Sentences with phrase «more egregious cases»

[Response: While I might agree that it is quite disingenuous of Pielke to complain here, but not in previous much more egregious cases, that doesn't mean that he is wrong.
While I might agree that it is quite disingenuous of Pielke to complain here, but not in previous much more egregious cases, that doesn't mean that he is wrong.

Not exact matches

A reckoning may be coming for many more such projects, but Centra's case seems particularly egregious.
«Even where New York Courts have suspended attorneys for substantial periods of time, those cases involve more egregious and ongoing acts of misconduct, as opposed to Mr. Grimm's isolated and singular conviction,» his attorney Annette Hasapidis said in the Manhattan federal court filing from earlier this month.
Did you notice that the bank bailout (TARP), which included a lot more than banks, was one of the most egregious cases of socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor in our nation's history?
Anyhoo, did you notice that the bank bailout (TARP), which included a lot more than banks, was one of the most egregious cases of socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor in our nation's history?
The BBC's campaign for Jarvis is even more egregious and pernicious than its campaign for Jess Phillips, who entered Parliament a mere eight months ago and who is in any case only 34.
When this movie violates its own case and crosses into the Grand Guignol - for example, the close - ups of the skin flying off a woman's back as she's whipped - the excess feels much more egregious than if a bad movie did the same.
Incidents of rabid machismo accumulate at the mine (as to be expected, though, the offenses detailed in the actual case are considerably more egregious), with the initial salvos against the women taken in stride until the writing - with - excrement on the wall and the tipping of portable toilets becomes epidemic, pushing noble Josie to the stand.
If anything, The Crucifixion is an even more egregious misfire than other head - spinning stabs at the genre because this movie is actually based on an intriguing, horific real - life case.
Leo Casey, Executive Director of the Albert Shanker Institute and a former vice president of New York's teachers union, suggested that it's about more than just rent: «Eva Moskowitz's schools are a particularly egregious case... every school is co-located and as a co-location, what they get for free is not only the building, the facilities itself, not only the space that's up to code, etc..
As is now the case with Canada's telecom providers, Lawford would have preferred to see the banks prevented from charging paper - bill fees — not to mention more egregious pay - to - pay tactics, such as charging customers $ 1 to $ 2 to make mortgage, loan and credit card payments.
On the other hand he is using «subsample» results, which in some cases are even more meaningless (the most egregious example of which is the subsample of outspoken contrarians in Verheggen et al).
In one of the most egregious cases of not trusting the available wisdom and having to prove it to themselves, the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Grenoble School of Management have published a paper in the International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management concluding that hybrids are only a stop - gap measure which create a risk that more innovative technologies may be disadvantaged by acceptance of the (ultimately) non-sustainable hybrid models.
Unlike that case, and even more egregious because of it, Petitioner in this case was not even told that contempt was being considered for his actions.
In more than 100 cases since 1980, Massachusetts courts of appeal have thrown out criminal convictions based on prosecutorial improprieties, and in 20 of those cases they have used the words «egregious» or «misconduct» or both to describe impropriety.
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