Sentences with phrase «more dogs at auction»

«Generally, you are just giving the mill operators more money to purchase and breed more dogs at auction.

Not exact matches

This is about female dogs that will be sold at auction when they fail to produce profitably any more, when many have lost their teeth, fur and even eyes by the ripe old age of six.
The dogs sold at auction above were sold to other breeders who will continue the cycle of repeated breeding for more years.
The kennel owners will take that money that is paid to buy a dog at auction and use it to buy more dogs and perpetuate the cycle of misery.
Boston Terrier Rescue Net supports the American Kennel Club's stance against the purchase of dogs at auctions for resale and does not pro... Read more
She commented that the dog could be sold online for more than the dogs were going for at this auction.
Animal - welfare groups, including the ASPCA, HSUS, say rescuers are misguided in buying dogs at auction because the money they pay only encourages more breeding on a commercial scale.
At the Missouri auction site, they found more than 600 dogs, most of them in wire cages the size of rabbit hutches, stacked three cages high.
Some critics of rescue buying of breeding stock at auction argue that the entire practice of selling breeding stock to rescues is a fraud, because puppy mills can just hold some puppies back when they want more breeding stock, so they have no need to buy breeder dogs at auction.
Reciprocally, auctioneers seek more dogs of those breeds to offer at auctions.
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