Sentences with phrase «more disclosure»

The budget that passed did contain new ethics measures, which at least to some extent, requires more disclosures of outside income by lawmakers.
The legislation also limits campaign contributions across the board and requires more disclosure of donors.
There is recognition there's room for more disclosure among lobbyists.
The result has been more disclosures by the companies about what data they collect, which in itself has become another barrier for consumers.
This generally leads to more disclosure on the background to the case and expert evidence required.
But now, with more disclosure, I am not the only one who is aware when spending on a line item or project is inappropriate.
Girls reported more disclosure, companionship, and conflict with their pet than boys.
Companies that sell information to investors and businesses want even more disclosure.
You may also get more disclosure if you come back to court for further court dates.
Given the litigation which is sure to follow, there will be more disclosures down the road.
The legislation would require many more disclosures to be provided to a debtor before entering into a contract and clear rules regarding when and how much the company can be paid for its services.
More disclosures designed to make the whole process a pain in the ass.
There's been a significant improvement in the info disclosed by the company in the past year, but clearly far more disclosure is required on this specific topic & risk.
We have as well his description of his educational status, which a «real» name would not give us without more disclosure anyway.
They've asked for more disclosure, they've asked for a variety of things, and we've made a small change to the way that we route shares.
More disclosure of how data were handled and reported, and making data available, can help other scientists spot false positives in your work.
A law approved in 2011 aimed at requiring more disclosure for state officials who earn outside income from lobbying entities to appears to be rarely enforced by state ethics regulators.
2015: At this year's annual meeting, Exxon shareholders voted on climate - related proposals to: put a climate expert on the board (21 percent support); provide more disclosure about lobbying (21 percent support); and set goals for cutting greenhouse gas emissions (9.6 percent).
It will include more disclosure from not for profit Super PACs that are protected, through a loophole, from having to disclose donors.
And Heastie says the Assembly has already taken a number of steps, including more disclosure of outside income, the hiring of a new Assembly ethics officer, and closing the LLC campaign finance loophole.
Proposed law: Blast a school budget, attach your name Legislators want more disclosure on efforts to sway school votes
Apparently, Stamos advocated more disclosure about Russian interference and meddling with the network, but was met with resistance.
In a Q&A with reporters in Manhattan, Cuomo said he is looking to include in his proposals extension of the Freedom of Information Law to better cover the state Legislature, more disclosure requirements for lawmakers and an end to «the conflicts,» chiefly that lawmakers are part time and allowed to receive income outside their $ 79,500 base salaries as legislators.
Such moves are drawing increased scrutiny at home as the CIRC last week said it will seek more disclosure from insurers buying property assets or investing in unlisted companies.
Many have urged more disclosure by Facebook, Twitter and other companies, which possess internal information about users and payments.
Mr. Stamos, who plans to leave Facebook by August, had advocated more disclosure around Russian interference of the platform and some restructuring to better address the issues, but was met with resistance by colleagues, said the current and former employees.
CRA is requesting more disclosure to assist with risk detection efforts to address perceived non-compliance by taxpayers.
Too bad the DRE probably won't listen anyways, they never do until lawsuits arise... I give it 2 years before all of these «fraud» cases create more disclosure issues in this business.
Merck KGaA has released data showing some effectiveness in patients with ovarian cancer and non-small cell lung cancer, and plans more disclosures at medical conferences next year.
Carroll said they're asking for more disclosure because they believe the data they provided is not proficient.
He has urged more disclosure over Russian activity on Facebook.
He told lawmakers that JPMorgan has told shareholders that on July 13 the firm would «make more disclosures on this [synthetic] portfolio and how we would reduce risk.»
Republicans in the Senate, in turn, called for more disclosure rules for the Legislature, which the administration said was a «red - herring.»
This would cloak union members who contribute smaller amounts to labor lobbying funds, but would prompt more disclosure by members of the pro-Cuomo Committee to Save New York, a monied coalition of private - sector unions, business and real estate groups.
Cuomo wants to force the legislature to accept more disclosure of their outside jobs and other measures aimed at identifying conflicts of interest.
At least 16 state lawmakers are the target of Gov. Cuomo's new plan for more disclosure regarding annual income, as some up in Albany have found ways to pull in more than $ 100K from outside work.
New York needs more disclosure and better enforcement of existing campaign finance law violations, but we don't need taxpayer - funded political campaigns.
The report also recommends updating the Arthur Wishart Act that deals with franchise disclosure to create more disclosure certainty for users.
The Bingham Centre makes the valid point that the fact that cases such as Al Rawi (allegations of rendition and torture by the security services which resulted in a large civil settlement) have meant courts ordering more disclosure from the security services may be more a result of policy changes by the security services than of judicial activism which needs to be reined in.
Merger Objection and Post-Merger Litigation: Most public company mergers and acquisitions are accompanied by a merger objection lawsuit, in which a shareholder sues the target, the target's directors and officers, the acquiring company, and any advisers on the deal, seeking to enjoin the business combination and demanding more disclosures and greater value.
The article is entirely correct when it suggests more disclosure of academics» financial interests where they are speaking in public policy fora.
At Facebook, Mr. Stamos favored more disclosure about how Russian agents used the site to influence the 2016 presidential election and beyond.
Leases for residential properties feature more disclosure requirements — such as the federal requirement that owners disclose any information they have about the existence of lead - based paint or other lead hazards, said Robert Hein, an attorney with Fowler, Hein, Cheatwood & Williams in Atlanta.
True there needs to be more disclosure here because the public is truly being misled.
Stephen Boland, an analyst at GMP Securities, thinks these issues can be solved relatively easily with more disclosure from Maple.
«While boys and girls were equally satisfied with their pets, girls reported more disclosure, companionship, and conflict with their pets — this perhaps indicates that girls may interact with their pets in more nuanced ways,» said Professor Hughes.
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