Sentences with phrase «more details about something»

Another way to show your honest interest in the position is to ask for more details about it.
I'll go into more detail about them in upcoming posts, but here are the major ones.
I will go into more detail about them when I share our shoot with their makeup look.
I would like to participate in it so please provide more details about it such as its date, time, registration procedure and so on.
Just clicked on the poster in the article and you go to a web page with more details about it.
«Without knowing more details about you and your baby, I can't recommend you change anything about your diet or his,» she adds.
Though the video doesn't show the phone turned on it does reveal a few more details about it's design.
You can always come back to the About You section later to add more details about yourself, your interests, and your ideal match.
I can't wait to share more details about it with you next week!
I'd be able to give a more specific advice after seeing more details about you, which is something that we offer as part of coaching.
You can include more details about it in your work experience section.
The difference is that you are able to look at each member's profile and get more details about them, which is more than can be said for the apps.
Could you provide a bit more detail about them for those of us who did not pay sufficient attention the first time?
The recent leaks did not specify the speculated hardware that comes with it, so it looks like users would have to wait until the manufacturer releases more details about it.
I'll hopefully talk more details about it another time (and I'm pretty sure that regardless of the annoying collar, I'll sew it again!).
I have already worn this necklace a lot and will be sharing more details about it next week.
This will give an access to fill more details about yourself before joining the site.
Russian women are likely to ask more questions, refer to previous conversations and invest more details about themselves with men who they see a future with.
Besides being a refreshing change, video resumes also allow you to give the recruiter more details about yourself.
Check out the About Page for more details about me and this website.
This episode provides more detail about us, as well as interview summaries of our last ten millionaire interviews.
Well, I promised I'd go into more detail about them and where they came from!
Furthermore, you can describe more details about yourself in the ad, such as where you are from, why you are a catch physically, and what you are looking for.
Many people include the author bio from their book's back cover or press release, but if you would like to include more detail about yourself that is totally fine.
I'd be happy to shoot you an email with more details about it all or if you have a few minutes some point this week I could shoot you a call.
You will find more details about it on Famitsu's website!
would like more details about them
But it's one of many factors to weigh if you're setting up an iPhone X — and unlike more general questions about security and performance, we won't get more details about it when the phone comes out this fall.
In case Samsung's proposal sounds like something you'd be interested in, then check out the source link to learn more details about it.
In October 2016, the company said that Tesla owners who wanted to make money from ride - hailing or ride - sharing could do so only on its ride - hailing network, and that it would disclose more details about it this year.
You can find a lot more details about it along with gameplay and a demo on the original Kickstarter page.
Reasons for this might be that Rockstar didn't want the hype around other games damaging the reign of RDR2, meaning they will reveal more details about it in their own time — whenever that will be.
Then you will need to confirm your email address through an activation link and enter a few more details about yourself such as birthday, what you're looking for, and choose a username.
I'm pretty down - to - earth, so I would like someone who is also the same way... If u hit me up, I will give more details about myself then.
Don't list anything specific such as the company you work for or the school you went to, as this may help a creeper find out more details about you via search engines.
Perhaps some input from remaining band members regarding their interpretation of HWY: An American Pastoral would have been the right move, because I was left craving more details about it as the credits rolled.
The SEGA Arcade shooters DLC for Dariusburst CS includes Space Harrier, Fantasy Zone, and Galaxy Force II, for more details about it head over to our previous report on the matter.
The studio will provide more details about it during a livestream come May 8, a little more than a week before the DLC itself launches.
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