Sentences with phrase «more difficult a child»

The more difficult a child is at an early age, the less likely the mother is to engage with them.
The impetus had come from the feeling that gradually more difficult children were being found in residential care, partly arising from the growing number of status offenders, i.e. children whose behaviour (truancy, promiscuity, alcoholic drinking, unruliness) would not be illegal if they were adults.
Part of that could be their own preferences, and part could be because of discrimination by adoption agencies that puts more difficult children with what caseworkers see as «less desirable» parents.
The more difficult the child or the problems, the more this is true.

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That does make it more difficult for women who want children to take on a demanding career, but that's not because of discrimination on the part of any given company.
This teaches children to be more persistent when they're attempting a difficult task and to see failure as just another step toward success,» explains Shelly Phillips on Lifehack.
As your child gets heavier it might become more difficult to use this baby carrier because there is not as much back support as previous Ergobaby styles.
It can be even more difficult when a child ages out of the foster system and doesn't have a support system.
The New York Times recently highlighted the long - term impact difficult schedules can have on family wellness, in an article called: «A growing body of research suggests that a child's language and problem - solving skills may suffer as a result of their parents» problematic schedules, and that they may be more likely than other children to smoke and drink when they're older.»
However, trying to entertain two young children at home proved to be more difficult than I had expected.
People are intimidated and confused; it becomes ever more difficult to articulate confidently the reasons why men and women are made for each other, and for children in marital fidelity.
If death caused your singleness, it may be more difficult to provide ample relationships for your child with one or more caring people of the opposite sex.
A seriously misbehaving child may become more difficult after several sessions of play therapy.
«You have to encourage children, those children that are finding it more difficult you encourage them in the little things that they're doing.
Although many children adapt to both divorce and living with single parents, life for them is on the whole more difficult.
I raised my 4 children in the faith, although it got more and more difficult over the later years as I began to see the fallacies of the belief, and I began to feel like I was lying and pedaling junk philosophy to them.
We begin to formally educate a child at the age of six, and twelve years later frequently find we have failed, not because school material is intrinsically difficult (the task of learning a new language is much more so, yet the child masters it in thee years); we find failure because we have ignored the fact that the developing personality has a natural sway, to and fro, which Whitehead says results in a «craving» to be continually refreshed by the experience of starting anew.
The reason children require a number of years to develop mastery of certain basic concepts, according to some child psychologists, is not that they are slow in learning the words — they actually know the words quite early — but that they have to start experiencing the world in a new, more simplified way that corresponds with the classifications suggested by these words.4 For example, young children may know the words spoon, teaspoon, silver, knife, and metal but find it difficult for several years to apply them appropriately to objects in their environment, the reason being partly that these words form multiple and overlapping classifications.
This was just one more daily indignity to the joyous and difficult and yet sometimes monotonous unending routine of caring for small children.
But other times in our lives can be just as difficult, or even more so — for instance, the experience of losing a child.
Maggie Ellis tackles the difficult subject of sexual abuse, and how to create measures to protect your children... More
I think you answer your own issues in your article... let your children's questions lead you down a more honest, perhaps more difficult but more spiritually fulfilling path and keep kosher.
Here the task may not be to make divorce more difficult to obtain; rather, the task may be to require divorcing parents to make better long - term financial plans for their children, plans which the courts could enforce.
The mother and father who are open to and accepting of their own negative feelings are far more able to tolerate their child when behavior is difficult and angry feelings run high.
In my childhood, it was difficult to distinguish the good preaching from the bad, partly because children do not so much judge sermons as endure them in a pre-critical fashion, partly because the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) pastors of that era all followed a certain formula in preaching that made their sermons sound more or less interchangeable.
I find it very difficult understanding exclusive food choices especially more extreme then veganism for instance (since 99.9 % of ALL humans cook from the very discovery of fire in the prehistory; I don't think there is any tribe left out there that doesn't use fire) I have a feeling you are ready for compromise though (Cooked potatoes, hot vegetable broth etc.) so that sounds reasonable and good for your child who will not be marginalized and left out of society.
When caring for a sick child, 27 % have lost pay and 28 % found job retention or promotion more difficult (Heyman, 2006)
I wanted to do this so many times, but this also makes it more difficult for your child and the caregiver.
It is more and more difficult for people with families, especially large families, to find an apartment or home to rent because no one wants to have children as neighbours.
The far better, and more difficult, parental approach would be to encourage the child to confront his fear.
< — I knew that you did... you are always inspiring me when I read your Twitter feed about sharing the more «difficult» with kids; since our children are the same ages, it encourages me to be more open.
Learn more about the effects of divorce on children and what fathers and mothers can do to make a very difficult process at least a little easier to manage for the kids.
The second time around, everything will be a little more difficult, as you will have your first child to take care of through it all.
It wasn't easy to have children placed out of the home then, and it's become even more difficult these days.
In contrast, teachers were more controlling, had lower expectations, got angry more often, and showed less nurturing toward the children with difficult attachments — and who, sadly, had a greater need than the securely attached kids for kindness from adults.
It is even more difficult to get your toddler or young child to eat all their greens.
For some children, reading social situations is more difficult than for others.
Regulating emotions can be difficult for any child, those with more of a natural inclination to anger can have an especially difficult time.
Making it even more difficult is that fact that for many of us, our children are less connected to us than ever — they're more connected to their mobile devices.
James Lehman explains how dealing with a difficult child can take its toll on the parent - child relationship,... Read more»
A playing or humping child is no more difficult to weigh.
You may find that your child is more interested in eating at the table which can make bottle or breast feeding more difficult.
They also found that a five - point harness was more difficult to adjust correctly for the child, so therefore more susceptible to an incorrect fit.
Every mother experiences this, more than once, while navigating the difficult task of raising children.
On the flip side, these supplements are likely to make it more difficult for your child to withhold their bowel movements, meaning they'll have more soiling accidents.
Besides the fact that there are so many different products to child proof door handle lever and so many different doors, what also makes the choice more difficult are your and your kid's habits.
Co-parenting with an ex can be made even more difficult when your child is...
Often, harsh words from impatience only agitate the potential fault lines between you and your child and make it progressively more difficult to get through to them.
I could go on... All these things that other passengers and staff do make it more difficult for me and my children on the flight.
To make matters more difficult, I am the sole caretaker of 4 small children (2 of which aren't even mine) as «mom» decided some years back to go pursue greener and less encumbered pastures, leaving them all with me plus her 40k in student load debt, as I loved and trusted her, and cosigned the loans while married.
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