Sentences with phrase «more distance it travels»

The more it charges, the more distance it travels and powerful it becomes.

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For longer distances, air travel probably would be more efficient, he said.
Because we all know that even if we're only going a short distance, if parking is tight, we definitely need to factor in more travel time.
Our organizations built the Rural Transport Network to provide local health - care workers with the motorbikes they needed to travel the distances required: more than 30 riders are currently delivering supplies, care and advice to remote locations in Kenya.
Chhatre wants to bring fog harvesting to rural communities in higher - altitude areas and those with more arid climates, allowing them to have clean water without having to travel great distances.
If you add up the distance that Elon Musk's Teslas have traveled with the driver - assisting Autopilot technology enabled, it would be more than enough to travel to Mars and back twice.
That means the tar sands oil has to travel all the way to the Gulf of Mexico — more than twice the distance.
It is hard to believe that you of all bloggers, trying to promote organic and local produce and vegetarian or even vegan lifestyle which stands for living more sustainably, so consistently ignore the impact long distance travel (with multiple people!)
I knew in my gut they had to be limited just because of sheer distance travelled to get to me but the other info put it even more into perspective.
Pace has skyrocketed recently (meaning a lot more miles traveled per minute, leading to more total distance per minute and also higher average speed so less time resting those legs at slow speed) and also defenses now have to be everywhere (before defense wasn't as tiring as it's now because every player didn't need to cover as much ground as they do now).
Sigvaris Access men's thigh - high compression are recommended for individuals who stand or sit for long periods, along with mild lymphedema post decongestant therapy, post-sclerotherapy, long distance travel and more.
The vibrations have to travel through the water — the distance affects the pitch, so the more water the longer the distance, the lower the pitch, the less water, the less the distance the higher the pitch!
Produce that travels long distances often have more pesticides.
The longer distance that you travel, the more stops you should make.
Wireless versions have the disadvantage of having more interference and the distance you can travel from the transmitter is not unlimited.
«As cycling continues to grow in popularity for commuting, deliveries and tourism, we are seeing the demand for pedal - assist bicycles that can help cyclists travel longer distances and more easily climb steep hills,» de Blasio said.
Low Frequency noise is the dominant feature, and it travels long distances, and because it's low - frequency, it goes through walls and windows much more readily than more audible mid-frequencies.»
Children love their yellow flowers and even more the fluffy seed heads with their parachute - like seeds that can travel long distances by wind.
Having spent more than 360 days in orbit and travelled further than the distance to the sun, it will spend the rest of its days on display in a yet - to - be-named museum.
«We need more data on if women who travel longer distances to get care suffer more negative outcomes — emotionally and physically.»
Emitted in a distant galaxy when multicellular life was just beginning to populate Earth, the waves traveled at the speed of light for more than a billion years to at last wash over our planet last September, taking just seven milliseconds to traverse the distance between LIGO's twin listening stations in Louisiana and Washington State.
And other studies of green anoles have shown changes, too: Anoles that moved to a new island with more trees than bushes evolved longer legs, perhaps to travel greater distances, whereas anoles living in cities have apparently evolved stickier feet to cling to metal and glass.
Yet in order for electric cars to travel greater distances or mobile phones to stay charged for longer, we will need better batteries and more of them.
Big fish in many species can reproduce much more efficiently than their younger, smaller counterparts, and lionfish are known to travel considerable distances and move to various depths.
One explanation for that, says Iacobuzio - Donahue, is that «Distant metastases have to travel long distances along the «highways» of the blood vessels, land in a good spot and colonize, while local metastases just pinch off the primary tumor and go a short distance on «familiar side roads,» so they are usually more similar to the primary tumor.»
«In this study we show how the Eurasian siskin is able to form stable group relationships lasting for periods of several years in addition to travelling in each other» company over distances spanning more than 1,000 km,» points out Juan Carlos Senar, lead author of this study and a scientist at the museum.
The longer each step, the more distance a person travels when taking the same number of steps while walking, jogging or running.
The black hole had traveled more than 35,000 light - years from the center, which is more than the distance between the sun and the center of the Milky Way.
More energy is extracted from the light as the rays become effectively trapped inside the solar panel and travel for longer distances through its absorbing layer.
«The unattached bacteria are more buoyant and travel longer distances in the water column.»
A larger mouth would mean taking in more water and filtering out more prey per gulp, and a larger body could more efficiently travel long distances between feedings.
The distance that sound travels before it becomes too weak to hear depends on a number of factors, including its frequency and the temperature and humidity of the air: In general, higher frequencies are more quickly stifled in warmer air.
Another possible way to make nerve impulses travel more slowly involves growing longer axons, so that signals have a greater distance to travel.
The more distant planets (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) which move slower and have a greater distance to travel, complete just a fraction of their orbits in this time.
The less distance lithium and electrons have to travel out of the cathode, he thought, the less resistance and the more electricity could be stored.
The front now moves at about 40 to 60 km per year, and our radio - tracking shows that this is because individual toads at the front travel long distances (sometimes more than a kilometre) each night — and do so every night.
From the rest wavelength of the Lyman - alpha break (121.6 nm), the spectroscopic redshift of GRB 000131 was then determined to be 4.500 + / - 0.015, corresponding to a travel time of more than 90 percent of the age of the Universe and making GRB 000131 the most ancient and remote gamma - ray burst detected at the time — for which its age and distance could be calculated (Andersen et al, 2000).
It takes more than two hours for radio signals to travel from the spacecraft to Earth from such distances.
At a distance of more than 11 billion miles from Earth, there is little question that Voyager has traveled farther in space than any other man - made object.
In the powerlifting community, the sumo deadlift is a popular deadlift variant because the bar less distance to travel in a sumo deadlift than in a regular deadlift and that means you can pull more weight.
When you squeeze the shoulder blades you'll find out that you're not only more stable on the bench but your shoulders are in a stronger pressing position your torso is a little thicker.This will also shorten the distance the bar travels.
Good lifting shoes have hard, flat and thin soles, so that your feet are as close to the floor as possible and the bar has to travel less distance, which allows you to deadlift more weight.
Part of long distance cycling trips is packing light, that means at most two of everything so there is room in the backpack for really impt things like protein powder:) More on that subject and travel nutrition tomorrow.
The Low Bar Back Squat is characterised by a lower barbell position on the back of your shoulders and results in a stronger forward lean and allows you to lift heavier loads, due to a shorter lever between barbell and center of mass, more engagement of the posterior chain and less distance travelled of the barbell.
One more reason, why you can lift heavier loads in a Low Bar Back Squat is the fact, that due to the stronger forward lean, you travel less distance, which results in you being able to use heavier loads.
The trap bar can make you lift more weight, faster lifting, and be able to travel in short distance.
Just as would be the case during any other time of year, fruits and veggies that are in season where you live travel shorter distances, are more fresh, and just taste better.
As global communication and travel becomes easier and easier traditional long distance relationships are more common.
Airline tickets are also more expensive because of the greater distance to travel for meeting the Russian lady of your choice.
So much more is available to us than never before, travel is affordable and distance is no longer a major barrier to relationships.
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