Sentences with phrase «more decay»

In the process of playing catchup the energised biosphere adds even more CO2 to the air from more night time transpiration from more organisms and more decay of surface material before it can be sequestered long term.
On the other hand, increased plant uptake increases d13C, while more decay decreases d13C of the atmosphere.
Bass wise, again, I wish that the Marvel Seven had I bit more decay, but that is okay since the sound - stage was very pleasing to, even for closed back headphones, which usually have problems due to the compression of audio going into your ears.
The longer it takes for a sound wave to traverse a trunk, the more decayed the wood.
Yet in the Herzog version, the crucial difference is that Nosferatu becomes more and more decayed and desiccated as the film progresses.
If it's not maintained, it decays, the more it decays the less trust the users have, or the worse the errors get created because of it.
The older and more decayed a battery, the higher the impedance, which affects its usage and capacity to hold charge.

Not exact matches

But every second it decays a little more, leaving less in the atmosphere.
The looming question around Valeant is how many more promising drug developers it can acquire, but the company believes there are plenty of opportunities owing to the human body's endless capacity for developing illnesses, ailments, maladies, and generally decaying, making life appear a cruel joke.
This is not news; the city's decay — the slow letting of its industrial heart's blood, the fleeing of more than half its citizens, the blight that has shuttered tens of thousands of homes and businesses — has been covered extensively by the media.
In 1987, a tugboat named Mobro 4000 set out from New York Harbor with more than 6 million pounds of decaying waste collected from across New York City.
The Internet Isn't Forever (Longreads and the Columbia Journalism Review) In the 21st century, more and more information is «born digital» and will stay that way, prone to decay or disappearance as servers, software, Web technologies, and computer languages break down.
Urban Decay pulled its line from Boots, and focused on its other two — much more upscale — U.K. retailers, department stores Debenhams and House of Fraser.
Picking up where the first game left off, «State of Decay 2» is a much more fully - realized version of the survival game that first debuted on the Xbox 360.
By zeroing in on the stages acting as a bottleneck and identifying the root causes, your teams can take steps to prevent lead decay and close more deals.
Comprehensive reporting suite including: market Best Execution, client service, Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA), performance analysis, decay analysis, last look reports and much more.
Even knowledge of the «hard» sciences advances over time; a unified theory of the investment world is similarly beyond our grasp — as is a full understanding of any one strategy, no matter the current pile of historical evidence.the research puzzle For more thoughts on the topic, see this posting on «decaying beliefs.»
So basically evolution is nothing more than a manifest of futile attempt to survive in an environment that is decaying.
Save your breath and energy for solving more dire national problems... like national debt or the moral decay of our society.
(A metaphysics of process — dealing with growth, development and decay — thus may in the long run prove more useful to the theological enterprise than a metaphysics of being; Whitehead and Bergson over Aquinas and Mascall.)
Huntington, for example, contends that «far more significant than the global issues of economics and demography are problems of moral decline», an «increase in antisocial behavior», decay of family structures, weakening of the «work ethic», and decreasing commitment to intellectual activity.12 Similarly Brzezinski refers to a current global crisis of spirit which has to be overcome if the human race is to regain some control over its destiny.
The more profound issue signaled by the crisis in authority has to do with a decay in the communion of saints and a decline in the powers of soul enjoyed by those within that communion to whom authority is entrusted.
And when I can make myself gaze fully at the «groaning of creation» around me, I see more evidence of its «bondage to decay» than of its hope for liberation.
This destruction of a moral system — or, more grandly, the decay of a culture — is a matter of concern for those of antifaith as well as those of faith.
In this case it is the more naturalistic conditions of finitude, contingency, chance, and decay which take center stage in the general scheme of things, with mind being placed in the more subordinate, passive role of the «conditioned.»
On the basis of what Paul writes in this chapter we are justified in saying that if someone had offered to show Paul where the decayed corpse of Jesus could be found, Paul would have shown no interest, for the dead body would have been to him no more than the dead seed, the man of dust, the earthly frame, and Paul himself had seen the risen Jesus in his glorified form, and that was all that mattered.
If the production rate of C - 14 in the atmosphere was less in the past, dates given using the carbon - 14 method would incorrectly assume that more had decayed out of a specimen than what actually occurred, and would result in faulty data.
While decay was undermining the morale of the Church in the main center of Christianity, Western Europe, among most of the Eastern Churches it was even more pronounced.
It was threatened by internal decay and by the still aggressive Ottoman Turks, loyal Moslems, who were more powerful than any single European state and against whom, in spite of the frantic efforts of the Popes, discordant Western Europe would not unite.
It has gradually penetrated into different cultures, so shaping and coloring them, that even when the ecclesiastical organizations begin to decay, its influence leaves behind a more permanent deposit.
Yet even today, when the Faith of Christ is decayed among the nations, and when Christianity seems to belie the promises of Christ, and to be passing into the dead world of human religions, one more among many, even today, whatever individual values we hold sacred, whatever sanctity we claim for the personality of man, whatever freedoms, above the rut of biological materialism, we try to salvage from the ruins of a culture, all these are the droplets which remain within that chalice of the Christian Faith dashed down by the nation.
If in the ruins of Rome, St. Augustine dreamed of a civilisation that should be the City of God on earth, and penned, even while weighted with despair and expectation of the end of the world, the noble outline of the Christian order which inspired so much of mediaeval thought, how much more reason have we today, with so much greater resources, to expect for our civilisation a resurrection out of our decay.
My brain is part of decaying body which now has more days behind it than in front of it.
They saw the connection between our industrial system, the striving everywhere to extract more from the natural world in order to expand the artificial one, and the decay of eco-systems.
So much in Christianity had me seeing these kinds of things only in the light of demons and evil and satan, that when I started reading and understanding more (when I was in junior high school) and comprehending the concept of the birth - life - death - rebirth cycles, and how there needs to be death and decay for their to be birth and growth... it really made a huge impression on how I saw the world.
The decay of community in Third World countries is more dramatic.
Finally, such a strengthened ecumenical effort would be much more effective and relevant in dealing with the crucial issues of the day — poverty, race, urban decay, etc..
During the more than half century of my life, we have seen an unprecedented decay in our American culture, a decay that has eroded the foundations of our collective values and moral standards of conduct.
This holds whether we are thinking of how to grow more grain in the tropics, reduce the birth rate, control inflation, stimulate economic growth, get rid of tooth decay, provide better health care, find some way to turn garbage into a useful resource, reduce air pollution, win the next election, avoid war with Russia, develop human potential, extend the length of life, or find a cure for cancer.
While we wouldn't advise washing the majority of your fruit and veg before refrigeration (unless you allow ample time to dry, it can speed up decay), we would recommend chopping up and portioning your perishables — you'll be more likely to reach for them if they're already ready and raring to go.
Using cod liver oil, lots of butter and butter oil, no more sugar, cereal, unsoaked flours etc., we have arrested the decay until the teeth fall out and her permanent teeth erupt.
ead more about how phytic acid causes tooth decay and osteoporosis.
(Read more about how phytic acid causes tooth decay here.)
However, Dr. Weston Price found that native people who had little to no tooth decay were consuming ten times the amount of fat soluble vitamins than people in his day (this was in the 1920s and»30s, when people ate substantially more animal fat, lard and butter).
(To learn more about how phytic acid causes tooth decay, please read this post: Do Bread & Cereal Cause Cavities?
Specifically, excess sugar consumption has been associated with obesity, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, tooth decay, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and a lot more (2, 3, 4, 5, 6).
There is broad consensus that the frequency of sugars and starch consumption is far more important than the actual amount that is consumed, when considering risk of tooth decay.
If dental decay is a recurrent problem, then more care with grain preparation and higher levels of animal foods will be needed.
There is broad consensus that the frequency of sugars and starches consumption is far more important than the actual amount that is consumed, when considering risk of tooth decay.
For more than 15 years, we have provided our systems that work on the principle of vacuum decay.
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