Sentences with phrase «more exact measure»

A more exact measure of carbon footprint wanted While Krupp is a presence for environmental groups, the panel has come under fire from some for being too heavily weighted toward gas industry interests.

Not exact matches

While there is a «magic factor» to getting a cover story in the New York Times or Forbes — which can change the trajectory of a business and is hard to quantify in terms of exact impact — PR professionals can and must think of creative ways to measure outcomes in a more quantitative way.
I just drizzle it on so I'm not one hundred percent sure of the exact amount, but probably if you were measuring it would be about 1/2 a tablespoon — you can always try this, taste it and add more if you like
I'll measure it out next time I make it... but you don't need to be exact, you could always make more of the chocolate sauce if you feel it didn't coat the leaves enough.
Rather than do the responsible thing, which would be to do further research and come up with more exact proportions for the different spices, I grabbed a quarter teaspoon measure and spooned out the exact same amount of every spice.
But for party finance reform more generally, the asymmetric effects of these changes are such that a future Labour or Labour - led government may exact some form of «revenge», either though excessively partisan measures or through a root and branch reform of party finance regardless of any opposition from the Conservative Party.
U.S. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer fought back tears while standing with already relocated refugees, while the more measured Gov. Andrew Cuomo did not mention the president directly but said «this is the exact opposite of what I believe.»
The European Gaia mission, which is currently underway, was designed to measure the exact location of more than one billion stars, mostly in our own galaxy.
Researchers used a new, more exact tool to measure the levels of particulate matter in smaller slices of time, based on pollution at the family's address during pregnancy.
To definitively say that the birds are drafting off each other, however, the exact location of the eddies and the areas of downdraft would need to be measured on ibises, which would require flying them in a wind tunnel — a far more intrusive process than simply carrying a data logger.
The researchers — who examined data on more than 8,000 children up to age 14 — did find that breast - feeding was linked to a reduced risk of obesity and hyperactivity and measures of higher intelligence, but that breast advantage evaporated once they looked at families where one child was breast - fed and one wasn't (my exact situation — my older son got the breast while the younger one had to settle for formula because I had low supply).
Water vapor is more difficult to measure than the other greenhouse gases and scientists are uncertain as to the exact part that it plays in global warming.
Then there are the much more accurate and comprehensive satellite measurement systems, RSS / UAH, which measure 24/7 the average temperature of every cubic inch of the lower troposphere — the exact place where global warming is meant to occur, according to the theory.
Costs awards should reflect more what the court views as a fair and reasonable amount that should be paid by the unsuccessful parties, rather than any exact measure of the actual costs to the successful litigant.
While measuring at the meter is more accurate than reading the label and running a guesstimate calculation, it still only shows us the power consumption at that exact second in time (albeit more accurately if you have a digital meter and a high tolerance for standing at the side of your house counting to yourself).
If you email me directly with the exact dimensions of your sofa, I will measure my sofa slipcover, which is the IKEA Ektorp (on my PB Basic sofa, which is a PERFECT FIT), to see if it would work... your dimensions should be the exact same as mine, but your cushions should fit a little more snugly because of the feather / down wrap.
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