Sentences with phrase «more cultural wealth»

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At several points he touches upon the paradoxes of modern urbanism and the tragic ironies of our cultural attitude toward cities: although we now have more individual freedom, technical ability, and, arguably, social equity, we do not live in places as hospitable to human beings as were our cities of the past; we are pragmatists who build shoddily; our current obsession with historic preservation is the flip side of our utter lack of confidence in our ability to build well; while cultures with shared ascetic ideals and transcendent orientation built great cities and produced great landscapes, modern culture's expressive ideals, dogmatic public secularism, and privatized religiosity produce for us, even with our vast wealth, only private luxury, a spoiled countryside, and a public realm that is both venal and incoherent; above all, we simultaneously idolize nature and ruin it.
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has an «index of economic, social, and cultural status» which incorporates family wealth, parents» educational attainment, and more.
David Frum's rebuttal is partly true, wealth does allow for more and cleaner things, but wealth also reflects a more effective (in certain ways) culture, which could also create more and cleaner things via cultural norms.
Achieving self - determination is difficult because of the dichotomy of a government that focuses on the pursuit of individual wealth creation and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who may pursue self - determination as individuals or groups within a cultural context that focuses more broadly on social, cultural and environmental as well as economic benefits.
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