Sentences with phrase «more dangerous diseases»

That data could be used for simply keeping a good record, or for detecting the presence of more dangerous diseases.

Not exact matches

But as the good doctor tells Fortune's Erika Fry, there is another infectious disease that's even more dangerous to humanity — and that's the «failure of imagination.»
While skimping on sleep is associated with weight gain, researchers at Wake Forest found that those who sleep more than eight hours a night packed on more belly fat, the dangerous kind that's associated with heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.
The double - mindedness in him is a disease that gnaws and gnaws and eats away the noblest powers; the injury is internal and infinitely more dangerous than being deformed and palsied.
They may be more or less dangerous diseases.
From what I understand, when an overweight Type II diabetic remains overweight and is unable to get his or her disease under control with diet and exercise (which clearly, she hasn't, given her weight and her now - public relationship with Novartis), such a person becomes even more susceptible to the dangerous metabolic syndrome, which includes diabetes, as well as heart, kidney and liver disease.
At the start of the zombie apocalypse, the modern office is almost as dangerous as a daycare, just with fewer life - threatening diseases and more paper cuts.
Are you finally going to admit that hep b is administered because the younger you get the disease the more dangerous it is?
Some parents caught in the crossfire between scientists and charlatans have decided, against all reason, that the vaccines are more dangerous than the diseases they protect against.
You know, you had a situation where the government was covering up this disease and if it could have continued this way, the disease could have spread much faster and it could have been a much more dangerous situation for the entire world.
If the wildlife trade, which can originate in places like this, is not subject to surveillance for pathogens dangerous to people and animals, we can expect more new diseases to reach our shores.
Investigators showed the new strategy protected mice — vaccinated against the H3N2 influenza A flu strain, which causes mild disease — from succumbing to the more dangerous H5N1 and H7N9 strains weeks later.
Research presented at the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting 2014 used a newly designed test for K: B fusion to show that point mutations lead to a more dangerous form of the disease than does K: B fusion.
Although the simian foamy virus (SFV) is not known to cause disease or to spread between humans, researchers say the virus is something to monitor closely; given enough time, it could evolve into something more dangerous — just like its two retrovirus cousins, one of which sparked the AIDS pandemic.
The skinny on fat: Too little is more dangerous than too much Overweight people are at no greater risk than normal - weight folks of dying from heart disease or cancer and are actually less likely to fall prey to some other causes of death, such as accidents and Alzheimer's, according to freshly analyzed data on 2.3 million adults 25 years and older as of 2004.
This uncovered a dual problem: abdominal fat is considered much more dangerous than subcutaneous fat because it triggers inflammation and can promote cardiovascular diseases, for instance.
In earlier studies of populations of people who have contracted Ebola, these differences are not related to any specific changes in the Ebola virus itself that made it more or less dangerous; instead, the body's attempts to fight infection seems to determine disease severity.
But what makes dengue particularly dangerous is that people who have had previous infections are more likely to have severe symptoms if they catch the disease multiple times.
and even more dangerous, the use of statins and the poor link with lower cardiovascular disease
My Comment: Since mainstream physicians know that synthetic «monster» hormones are dangerous, causing cancer and heart disease, they shrug their shoulders and accept «low dose» synthetic hormone therapy as more desirable than the higher dosage used routinely.
However, in the long run, Dr. Hyman believes you will save thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars by avoiding costly chronic diseases, expensive yet unnecessary surgeries, powerful pharmaceutical medications with dangerous and unknown side effects, lost work days, injuries and more.
Improving The Prognosis For Breast Cancer Survival: Dangerous DNA Damage Can Be Prevented With Vitamins, Citrus and Soy Nutrition Science News Ask women about their greatest health fears, and many will rank breast cancer close to the top, even though they're five times more likely to die from heart disease.
The end result of these two mechanisms is that much more of the statin drug enters the systemic circulation than would normally be the case, leading to a build up in statin levels that can be quite dangerous, and may trigger a rare but serious statin - associated disease called rhabdomyolysis.
And worse still they are stored as the dangerous abdominal fat that is much more of a health risk in terms of diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
Trans fats are even more dangerous than saturated fats because not only do they raise total cholesterol levels but also lower good cholesterol, which helps fight against heart disease.
In a dangerous cycle, inflammation can cause digestive problems, making it even more difficult for your body to absorb vital, disease - fighting nutrients.
There is no greater risk of heart disease at cholesterol levels of 300 than at 180, and people with cholesterol levels below 180 are at greater risk of death from other causes, such as cancer, intestinal diseases, accidents, violence and suicide.5 In other words, it's much more dangerous to have cholesterol levels that are too low than cholesterol levels that are too high.
One of my fears is that when this starts to happen, when the hundreds of thousands or millions of people following these diets develop bad effects, such as colon cancer, and other metabolic distortions, and diverticular disease, conventional thinkers will say: «see we told you all those fad diets don't work and they're gonna be dangerous» they're going to label more rational approaches, like our approach, the Undoctored or the Wheat Belly approach as just a fad, when it's not.
According to the Center for Disease Control, we are still carrying in our bloodstream traces of dangerous chemicals that were banned in the Unites States more than 25 years ago.
... except for «all idiots, imbeciles, feeble - minded persons, epileptics, insane persons; persons who have had one or more attacks of insanity at any time previously; persons of constitutional psychopathic inferiority; persons with chronic alcoholism; paupers; professional beggars; vagrants; persons afflicted with tuberculosis in any form or with a loathsome or dangerous contagious disease; persons not comprehended within any of the foregoing excluded classes who are found to be and are certified by the examining surgeon as being mentally or physically defective, such physical defect being of a nature which may affect the ability of such alien to earn a living; persons who have been convicted of or admit having committed a felony or other crime or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude; polygamists, or persons who practice polygamy or believe in or advocate the practice of polygamy; anarchists, or persons who believe in or advocate the overthrow by force or violence of the Government of the United States.»
Family time has decreased; many women with young children are working outside of the home; society is more diverse; income inequity is growing — and technology access widens the gap; drugs, crime, disease, and poverty make the world a dangerous place for children and families.
These vaccinations protect your pet from dangerous diseases including rabies, feline leukemia and more.
While there is a small chance of side effects from feline shots, not getting your kitten or cat vaccinated against threatening diseases is far more dangerous.
Feline heartworm disease is known to be much more dangerous than its canine counterpart for two reasons.
The vaccine manufacturers may fool the vets into thinking these diseases are more prevalent and dangerous than they are — and that their vaccines are completely safe.
Fleas can carry a slew of diseases that are dangerous to your pets and your family, so it's all the more essential to make flea control a priority for your pet.
At that point, the disease becomes more dangerous.
Diodati reports that the reactions from the shot are more dangerous than the disease itself.
Adenovirus can also be a fairly mild disease in adult dogs, but is potentially more dangerous and life threatening in puppies.
Lyme disease, named for a town in Connecticut where it was first properly discovered in the mid-1970s, is easier to spot and more dangerous in humans than it is in dogs.
Since there is no real way to prevent canine kidney disease, it's slightly more dangerous than other diseases that can be prevented with the right care.
While heartworm disease treatments are available for canines, the process of treating an infected dog is much more costly and dangerous than preventative measures.
Fleas and ticks are more than a nuisance; they can carry diseases dangerous to both you and your pet.
Fleas and ticks are more than a nuisance; they also carry diseases dangerous to both you and your pet.
Obesity also increases the potential for inflammatory disease of the blood vessels (more on this below) and dangerous clot formations.
While ticks can be irritating, they are far more dangerous as vectors for certain disease.
It may seem that the journey to visit us is more dangerous than the disease you are trying to treat!
The disease is more dangerous in dogs than cats because fewer worms grow to adulthood in cats.
Fleas and ticks are more than a nuisance; they carry diseases dangerous to both you and your pet.
If we disqualified all of the dogs with the slightest elbow issue, we would lose 31 % of the breeding population in every generation, compounding a genepool problem that is historically present in purebred dogs, and far more dangerous to the dogs than any heritable disease.
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