Sentences with phrase «more data collection efforts»

The report calls on NSF and other entities to support more data collection efforts.

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Information collected at the facility is part of a wider Caribbean data collection effort known as COCONet, and is used as input to produce more accurate weather forecasts.
''... the Action Plan places great emphasis on better catch reporting, more investment in data collection and analysis, and extensive observer programs to support the efforts of scientists working in this field.»
Besides calling for more data and better coordination of existing data - collection efforts, the report names more than a dozen «high priority topics that could be explored with significant progress made in 3 - 5 years.»
Those efforts generally fall into three categories: forming commissions, improving the collection of data, and the hands - down favorite, changing high school core curricula and / or graduation requirements to more closely align with four - year public colleges» entrance requirements.
More systematic data collection and organization could provide districts with important information on the characteristics, experiences, and supports provided to their most effective principals — and help inform recruitment, selection, and professional development efforts.
The study found that students who attended schools led by New Leaders principals experienced slightly larger achievement gains on average than did similar students in schools led by non-New Leaders principals.131 While these results are promising, more research and data collection on both new and existing programs is needed to inform policy efforts to improve principal preparation.
Toyota makes every effort to ensure the secure collection and transmission of sensitive user information using... Read More industry - accepted data collection and encryption methodologies.
The data collection has taken more time and effort.
I have no idea how much effort and time is involved to do a much more massive amount of data collection and analysis, but if it is doable, it would be fascinating to see the results...
That understanding will be advanced by new and more extensive data collection efforts, improvements to methods used to synthesise that data, and more extensive and collaborative use of climate model simulations over this period — both to understand the forcing / response of the climate, but also to serve as testbed for the various reconstruction methodologies.
-- Finally, even the collection of the raw data, much more the different stages of analysis, represent a considerable degree of intellectual effort.
The effort * isn't * to «start collecting» — it's to make the current collection of weather data * better * and more useful for climate studies.
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