Sentences with phrase «more delegates»

The event has been sold out two years running, and was expanded this year to allow more delegates to attend.
Gerald Ford came into the convention the clear favorite, with more delegates and more votes but without the number of delegates required to secure the nomination (Similar to Donald Trump, but in Trump's case, the other candidates bowed out and left Trump a clear path to victory).
The lack of strategy between other GOP contenders has been seen as fostering a political environment that's allowed Trump to secure more delegates than he would otherwise.
Additionally, according to the AP, Romney won more delegates in Mississippi than Santorum, despite losing the popular vote there!
There, at the entrance, the unionist would find virtually all of the peons and office workers on the staff of the once - mighty Chicago Teachers Union distributing the official local gift to the 3,000 or more delegates gathering from across the USA and around the world.
Exhibitor experience The 2015 Conference was one of the biggest yet, with more delegates, new first time visitors and a wide range of new suppliers — creating a infectious buzz at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole.
Election 2016 Clinton swept all five states that voted this week on the so - called «Mega Tuesday,» picking up two more delegates from the win.
Meanwhile, Trump has won 21 states and has claimed about 700 more delegates than the Ohio governor.
Therefore, the more customers you have, the more money you make and the more you delegate so you work less hours.
Romney won one more delegate than Santorum.
Ummm actually Romney is winning, he has more delegates than the other three combined and is leading in the popular vote by over a million votes.
Half the 714 superdelegates would be 357, so he'd only need 1198 more delegates.
These volunteers would try to enroll at least 500 more delegates.
Mrs. Clinton's decisive victory ended a string of wins by Mr. Sanders and gave her more delegates than her advisers expected.
The expert micro-targeter spent time in heavily Russian Brighton Beach, where conservatives live in an otherwise Democratic congressional district, and the Bronx, home to a minuscule number of Republicans who may just allow Mr. Cruz to pick off more delegates than you'd expect.
More delegates have pre-registered to attend the January 31 - February 1, 2008 event than from any previous event.
From such a perspective, the more we delegate power supranationally, the less we will be able to democratically control it.
At the November UFT Delegate Assembly, a MORE delegate made the argument that the current teacher evaluation system «Advance» is unviable, and UFT President Michael Mulgrew scowled.
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