Sentences with phrase «more doctrinal»

[5] Additional sources include the more doctrinal writings of the founders of the various denominations, and the work of contemporary practitioners of New Thought.
To be more doctrinal means the imparting to the people of a broader, deeper, more carefully thought out, and perhaps a more Christian system of Christian belief.
Our preaching and all that goes with it ought at the same time to be more doctrinal, more biblical, and more functional.
We don't need more doctrinal precision and biblical knowledge, more conferences and programs.
But we must try, for the alternative is only more of the same: more doctrinal statements, more division, and more disunity.

Not exact matches

So this garbage that somehow G - d is more interested in your doctrinal beliefs than how you actually treat your fellow creation (animals included) is bunk.
A movement built on broad - based networks of churches and parachurch organizations will inevitably fragment when it tries to move to more thorough doctrinal statements.
And is marriage really more important than, say, the doctrinal differences between Baptists and Quakers?
The fact is, their behavior is more in line with Christian teachings than their doctrinal understanding.
A story has more transformative power than a doctrinal statement or an ethical code of conduct.
Lutheran theology's antinomian tendency makes it perhaps more vulnerable than the other Reformation traditions in spite of the countervailing forces of its sociology and its doctrinal tradition, although here and there an older methodology, which understands that the Gospel does not negate the commandments, lives side by side with neo-Lutheranism and makes possible at least a tentative no to the likes of the task force.
It wasn't the summer that brought an end to my doubt, but it was the summer I encountered a different Jesus, a Jesus who requires more from me than intellectual assent and emotional allegiance; a Jesus who associated with sinners and infuriated the religious; a Jesus who broke the rules and refused to cast the first stone; a Jesus who gravitated toward sick people and crazy people, homeless people and hopeless people; a Jesus who preferred story to exposition and metaphor to syllogism; a Jesus who answered questions with more questions, and demands for proof with demands for faith... a Jesus who healed each person differently and saved each person differently; a Jesus who had no list of beliefs to check off, no doctrinal statements to sign, no surefire way to tell who was «in» and who was «out»; a Jesus who loved after being betrayed, healed after being hurt, and forgave while being nailed to a tree; a Jesus who asked his disciples to do the same...
Bultmann is basically opposed to it, as are doctrinal theologies of the more open and metaphysical sort, but much traditional theology — Pauline, Augustinian, Lutheran, Calvinistic, Barthian — has significant similarities to it.
Instead, it was often a blend of types — biblical, doctrinal, apologetic, philosophical, practical, aesthetic — focused through one or more topics.
I look at the fruit of people's lives way more now than I do at their signed doctrinal statements.
Catholics had a more centralized administration and policy, formal parish and other jurisdictional boundaries, and, of course, an officially defined and tended doctrinal system.
Catechists should hold more firmly to the doctrinal richness of the Catechism of the Catholic Church... 5.
It means that how we treat one another and what we do for our neighbors matters more than what we write down on our doctrinal statement.
The questions of a doctrinal and historical kind which are raised become more and more complicated and more difficult of access for a simple, universally intelligible official statement of the Church.
More importantly, none of the topics discussed in the pope's book are doctrinal in nature; they are all part of secular mythos that have grown up around Christmas.
As was explained in Chapter Two, the Wahhabi movement was inspired by the teachings of Ibn Taymiyya, the great reformer who sought to save the Muslim world from doctrinal divisive forces so it could be more powerful in withstanding foreign aggression.
«The constant experience of doctrinal disagreements contributed to a Western tendency to make the Christian experience more about ideas than about heart - driven living faith, more what you think than what you do; more assensus than fiducia, more ideas about God than surrender to him.
As important as doctrinal statements are, there is a more excellent way to achieve church unity.
I hope to bring out this point more clearly in the next several posts as I try to draw this series on Doctrinal Statements to a conclusion...
«Unfortunately,» said Pro Mundi Vita of the Vatican's attitude toward the Latin Americans» lay - directed renewal, «the church's efforts have been directed more toward preserving discipline, order and doctrinal purity than the great work and challenge of being evangelical.»
There is, therefore, the serious challenge to meet the demands for more contemporary doctrinal formulations.
Recent revisions of the Wesleyan Theological Society's doctrinal statement reveal a «purifying» process that avoids the characteristic expressions of the «inerrancy» position for vocabulary more at home in its prefundamentalist tradition.
However, the error of doctrinal uniformity continues to plague the church as some groups are more concerned about articulating the errors of one group or another than in rejoicing with others that they share a belief in the same Lord and Savior.
«The most beautiful names of God» that appear in Muslim devotion have been used by Muslim theologians to express God's attributes even though they are more expressions of praise than doctrinal statements.
For a generation or more there has not been a great deal of doctrinal preaching in America.
Clergy were hard - pressed to retain their control over the lay movement and often found themselves advancing doctrinal compromises with the more extreme demands of the laity or, in response to organizational pressures, advancing tentative solutions that turned out to have unintended consequences.
Now the dualistic sin of the Christian church, its original heresy, is that of resurrecting Jesus into the heavens with God in glory and the designation of the church as Christ's mystical body on earth.15 In actuality this doctrinal pronouncement represents a reversal of God's kenotic movement into humanity in Christ's flesh and in his death, for contrary to the spirit of kenotic incarnation, the church has become ever more sacredly apart from the profane, and the resurrected Savior ever more transcendent of the world.
When AMIA leaders talked to me about their departure from the Episcopal Church, they focused more on the doctrinal problems represented by Bishop Spong than on the sexual issues raised by the election of gay bishop V. Gene Robinson.
The Church's doctrinal boundaries began to take on a more definite shape when, in response to the need to determine what falls within and what without the pale of authentic faith, it authorized a canon of Holy Books which it holds to be inspired by the Spirit of Jesus and his God.
In these sections he sets out the purposes of his project, explains his strategy of translation, declares independence from a priori doctrinal and theological constraints, and provides a discussion of his more controversial renderings of key words that, somewhat paradoxically, amounts to an original theology of the New Testament in miniature.
Finally, allow me to ask once more: Are you willing to interact with Greg Schliesmann or myself in the comment threads at your blog or at mine on these important doctrinal discussions?
Furthermore, the doctrinal structure of faith is much more than the «grammar of the Church's narrative»: it is the reality of communion with the Trinity through the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God made Man and the centre of all human history.
Since the founding of ECT more than twenty years ago, Evangelicals and Catholics have learned much from one another and our joint commitment to biblical and doctrinal truth.
Heythrop's overview goes on, «In so far as the formal structure of doctrinal catechesis is not explicit in Our Faith Story, its ecclesial mediation represents a more explicitly «person - centred» approach.»
John L Allen's surmise that Pope Benedict's intention in appointing Cardinal Bertone was to give more emphasis to doctrine was, significantly, confirmed by the Pope himself in a letter to the archdiocese of Genoa, in which he interestingly observed that during his three - year tenure as its archbishop, Cardinal Bertone had demonstrated his value by «combining pastoral care and doctrinal wisdom.»
Even scholars of Christian history often conclude that political and social conflicts really have been more important than doctrinal debates.
Many Soviet parents thought of their children, without irony, as «children of the revolution»; in the West, Communists lived with one foot in society and the other in an incomparably more important world of activism and organization and doctrinal study.
But anathemas and condemnations are more than personal insults; they are assertions of a doctrinal identity that marks one group off from another in a division between right belief and heresy.
The elaborate categories and hierarchies of order that Kuntz propounds are his own, rather than either of theirs, and both philosophers fit into Kuntz's esoteric metaphysical scheme only uncomfortably, at best.14 Far more valuable, in my opinion, are the specific doctrinal, historical, and biographical comparisons that can be drawn between both thinkers, to which Kuntz along the way in the Russell volume contributes a number of valuable additions.
Similarly, other points from doctrinal statements often represent key teachings from Scripture and can help guide our own study into Scripture, keeping us within the doctrinal boundaries of Christians from the past (See The Shape of Sola Scriptura for more on this idea).
In some ways it's more a liturgical matter than a theological one — by modeling a predominantly narratival / typological rather than ahistorical / doctrinal approach to life, I've been able to pack a lot of teaching into relatively few moments.
Now I preach on the weekends, but this slight doctrinal correction allows me to speak as a «visiting missionary» with more of an agenda of outreach and not a denominational crony.
In the next several posts, we are going to see that one way churches can become more loving and less power - hungry and controlling is by discarding their doctrinal statements.
Doctrinal statements, while helpful in many ways, have hindered the spread of the Gospel and harmed the advance of the Kingdom almost more than anything else in the history of Christianity.
They see within the Church's propensity to confess what it believes to be an absolute imperative, and, what's more, the Church's doctrinal confessions DO present some sort of authoritative text for the believer.
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