Sentences with phrase «more echo chamber»

«To enable... meaningful conversations» reflects Facebook's tacit understanding that its platform is more echo chamber than discovery mechanism.

Not exact matches

We don't want to make the amateur mistake of getting caught in an echo chamber, such as: Just because you watched one horror title, slapping in front of you nothing but more horror titles.»
Which is more condescending, David, to believe that everyone who disagrees with you is going to hell (a deserves torture for eternity) or to call someone for their self - righteous proselyting ignorance due to a habit of living in an echo chamber?
Liberals and conservatives who want more for the public square than echo chambers and outrage factories should hope that Maajid Nawaz wins his lawsuit, and that the SPLC learns a costly lesson about bearing false witness.
We can choose now to retreat once again into those echo chambers or begin to listen more attentively to one another — to love our neighbors by learning about them and their needs and perspectives whether black, white, Asian, or Latino / a; whether Christian, Muslim, or none; whether upper, middle, or working class; whether voter or one of the nearly half of eligible voters that sat out this election.
Yes we may live in a «coastal elite» echo chamber / bubble but our bubble is much larger, more colourful, and way more inclusive than the bubble of people who live in similar situations to what you described.
And more AOB echo chamber comments to follow...
Dutch nailed it, I tire of echo chambers, and you guys are far more knowledgeable about basketball than my Wolverine brethren.
What's more, given the plurality of places they get information, how could they get stuck in an echo chamber?
The more I read about echo chambers the more I realise how much more research needs to be done.
Yandik, as repeatedly demonstrated in this primary, has been little more than an echo chamber.
In the online echo chamber, however, it was something more sinister: the beginning of a coup ordered by President Barack Obama.
Overall, after leaving their echo chambers, Republicans became substantially more conservative, and Democrats became slightly more liberal.
Existing research shows that being in an echo chamber can make people more gullible about accepting unverified rumors.
And their answers enable scientists to learn more about the existence and size of echo chambers — groups of people who share the same opinions — among voters for different candidates.
The more media outlets people used, the more they tended to avoid echo chambers.
Facebook is more than just an online «echo chamber» in which users just repeat views that match their own, according to a new study from the social network's own data team.
I take issue with his ideological selective bias, it creates an echo chamber on this web site that is more like a religion then science.
In an election season, consumers may be more tempted to stay within their media «echo chambers
As they fill their pages and our screens with opinion and cater more and more to their own echo - chamber subscribers and viewers, it becomes ever harder to get the «straight story.»
On top of that, the net impact of the increasingly frictionless online market for text, the echo chamber of net - based media and the ever more rapid turnover of hotness means that the demand for hot things is more squished than ever into a taller, narrower peak.
Remember, those of us reading this blog are in a bit of an echo chamber — we are more passionate and informed about this than the average traveler.
If the digital world's algorithmically protected echo chambers let people constantly slink back to a state of unexamined outrage, Piper's artwork is needed more than ever for its ability to leave us seized with self - doubt.
In the art world, an internet echo chamber promotes writers who do little more than restate press releases and previous reviews.2
More likely, we're seeing the explosive evolution of the blogosphere as a disruptive force, linked up the chain to talk radio and pundits and creating an echo chamber in which noise can swamp information.
in other words the echo chamber effect is more a byproduct of the mechanism rather than an explanation of the mechanism itself
They inevitably appear to be the collective judgment of numerous well - informed observers and sources, but frequently they are little more than the massive repetition of a few sample points of opinion across the echo - chamber of the professional news media and the blogosphere.
I'm looking for a moderator, to work with me to try and ensure this blog is more than an echo chamber for scepticism, but also a place that can nurture the best from different perspectives.
Continuing to deny what is becoming more and more obvious might seem OK within a carefully constructed echo chamber, but this chamber is crumbling as the facts come out.
I think you would agree that there is nothing more boring than an echo chamber comments section.
But advocates of tech for A2J have long seemed to exist in their own echo chamber, with more mainstream segments of the legal community deaf to their message.
He draws distinctions between statistical groups (Surowiecki's Wisdom of Crowds) and deliberating groups (where positions can become more entrenched through things like information cocooning and the echo chambers of thought created by homogenous cognitive models).
Overall, after leaving their echo chambers, Republicans became substantially more conservative, and Democrats became slightly more liberal.
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