Sentences with phrase «more effective dialogue»

Climate Science for Serving Society: Research, Modeling and Prediction Priorities fosters a more effective dialogue between the climate information and knowledge developers — the research community — and decision makers who must respond to difficult adaptation, mitigation and risk management issues.
In order to increase collaboration from industry, recommendations were made to use ships as platforms of opportunity to monitor the presence of whales, and to create feedback loops that foster more effective dialogue between NOAA managers and the shipping industry on the industry's response to seasonal notices.

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Acting on this interest in expanded dialogue between Canadian millennials and our peers in Asia will provide us with the types of soft skills that will make us more effective learners in the classroom, better negotiators in the workplace, and more informed citizens.
I won't spoil it, but the dialogue that Edgar does have in the film becomes so much more effective because there's so little of it.
The on - set dialogue and occasional overdubs are clear and recognizable from one another, but sound effects, including noises from Belial, have much more fidelity to them and are the most effective aspect of the track as a whole.
AR field trips are just the beginning of learning with smart machines in ways that blend online with real - world learning: fitness sensors that prompt activity, digital tools that support more effective team collaboration, real - time translation that kindles cross-cultural dialogue, robotic toys that spur computational thinking, and mobile apps that promote and analyze print reading.
During the next two weeks, while Congress is on spring break, PAA members will reach out to their Senators and Congressmen in their home offices to share our views, talk about the reforms needed to improve our children's schools, and open up a positive dialogue between lawmakers and parents, who have the most at stake in stronger, more effective federal education policies.
Through these dialogues, students began to attribute fewer successes or failures to ability and more to level of effort and the implementation of effective strategies.
This transformation may be advanced through more dialogue within the publications on effective practices for infusing technology into social studies education programs.
School officials are tasked with the application of state rules on opting out, but engaging parents in a more personal dialogue can be an effective compliance tool.
Instead, creating a dialogue with parents, re-engaging students with school, and making the experience in the classroom more appealing are more effective techniques.
These are especially effective when giving feedback from an assessed piece of work and allow for a more free - flowing, two - way dialogue.
Good developmental editors look for opportunities to increase a story's impact, to make scenes more powerful and dialogue more effective, to create multidimensional characters, to build in the kinds of tension that keep readers turning pages and the kinds of resolution that leave them satisfied.
«Our goals are to bring together both researchers and animal welfare and control professionals, to offer a safe place for open dialogue, to translate the analyzed data outcomes so that they can be used to improve or create shelter programs, and to offer effective alternatives to continue on the path to save more lives,» said Pamela Burns, chair of the NCPP board of directors.
There's no dialogue to speak of but the sounds of the island in conjunction with the crumbling remains tell their own story in a way that, to me, is much more effective and satisfying to decipher than a few exposition filled cutscenes.
Such are the ways of Hotline Miami, a game that merges fairly traditional game elements - running, shooting, snippets of dialogue, high scores - in incredibly gratifying, effective ways that make it more than a summation of its sublime parts.
It would have been much better to have more cutscenes with in - game models rather than static backgrounds and character drawings, but the dialogue scenes are still effective none - the-less.
After all, being aware of the possibility of it (NVCD), or the near - justification of it, and the growing dialogue about it, is important context as people contemplate the urgent importance of making the conventional approaches much more effective, and fast.
A single look can build trust and facilitate more effective communication and open dialogue.
I'd like to give couples 3 effective steps to help them be able to diffuse conflicts in their relationships, and have a more positive and emotionally connecting dialogue, that brings them closer to each other.
It was developed as an alternative to more traditional methods of couples therapy and is based on facilitating effective dialogue.
The Professional Facilitator program is to help professionals in a broad range of fields to become more effective at creating stronger and more productive relationships through facilitating the Imago dialogue.
to address the issues that hinder more effective school health, including encouraging dialogue and endorsement by health and education officials, and building capacity and advancing knowledge in low - and middle - income countries.
Mobilizing the community through dialogue to radically reduce the number of adverse childhood experiences while building resilience and a more effective service delivery system.
The IMAGO Dialogue is by far the most effective communication skill for couples, and IMAGO Therapy and / or the IMAGO Workshop teaches partners how to become competent and then skilled with it, which will transform the Power Struggle, so you can repair faster, avoid conflict better, and spend more time in the more mature, lasting, and more deeply fulfilling stage of Real Love.
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