Sentences with phrase «more engaged»

«We found that children whose fathers were more engaged in the interactions had better outcomes, with fewer subsequent behavioural problems,» explains Dr Ramchandani.
According to research done by Rijt and Plooij, authors of Wonder Weeks, your baby is becoming more engaged in the world around him.
A well - rested parent is a more engaged parent, who is much better able to parent with love and patience.
I have noticed that Baby N is more engaged with a toy when it is activity - based and challenges him in some way, either to use his cognitive ability, memory, creativity or motor skills.
Babies are happier, more alert and more engaged if sleeping well.
Research shows that babies who feel their parents, particularly their mother, is in tune with what they need grow up to be less stressed as teenagers and adults and more engaged in their community.
I may not be able to save you from the pain of stepping on Legos barefoot, but I'm here to share some simple tips that work for us to minimize toy clutter AND to keep kids more engaged in the toys they have.
The small, attachable device is essential in learning how to best position your nipple within the shield and also gives you the ability to be hands free and manually massage the breast to activate those milk glands that you notice are not producing, all while being more engaged in the process and maximizing your milk streams.
Teaching ASL helps students become more engaged through cognitive and whole - body learning.
For many individuals a vibrating toy can awaken them and provide a more engaged response.
No one works harder, puts in more time and is more engaged in trying to make parents aware of the dangers that children may be exposed to while playing sports.
While students doing more hours of homework in the Challenge Success research seemed to be more engaged in school, they also suffered from physical health problems, sleep deprivation and a lack of balance in their lives, she said.
He is a happier child and I am a well - rested and more engaged mother because of this.
Today's fathers are more engaged and passionate about parenting than ever before.
But in a world where even Prince William and Kate Middleton are sitting down for counseling before the big day, should more engaged couples be considering a marriage counselor as part of the wedding planning process?
And how can you help your child become more engaged in the toys you already have?
Seeing how food is grown, the work that has to go into growing the vegetables / fruits and how you should take care of them can help kids to be more engaged with eating them.
Focusing our attention pn them when we have conversations with them, for example, is another way to be more engaged.
Healthy children also have fewer school absences, are more engaged in their studies and quite possibly will behave better.
Instead of going into a crowded cafeteria where they may or may not have time to eat, they can go to their classroom, take time to actually eat their breakfast, and as a result become more engaged in the morning lessons.
Research confirms that all kinds of positive outcomes result from autonomy - supportive parenting: Teens learn better and do better in school, they are more engaged, and they persist harder if the face of difficulty.
Our analysis suggests that both the higher incomes and the more engaged parenting of married parents count for a good deal.
• Better educated fathers are found to spend more time with their children (Flouri, 2005; Yeung et al, 2001) BUT are not necessarily more engaged in childcare.
In both instances, students arrived noticeably better prepared and more engaged.
We believe that when parents learn together about the importance of a balanced life, communities become stronger, families prioritize well - being, and kids are healthier and more engaged in school.
What I would like to see is him be more engaged in plays where he doesn't get the ball.
He was much more engaged, passing was better, and seemed like a real threat.
Dan is Senior Strategy Director at Purpose, where he helps non-profit organizations build more engaged communities of supporters.
We know that embracing the inherent differences in our people will result in an inclusive workplace which is an enabler for innovation, effective decision making and ultimately a more engaged and productive workforce.
«At Woolworths» supplier awards last night everyone says they just feel a different buzz when they come to Woolworths now — we're a bit more open, a bit more engaged, hopefully we're a bit more human, a bit more authentic.
The pivot also means becoming more engaged in the production challenges of the key markets, as exemplified by Rockwell's experience with new customer Kraft Heinz's ORE - IDA (a leading North American French fry brand).
«The world is getting smaller, consumers are more engaged and we're having way more fun.
I felt much more engaged with my family and my surroundings by unplugging myself from the virtual world.
In the public square and at the ballot box, we must be more engaged, not less.
As a result, my children will see the world with different eyes and a different heart and they will be more engaged.
Conservative Protestant men are more engaged with their children, more affectionate and expressive toward them, more likely to praise and hug both their children and their wives, more likely to know their children's whereabouts, and more likely to supervise their television time.
I can't claim that my list reflects comprehensive knowledge of the current book market, or even my own reading from 2012, which as per usual was more engaged with older books, but it seems unusual enough to be worth sharing.
More generally, we see that the use of cosmetic neurology and cosmetic surgery so far is mostly about making oneself look younger and smarter, feel more positive, be more engaged and engaging, think more clearly, and remember more precisely.
Even religious skeptics (atheists, agnostics and unaffiliated) at 36 percent were substantially more engaged as of February.
In a 2014 survey by the Evangelical Alliance, nearly a third of evangelicals said they were more engaged in politics than five years prior.
The second reason why women must get more engaged in this discourse is because they have something radically new to offer — a new way of understanding society, of human relationships and even of being church.
Even religious skeptics (atheists, agnostics and unaffiliated) at 36 percent were substantially more engaged in the race than evangelicals.
I felt more alive, more engaged with my life, in every way.
We're here to bring people together to get everyone more engaged in becoming the best country we can be, and that can happen within the political system or outside of it.
«Could this be the generation that's more engaged with God than any other generation in history?»
Daniel Zhang, CEO of Alibaba Group, said, «We are seeing the integration of e-commerce with traditional commerce where consumers are able to enjoy a more engaged, omni - channel and seamless shopping experience.
You want a quality list of prospective customers and engaged users above all; that unsubscriber who isn't interested in ever purchasing from you isn't your loss, it simply helps you keep a more engaged subscriber base, and better tailor your content.
When employees know their time is valued and respected, they become more engaged, which affects the company's bottom line.
As your lead becomes more engaged in the content and opts to download additional offers, start to introduce them to your product or service.
You're better off teaching your customers how to use your product — spending time, as services like Facebook and Amazon do, to get users to supply more personal information and make them more engaged — than chasing some new person who doesn't really care.
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