debates and how so many people are educated with a lay mans understanding of medicine and how much more complicated it is.
Playtime with Cubetto is collaborative, because you learn that complicated tasks are best tackled by more than one person.
These people make delivery far more complicated than it needs to be.
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