Sentences with phrase «more drugs»

As a result, there's no way to tell whether the children were at higher risk because their mothers were taking more drugs or because the women had more severe depression.
That kind of experience, plus the availability of more drugs and approaches through clinical trial participation, can be essential in defining a chemotherapy treatment plan that has the best chance of success.
It took me years to realize that they just want us to be afraid of being liable and sell more drugs to our clients and patients.
The unknown benefits of many more drugs are just waiting to be discovered, he says.
That company said it expects though sales growth to rise at a faster pace as more drugs under development get to market.
I am so bad about not getting more drug store stuff, I always only go expensive and it is well, expensive!
They put you on more drugs charging you an arm and leg for it.
She also says she plans to grow the special investigation unit to include more drug details and gun investigations.
In addition, they wish to see more drug options and an increase in competition among pharmaceutical companies.
Diabetes management has come a long way in recent years thanks to a flurry of research, more drug options, advances in home glucose monitoring, and in many cases earlier diagnosis.
We work with drug addicts and one side of our family has more drug addicts than we can count.
When the brain is altered by drug use, it requires more drugs just to function at a basic level.
* Far more drugs have gone to market with critical safety data kept secret.
He uses his position to buy more drugs which all the more make his life miserable together with his girlfriend.
Even after controlling for community context, there is significantly more drug use among children who do not live with their mother and father.
The hospital offered me way more drugs than I wanted and a few times they attempted to start an IV without telling me what was in it.
Nearly a quarter (23 percent) had claims for 10 or more drug classes.
You make one more drug deal with that idiot fucking cop magnet of a cousin of yours, and I'll forget your grandmother was so nice to me.
I am currently in the midst of yet another epic Breaking Bad run, so more drugs?
Not only will they have to take more drugs to remove their pain, but this can result in a dangerous addiction.
Sometimes, a guy they thought was their boyfriend got them hooked on drugs so that they have to go «turn tricks» for him just to get more drugs.
The automatic response to drug resistance is to use more drug.
A Shire buy would give it a way into the hemophilia market, as well as more drugs for combatting cancer and other illnesses.
We gave more drugs and started CPR, hoping and praying that we could restart her heart and that the chest compressions wouldn't tear her diaphragm again.
He eventually starts making loads and loads of money shipping weapons to South America while moving even more drugs into the US.
Attempting to add more drugs into the structure makes assembling the final nanoparticle exponentially more difficult.
However, the police department released several other videos from the same day, showing them arresting a man who allegedly had drugs on him, and allegedly finding more drugs in the same yard.
Sharei says he is actively discussing partnerships with more drug companies to develop more ways to engineer cells to fight disease, but he declined to identify which drug companies or which diseases.
Will the Capital Region get to do more drug rehab?
The Governor also discussed the need for more drug treatment and cracking down on drug dealers in order to address Indiana's meth and heroin problems.
A team of researchers found that D.C. - based health care providers who got gifts — including cash, meals and ownership interests — from pharmaceutical companies prescribed more drugs per patient, wrote more expensive prescriptions and were more likely to recommend brand names.
Mr Coaker added: «I believe it is vital that we focus our energies on tackling drugs supply, getting more drug users into treatment and educating young people about the dangers of drugs.»
And if more drug makers and insurance companies join in on a movement to price medicines based on how effective they actually are for patients, Loncar says, the U.S. could see not just a new frontier in science, but a «new era in how we pay for cancer therapies.»
While there traditionally hasn't been a lot of options for people with multiple myeloma, the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation has been successful at bringing more drugs to market, by far, than any other cancer organization.
Gibson had just circled the exhibition building, chatting with a town judge about the need for more drug rehab beds and buying half a pound of fudge for his wife, Mary Jo, and their three children.
There were more drugged driving arrests here than there were in New York City (357) or the lower Hudson Valley (232), Sen. Schumer reported.
Think «Goodfellas», minus most of the murder and F - bombs, and add lots more drugs.
Telling the story of Jordan Belfort, a young Wall Street broker that gets involved in drugs, money, and even more drugs during the 80's and 90's.
However, if the concern is for the baby's merely getting exposed to a drug, say an antidepressant, then the baby is getting exposed to much more drug at a more sensitive time during pregnancy than during breastfeeding.
This is why we are supporting General Barry McCaffrey's $ 50 million dollar effort to put many more drug prevention counselors in middle school.
More recently, strains of tuberculosis have emerged that are resistant not only to front - line antibiotics, but also to one or more drugs within each of the two most important classes of second - line drugs — broad - spectrum antibiotics called fluoroquinolones, and injectable agents (amikacin, capreomycin and kanamycin).
I buy most of my makeup from Sephora out of habit but I really should incorporate more drug store beauty products into my makeup bag.
They ingest more drugs than seems humanly possible, sell worthless stocks to anyone they can get on the phone, paw at every woman that comes near with a kind of slobbering, animalistic desperation, and (spoiler alert) more or less get away with it.
When it comes to Alzheimer's, there are more drug failures than successes.
They explained that while the C580Y mutation does not necessarily make the parasite more drug - resistant, it does have other qualities that make it more risky - notably it appears to be fitter, more transmissible and able to spreading more widely.
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