Sentences with phrase «more effect»

The rock will have much more effect on the pond than on the ocean.
You may choose a sparkling one for more effect.
A final takeaway from the K - 12 graphic is that educators have much more effect when they connect with what's going on with students outside school.
For even more effect your title should include one of your keywords.
To give more effect to the classical western feel, the developers have introduced the more blood and over-the-top characters.
Each outfit and weapon then has modification slots, allowing you to add more effects on top of their base stats.
Interestingly — but not all that surprisingly — the addition of whey was even more effect when the subjects also practiced resistance training.
There are 10 different sound profiles to choose from along with two extra... MORE effects per profile to add richness.
They are extremely important for a healthy gut, which we are learning more and more effects virtually everything else about our health.
You need to give it more time and reps to feel more effects.
More effects exist, but we simply have not studied them sufficiently to expose all of the issues.
If we could make a dent in one district, it would have more effect nationally than me flying around and creating little charter schools everywhere.
Each manga publisher has their own website and while they all stand to serve generally the same purpose, they all do it a little differently and some with more effect than others.
VIDEO: Video suffers from the same dull, flat picture, but you're granted a few more effects to play with.
Choose the type of yoga you like There are many types of yoga though, some of them will suit better before getting in the water, whereas others have more effect after.
A push from one direction has more effect on someone who is being simultaneously pulled from the other direction.
The smartphone does have a thin bezel at the bottom, but otherwise the display extends all the way to the top and neatly wraps around the front camera for more effect.
To give more effect and accountability to my Reports, I consider it appropriate that the Australian Government should be required to provide a formal response to my reports.
A great resume will open the doors and a compelling cover letter can add more effect to it, because it is an important part of your employment process.
In fact, research has shown that pan evaporation can decrease because surrounding evaporation increases, making the pan evaporation more an effect of atmospheric water budgets and contents than irradiance.
Given such low penetrance, this CO2 radiation will be much more effected by mist, spray and foam, and should more directly impact evaporation than radiation which penetrates 10s of meters.
This very old, very consistent country has far more effect on the character of those who inhabit it than they do upon it, although the changes they do bring - to food, culture and general vitality - are very welcome.
All the evidence suggests that boosting household disposable incomes has way more effect on demand than QE.
(That's also a clear example of how more effects don't necessarily lead to better - looking movies.)
And we've seen more effects on this quite honestly.»
The earth is a mere atom on a grand scale and any event happening on earth no more effects anything else the same way a fly that flapped its wings1 billion years ago has no effect on you now.
And one more effect Welbeck's come back will have is the fact that most of our players play better when they are not certain of the place, in this statement I am referring to Giroud and Walcott, they will start scoring again now that we have so many options both on the wing and at the CF.
Being honest I had completely forgot about some of the losses we had until thinking about it now, which I guess shows that time carries on and you heal, but I'll say the «oh crap» existential crisis now is realizing that the likely window of time where I'm having kids is almost decidedly nailed shut is also proving to be a bit more effecting than I thought it'd be.
Who is going to be more effected tomorrow, Ozil and Sanchez or Wenger and the board?
This fatigues issue have more effect at EPL than other league in this world.
«We believe that a better understanding of the neural systems mediating this critical ability will help clinicians design more effect treatments to help individuals who have difficulty with flexible behaviors in daily life, particularly those with autism.»
At each segment of the panda's path, more effects register, if one looks for them.
There are superb performances sprinkled throughout the film, none more effecting than Oscar nominee Ellen Burstyn (Interstellar).
There are other approaches to the development of self - regulation that are likely to prove more effecting than those pursued by KIPP and other schools emphasizing character development, but these are unconventional, at least by current education standards.
By utilizing the science of learning, we create more effect learning interventions, we waste less time and money on ineffective practices and learning myths, we better help our learners, and we better support our organizations.
It has much more effect before you have your book written so you can launch with a bigger bang, but you can still increase your book sales if the book has already been published.
Payments are flat over the course of the life of the mortgage to pay off the interest and a little bit of the capital, the flat payments have more effect towards the end of the mortgage as the outstanding balance gets smaller.
Again, it is understood that Pinball FX3 features a whole new version of the engine that produces more effects, but if one had to choose between visual effects and performance... performance should have been a higher priority for the Switch release, and this is but the only shadow cast over this particular release which is otherwise pretty flawless.
If one is feeling adventurous, all of the channels get their own tool, but 128 or more effects whizzing around the room at once is likely to make an audience confused or worse.
It is superior (and cheaper) than The Great Leveller as it covers more effects.
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